Can any americucks care to explain why you always have to be so loud? Every fucking time someone's talking loud I automatically know they are American. This deepshits right here are shitposting irl talking about conspiracies and ""politics"" and now also about some jelly up someone's ass. How do you live in the USA with all these yelling? I know now why half of you are cringy and over-edgy psychopaths who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. There's plenty of people from all around the world here where I live but not many Americans and still every time I see one he/she it's talking shit about someone out loud. I'm not angry with you but you guys are really something let me tell you.
Can any americucks care to explain why you always have to be so loud...
Have you thought that it may just be that one dumb chunt?
No because when I go out on weekends it's always the Americans who are wasted and yelling.
he has a point u know
It's an habit. American used to being forced to speak louder to bury the noise black people make by chimping out in the distance.
Because us men still have our nuts here in the USA. Sorry we haven't started on your estrogen and Muslim cock diet to pussify ourselves.
Maybe if y'all were louder, you wouldn't be losing your country/women to shitskins.
It's the politicians fault and besides it's called strategy and planning for the future u retard. Not something you would
Know much about since your country is disappearing in the next 50 years.
They're louder then us sometimes, that's quite a feat
I know a guy whos been here forty years and still hasnt adapted. I was in a bookshop one day and hes right at the other end deafening all the customers blathering on about windsurfing or something.
this tbqh
There are a few different theories about this. The one that I subscribe to is that America has been heavily negrified, white Americans behave more like negroes than Europeans oftentimes. This would account for their loud and aggressive stupidity.
mohammed, be more assertive
do you hide when your hear a yank talking,hans?
what a cuck
100% this. Have you tried to have a conversation around blacks? I literally have to scream at my friends so that they can hear me.
small, petite, skinny = quiet
fat, big, mass = loud
>Maybe if y'all were louder, you wouldn't be losing your country/women to shitskins.
Projecting your voice and making sure you're heard above all else is alpha behavior. No surprise that the beta cucks on this board find it annoying or strange.
>tfw black people have become ambient noise
Spotted the nigger
>start American ASMR channel
>it's just niggers chimping out
Hans is right, makes me cringe when everyone around me is talking like a deaf person trying to hear themselves
Italians are pretty loud, tied first with Americans
Lol that's retarded and only applies in a world were strength is everything. in today's society you can go out and scream like a retard all you want no one is going to take you seriously. We, here in Europe, live in a civilized world and have something called etiquette in pretty sure you can't even pronounce that you fat amerilard.
At least we aren't as bad as the Chinese. They are single handily the worst tourists.
Can't deny that I fall into this stereotype. I'm loud as fuck, and don't even wanna be. Sorry rest of the world.
SeeWe became accustomed to having to talk over the kangz, now everywhere we go outside of america, we the kangz
Yeah, I've heard skinnyfat faggots say nearly the exact same thing about working out and being physically fit. "It's da modern world who cares lol"
Meanwhile, they're either incapable of getting laid or their gold-digging "partner" is fucking behind their back, sometimes with consent.
This is true. I am loud. I really just don't care if others are listening to my conversation or not, I really don't. I care about more important things like the potential destruction of my nation due to corruption, as opposed to the decimal at which people speak. I recommend you get annoyed by more significant things, Hans.
You got sensitive ears little girl? Maybe thats why germany lost. You guys are just a bunch of little girls. Little crybaby pee pants
>sometimes with consent
It's every time nigger get your facts straight
French are worse
it's not Americans that do this, it's blacks; they can be talking face to face and you can hear them from space.
>US mostly of European descent.
>why amerigans so loud?
look at the source
>Italians are the loudest
90% of American posts:
>muh 13% nigger population commits 50% of crimes
>muh muslims raping Europe
>muh feminists aborting muh babies
>muh leftists ruining the country
Everything you do is complain. Who is the little girl now?
You should probably stop posting now
Yeah because fuck society I don't give a shit about my citizens. And then you call yourself natsoc.
I talk loudly because I fucked despise people who mumble or talk really quietly like timid faggots to the point where I can't even understand what they're saying.
