Why did men allow women to ruin society?

Why did men allow women to ruin society?

Men didn't allow anything
Men are worker drones
It was women who chose the physically larger of the drones to breed with
Men usurped women's rightful place as rulers and gods using physical size and strength

What do women do to ruin society?

it's not 'men vs. women' just like it's not black vs. white or 'gay vs. normal'.

It's the people in power, we all know who


And they do it to destabilise western society, so that we fight amongst ourselves, instead of those who really opress us

Do you even know what you're posting about?

>Men usurped women's rightful place as rulers and gods

They wanted pussy. Not even joking

(((They))) told the average westcuck men that if they supported women's rights, immigration and shit like that women would throw their pussies on their faces. But turns out that females saw feminist men as a bunch of beta weaklings, and would never date them.

So now western men doesn't have pussy, nor security, freedom or homogeneity anymore.

All because they wanted to have sex


> Men usurped women's rightful place as rulers
Men aren't allowed to use their abilities not when it comes to women .... yeah wow

Men allowed women to have more responsibilities which grew into giving women control of half of society which grew into what we have today.

Women's suffrage was a mistake.

Read the rise and fall of nations

Avg empire lasts 300 years give or take.

The asencion of women into roles of power always precedes the fall of an empire

Am i the only one who is sort of disgusted by that gigantic masculine jaw of hers?

That's a white woman's jaw


Look up some videos on the Frankfurt School and who is in it.
Look up communism and who created it, who spread it.
They're all Jewish.

After Christianity started to grow exponentially into Europe, Judaism saw itself going the way of the dodo. In anger and frustration the rabbis started to rewrite the old testament, and after several centuries they finished the Talmud. It's littered with anti-white sentiments and outlines the path of the Chosen ones (the Jews), saying that we whites and all other races and phenotypes are to be their slaves, their goyim.
Zionist Jews in particular have a big stiffy for the Talmud and they're responsible for communism, the Frankfurt School, etc.

Seriously. This wouldn't have been a racial thing if (((they))) didn't make it one.

I'd love to know how much longer this shit is going to be dragged out. It's psychological torture. It needs to just collapse so we can start over.

Kys, homo, this is white woman's jaw.
OP seems to be inbred too much for my taste.

Maybe i skipped some thought steps.

OP is implying that society is ruined. My post was just my view on what I think is the cause of this process of ruining

If you want your children to be chinlets, sure

it works on her face for some strange reason. perhaps her other feline features balance out the overall femininity of her face?

>plays world of warmeme
>talks about womens looks
lantern jaws on women are patrician

>this much damage control
Sure thing, faggo.

>that much surgery just to look white
dude stop btfoing your own argument
I heard russians were asian but I didnt take it seriously until this moment

>thinking they have feminine women
Aren't your stock women the squat and wide folk who can pick up cows on one shoulder and drink an orangutan paddy under the table?

>amerifat talking about looks
Aren't you supposed to be sharting in a mart somewhere right now?

Pussy plain and simple

>sees attractive woman
>immediately starts associating her traits to men's
Are you gay, Ivan?

Most feminine until they turn 30, then they go babushka hard and develop the superstrength gene. Or how the meme goes.

arent you supposed to be injecting krokodil into your shriveled dick vein and giving aids to your half-asian children? go plow a field boris

Commies, i.e. Jews.

Looks very plastic.

Same goes to you jimmy, dont reply anymore tho, you have to finish that last batch of meth and sell it to pay for some niggas welfare.

I'm most certainly not, but you are the one who likes mans jawlines.