Why do you guys hate transgendered people?

I don't get it. If a man feels like a woman, isn't it easier to just let him be a her? I don't give a shit about strangers' personal lives, I feel like people should be able to be who they wanna be and do what they want as long as it doesn't infringe on those same rights for anybody else. Why you gotta be up in everyone's business, Sup Forums?

I don't care either
The trans folk I've known have been depressed and suicidal and those who've been interviewed in their later years said turning trans was the worst mistake they'd ever made

I feel like I am special snowflake
now bring me food, 10/10 women and new vidya erryday while I lay in my bed and do nothing because I feel like it

What they do or feel or think is their own business, but when they demand that I participate in their delusion or fetish without my consent, then I have a problem.

Just because it's "easier" doesn't mean it's right you fucking faggot.

I don't care unless they try to use government funds to pay for cutting their dicks off.

Sources on that? From what I've learned from academic sources and secondhand from acquaintances of mine, things got a lot better for them after they started presenting as their internal identity. A lot of that depression comes from being made to live as something you're not, you know? I'm a male biologically and psychologically, but if I was raised as a girl I'd be even more fucked up than I already am. Same goes for MtF people who are expected to conform to male norms in school and such- its traumatizing to them because it just isn't who they are

Your society will literally die if you follow those lines of thinking.

I can see where they're coming from because the way I feel on the inside didn't match the way I looked on the outside. Luckily for me, in my country there is socialised healthcare, so I got it fixed without having to pay a penny. Now I look like the bastard son of Brad Pitt and Robert Redford, which is how I always felt I should look.

You can cross dress and call yourself whatever you want. That's literally your right to do so. But the freedom to do it does NOT equate to automatic validation of your choices by the public. I am free to think you're insane and shun you accordingly, which I will do.

The idea that someone can declare themselves female and then compete in women's sports, go into women's bathrooms and locker rooms, is deranged and I will oppose it until the day I die.

Unless they get rid of sex-specific stuff. Then I'll go back to not caring.

I don't hate them. I don't believe egging on mental illness is altruistic. I don't tell anorexic people that they're fat. I don't tell schizophrenic people that the bus driver is a catholic alien hybrid come to collect their toe nails.
It's horrific that people egg on these individuals to a point that they cut off their genitals. It's torturous and barbaric.

I identify as a Transporter you have to fuck me

they push it on their children.

they don't tell the people they fuck (rape) they're traps.

they are a precedent for normalisation of clear mental illness and paraphelia

they are the product of a society so hedonistic and degenerate that feelings overcome reality.

they are solipsism personified.

I hate them because they are the ones who will help to push for pedophiles. They are already unacceptable, and they'll try to normalize the other unacceptable behavior. They are the allies of the pedophiles just like gays are.

Me either but the live and let live meme ends when they use the state to force other people to use the language they want or force businesses to let them use the bathrooms they want.

Generalizing something into one word and hating it because of word is barbaric and the only barbarians here are those who have the tendency to think Sup Forums is one person.

I will tell you a story:
If Paul sits calmly on a porch with a cup of tea in hand, without any troubles or emotional or mental instability and with a healthy and meaningful life, realizes he loves Jack not because he craves for something physical but because he really enjoys the company of Jack with all his virtues and vices and wants to marry him, and as it turns out that Jack feels the same about Paul, then go fucking ahead, let those two blokes marry.

And perhaps it turns out that Jack is a very emotional and caring person who honestly sees himself as woman, despite the fact that Jack also has a stable and meaningful life as well, then let that couple take the decision after a serious discussion and thinking to make Jack permanently Jacqueline. They can afford it because they have already figured out how to take care of themselves and save money. Paul doesn't care if Jack has a massive cock or a mutated clam, he cares about Jack and Jack cares about him. They can argue and have fights but they are always honest to each other and work things through. They are also always sexually attracted to eachother because they also know amazingly well how to make each other ejaculate. They don't boast about their love for each other but they are proud and happy to be together.

You know, just like it is with any other healthy relationship between a man and a woman for example.

Then we have pic related.

Agreed. That's why they shouldn't get speacial legislation.

>lot of that depression comes from being made to live as something you're not, you know
Those people aren't something other than their birth sex. They ARE their birth sex. Everything else is bullshit, psychosis, and delusion.

If your body grew a dick and balls, it's your brain that told it to. Male humans have a male brain and female humans have a female brain. You can't have it any other way. Trannies have fucked up brains. They've been scammed into thinking "I just want to be [something different]! That's all!" and so they become [something different] but guess what? THEIR BRAIN IS FUCKED UP AND REQUIRES THEM TO THINK I WANT TO BE DIFFERENT THAN THEY ARE! So they are never satisfied.

Cutting off your dick and getting silicon implants and wearing a dress isn't going to change the fuckups in your brain screaming that something isn't right.

They need therapy to cope with it or drugs to stop the psychosis. Not enabling shitbags to try and verbally confirm their delusions and applaud inappropriate behaviors.

I started off just feeling bad for them because their suicide rates are astronomical, and I didn't mind giving them support but I thought encouraging people to get the sex change was unhealthy for them (and it is).

However after all the abuse I've taken from them and their virtue signalling friends for having an opinion that centres on their actual welfare rather than damaging them because "thats what they want" I've come to utterly fucking despise the smug cunts and their little friends.

And that's the story of how user decided they should just all be shot instead. The end.

>feels like
But isn't.

They're liars

>things got a lot better for them after they started presenting as their internal identity. A

yeah must be wonderful to exist in a world of deluded bullshitters

>A lot of that depression comes from being made to live as something you're not,

you should focus on the fact that you are a slave first and worry about whatever cunt dick parts you have between your legs second

>I started off just feeling bad for them because their suicide rates are astronomical

just like veterans, we should make all trans military units

>Why aren't you okay with insecure people being convinced to mutilate and sterilise themselves into ugly abomination that will eventually kill themselves when they realise that the game of pretend they're playing has ruined their life and won't make them happy?
>Why don't you think it's acceptable for society to treat these insane people as normal and these manipulators like heros? Who cares if vulnerable children see them and end up having their lives ruined before they even have the ability to think for themselves?

I dunno, man. I guess I'm just a nasty piece of shit for thinking that these lunatics and their puppetmasters shouldn't be exposed to the public?

If someone told you he feels like a snake and wanted to have his arms cut off, his legs sewn together, would you accept him and keep him in your terrarium?

its a legitimate mental illness and people are trying to say its ok and normal
its like telling people down syndrome people are normal and telling children they should have down syndrome

Eh, not a useful argument in the US because christians get rock hard for downies. I know europe has essentially gone full eugenics on the flat faced scourge, but here we insist they are a blessing and send them to school to drain the system and fling poo. So you make an argument like that, or any argument that doesn't insist they are the greatest things to have ever existed and people will lose their fucking minds. Might get more traction out of anorexia.