Our generation is literally losing the ability to fucking speak clearly, it's infuriating trying to hold a conversation with someone who keeps lowering the volume of their voice to the point where I need to be touching them to hear them.
But when niggers do it it's not alpha behaviour?
I fucking hate it when I am in an argument with an American and he chimps out when I present a rebuttal.
Talking loud =/= not giving a shit about citizens
Maybe you shouldn't be such a soft-spoken cuck and put some passion into your conversations. You lack testicular fortitude.
Germans are so polite and quiet they let Muslims walk all over them. We are loud and proud. Typical alpha behavior. Only natural for a beta cuck nation like Germany to be offended by literally everything. Did Americans offend you because we are socially and speak up? Get mad while all the German women are looking for an American Chad to fuck at the bar.
leaf on fire today
Must be them niggers then
I don't know how you deduct I mumble like an autist but still, if everyone is yelling there's sound pollution and it's really a thing and it really lowers the quality of life on that area so yeah, you are a doichebag desu
Where I live American girls are all sluts and literally anyone can take them. I even saw once a guy from
Hong Kong with heavy autism picking up an American slut. They are so easy that the only thing one has to do here to get laid is go out to an American bar at night and BAM, you get laid.
I never said anything about niggers one way or the other you stupid fucking kraut.
Fuck americans.
How about you answer my question and post your opinion to my statement?
>passive aggressive nazi complains about loud, confident americans
>it really lowers the quality of life
No it doesn't.
Also, it depends about what people are getting worked up about, doesn't it?
If people are having an intense, loud discussion about what materials should be used for the space elevator, then outstanding.
If they're yelling about what their favorite item on the McDonald's menu is, then yes, they need to shut up.
But either way, you're another autistic German cuck who can't handle loud noises. A "man" with no sense of identity and no testicular fortitude.
Because Fuck you, that's why.
wow, rude
>loud = confident
That's exactly the opposite. If you are confident you don't have to be yelling for everyone to hear you. You're all a bunch of insecure fags with identity issues because you think you are Europeans but deep down you know you are just a bunch of mixed ethnicities with no aryan blood.
Yes, it is alpha behavior when niggers do that. What is your point even supposed to be? Alpha behavior can be seen in various animal species.
Or maybe we just don't give a fuck about hurting your delicate precious little honey baby ears?
Europeans secretly wishing they lived in america instead of refugee ass rape land
Germans used to be loud and alpha.
>Posts on image board instead of confronting loud "insecure" americans about their loudness
Shut the fuck up up and suffer in silence pussy. We Americans are a gregarious bunch.
Why are you complaining about burgers when your people hold 'Welcome Rapefugee' signs?
no wonder blonde women crave the BBC
Yup, I'm definitely a nigger. Now show me to where you keep your white women. I haven't raped today and I need to fix that.
Wew lad. It's true our demographics are well on their way to being completely fucked, but let's not try and pretend that Germany isn't trying to race us to the bottom of the barrel while encouraging the rest of Europe do the same.
This leaf gets it.
Haha very ironic. You are so insecure you think Herman blood is special or something. Of it is so special why do you loose every war to a mixed race country??
We think we are American definitely not a European fag Lord who can't even defend himself or own firearms. George Zimmerman a Mexican is more based than you libs.
We are just more childish and friendly.
Nothing wrong with talking openly.
My point is that anyone who speaks loud acts like an animal trying to silence someone else.
It goes completely against the rational way of discussing things.
I see this kind of behaviour on American television very often, someone starts silencing an opponent (who is more or less speaking the truth), eventually wins the audience's favour (clapping ensues) and denies the opposition's right to defend himself.
Now it is true that one could still try to keep speaking up and fight for his point, no matter how much someone tries to silence one, but if two parties participate on the same level of argumentation, then it would just equal to a shouting contest.
Why would I want to argue with someone who can't show the slightest sign of sensibility?
I have travelled extensively and never really noticed the loud American meme in person. Perhaps I'm just used to it.
One thing I have noticed that the Chinese tourists are the worst in every category.
They spit, refuse to wait in lines, try to push you out of the way at every opportunity, and invade your personal space.
We might be loud but at least we aren't Chinese locusts.
>LARPing as an American
Ok spic now go kys please
German men aren't allowed to speak up. They speak softly, mumble and cannot maintain eye contact. Sad.
>said the poor American who's only instance of traveling was visiting his family in Tijuana back in '90
Fuck yeah, that guy sounds awesome
New Yorker here, born and raised. I have a question for the various tourists who visit the city.
Why are Northern European (Germans, Scandinavians, etc) men so meek and autistic? Raised that way? I feel a sense of revulsion whenever I talk to one of them and have to deal with their meek voice and lack of eye contact. I get the urge to intensify the bants just so I could incite more testosterone production. This one guy last week told me he sits down when he pees and I couldn't help but make sure he saw my look of disgust.
Why are Northern European women so fucking easy? Seriously, there was this German girl sitting next to me on the 1 Train and I chatted her up. A minute later I decided feeling her up because she was looking at me with a thirsty look in her eyes after she said she was going home to Frankfurt soon, and she started breathing heavily while I joked about how I was "grabbing you by the pussy like our great President would." Her name was Osina or some weird name...I think she was the one who gave me chlamidya that week (last month when it was warmer than normal).
Why are Southern Europeans so based? I like to play my guitar in public (Union Sq, WSP, subways) and I usually get tips from Italians and Spaniards for some reason. I usually confuse them with Mexicans though kek
Why do East Asians have this retarded look in their eyes? Seriously, I can tell if someone is a FOB or an Asian American by looking at their facial expression and observing whether or not they seem 'vacant.'
Why has every Southern Asian tourist (Indian, Bengali, etc) referred to me as "Sir"? Without fail. It should be a fucking meme.
Why is it that every British tourist as far as I remember has been butt fucking fugly or approaching it?
Why does every Canadian I run across turn out to be a self-hating white guilt feminist?
(my background: Anglo and Native descent...almost no one with my background originally from here in NYC)
Nigger detected
Hes actually dull like so many yanks ive met. Doesnt stop em from droning though.
He is probably white, I've heard monkey culture is very popular with the Americans.
Y'all is the grammatically correct contraction of the words "you" and "all." There is literally nothing incorrect about it.
Get an education faggots.
The irony here is that the only authentic German girl I've known in America who was getting her Master's here refused to date anyone but blacks.
I wish I was making this up because I have German roots, but now I see why my ancestors left.
I remember taking her to a bar with my wife and she was ogling and hitting on every Jamal in sight.
Your country is doomed and this shit is what irks you. Fucking sad.
It's a cultural thing. Louder people are seen as more outgoing and friendly. If you're too quiet you're seen as timid or shy. We're taught to be confident and make ourselves heard. As a consequence, what Europeans see as loud, we see as normal speaking volume.
"Y'all" isn't a negroe thing Hans, it's just a southern thing. Also, some places in New England.
Kill yourself nigger
Negroes say "yous"
What type of degree was she doing a master for?
Are you dumb enough to think you just rebuffed my point?
Like I said before: get a fucking education you filthy degenerate cuck.
Where does it say it's incorrect, and where does it say that primarily blacks use it?
Are you literally retarded or just can't comprehend what you read?
Blacks saw, "yaw"
She was my wife's friend more than mine, my wife tried hard to red-pill her and I actually let her borrow my copy of "Breaking the Spell: Holocaust Myth and Reality" by Nick Kollerstrom. Her cognitive dissonance was too strong to get through more than a few pages, sadly. But at least I tried.
I'm pretty sure she was getting her MBA, although I'm not 100% certain. When she returned to Germany she promptly began dating a Muslim from Tunisia. A few months ago she moved out to him and my wife hasn't heard from her since.
I started saying y'all recently because it's a great way to sort out who gets pissy the fastest.
What kind of people are you trying to sort out?
We don't respect the meak and being loud is a great way to seem large.
That's because your country is a destination for trash, don't blame us that you only arttract those on your level
In my experience American tourists are just fat and stupid. Loch Ness is literally just a tourist trap for Americans. Asians are the loud ones because they travel in huge groups.