What are your thought on the Inquisition?
Where they worse than Mussies?
What are your thought on the Inquisition?
Where they worse than Mussies?
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The inquisition was based. Jews were shitting bricks back then
Was the Inquisition a Spanish thing or it happened in other European countries too?
I thought jews were the inquisators?
Catholic Satanists turning the planet against Christianity one murder at a time.
P.S. Catholics are NOT Christian, but misled pagans.
They were too moderate for my liking.
I blame the Popecucks that prevented based men like Torquemada from slaughtering kikes
Portugal had inquisition too. The spanish one is the most famous because of the black legend
Bad, but the harm they did is exaggerated by (((historians))). The Spanish Inquisition was around for roughly 350 years, and in all that time the number they executed could be as low as 3,000 (although realistically it's probably in the tens of thousands if you count people dying in shitty jail conditions.) Also their courts were fairer than secular courts of the period and they rarely used torture.
Technically it still exists, albeit in a weak and gay modern form :
inquisition was vastly exaggerated
even painting such as the one you posted are just propaganda, nobody would paint themselves torturing people, was made by their enemies
and then centuries later, bored perverted nobles made false torture devices and claimed they were from the inquisition
they did torture and kill people, but as I said, vastly exaggerated
It was semi-retarded but it wasn't nearly as bloody as people believe.
This is tied in with general propaganda about Spain and their empire, it was a massive smear campaign in reality.
This 100%
Anglo Protestants lied about 1 million people being killed when in reality only 3,000 or so were killed
What historians? You need to make a difference between plebeian knowledge of history and actual historians.
In any case propaganda about inquisition and Spain in general was primarily English/British doing, since they were your colonial rivals.
It happened in reaponse to the internet being rolled out in beta. (i.e. the printing press)
So here's the interesting thing about the inquisition and medival law in general the use of torture was an attempt to make a more fair judicial system. Before torture was used to gain confessions guilt and innocence was determined primarily two separate ways; 1. Trial by combat 2. Trial by ordeal. The problem with Trial by combat is it's the accuser vs the accused which tends to favor the criminal in cases where a 30 year old man raped a 14 year old girl. Trial by ordeal was almost impossible to be found innocent since it often involved bullshit tasks like grabbing a flaming iron rod without burning your hand. So the inquisitorial judicial system was introduced torture was used to draw confessions, and anonymous accusations were implemented to protect the victims of crimes. Of course the problem with his is that most people confess to anything under enough duress and anonymous accusations were often use to ruin someone's life out of spite
The main difference is that it happened in fucking dark ages, while muslims act like savage monkeys nowadays
The British are basically Jews in my eyes
>Boer Wars
>Balfour declaration
>creation of Israel
>dragging US into fighting for them
The inquisition killed like 3000 people maybe? That's the average morning for Swedes. Muslims are infinitely worse.
>killing 3000 / year
>most of which were (((them)))) or muslims
Nigga it's literally nothing. Muslims dragged literally tens of thousands every year off into slavery. Even when they were repelled during the siege of Vienna they still managed to drag about 50.000 slaves with them.
Attacking the inquisition is one the biggest subversion there ever was, second only to the crusades.
Try to burn me at the stake then, faggot.
Catholics used "christianity" to expand control over territories, and weaken the locals. Then the inquisitors would be brought in to remove those who protested the hardest.
The entire reason for their massive pedophilia among their leadership is because they have been corrupted from the beginning. The wolves were leading the sheep.
Roman Catholic church was incredibly corrupt and Machiavelian organization.
Yet you'll still find Catholics who'll unironically defend anti-Christian behaviour.
>t. Nigger faggot that can't into theological study
Eat shit and die. Have fun in your communion with a demon, eat it's flesh, drink it's blood - then do me a favor and get flayed for eternity.
Fear taken to an extreme played out under the worst possible circumstances. Not of God. God has always hated this kind of thing. The story of Abraham is the story of the rejection of Child Sacrifice. Sadly child sacrifice is still going on today in the highest and lowest of circles.
Sorry, 4000 total execution within ~400 years, I got my numbers mixed up.
There were roughly 300-400 cases per year, on average tho. So even if you assume that all of these people in these cases were tortured (albeit not killed in the end), it's nothing.
>dark ages meme
This is blasphemy against the holy spirit
>jews (((convert))) so they don't get found out in the course of their business dealings
>they're still feeding muslims information on spain in preparation for another invasion
>spanish crown gets fucking pissed and destroys the (((conversos)))
If you disagree with anything they said or did you are an autistic fedora and probably a virgin as well.
Prods have such terrible arguments
>muh Catholicism is paganism!
This is their argument lol
Luther never said shit like that.
Hell, if you knew any theology, lutherans and catholics are pretty close to eachother.
No they don't they are completely opposed
One's church was founded by christ and the other's was founded by luther
I think we should have a inquisiton today ťbh
>fornication is Ok because Jesus probably slept with Mary Magdalen
Luther was an autistic virgin who wanted to get laid because muh dick
>implying thats any worse than god creating man and then leaving it 4000 years while the entire human race is sinners and goes to hell before sending his son to earth to save us and then we can get to heaven if we follow him
We need an internal inquisition of the Vatican
Inquisition was based. They started holocausts before it was fasionable
>rejecting Christ's own words
The 30 years war explains the purpose of the Inquisition in retrospect.
If Luther was asked the question, countless European lives would have been saved.
What's the black legend
t. jew loving ZOGbot
>goy the inquisition was evil! They even killed G-d's chosen people and poor muslims!
Based Murican know about the Black Legend.
Well, he got married and got laid. A lot.
They dindu nuffin wrong. The people they persecuted were the terrorists of the time. Also, the claims of millions of deaths and torture machines were all invented by pr*testants centuries after it ended.
Inquisition killed 3000-5000 people in its 356-year history.
Isis has killed 19000 people over the last 2 years
Therefore ISIS is 86687.5% as deadly
Really makes you think
I wasn't expecting this thread!
3000 to 5000 dead people in a period ranging hundreds of years
>b-but muh feet kissing and whore of babylon
Protestantism: a religion formed because two men wanted to fuck some women
Catholicism was founded by roman aristocracy
All catholic countries had the inquisition, which started in the XIII century to prevent heresies from spreading. But in the 1490's the spanish king, who was unifying Spain decided that a good way to do it was to keep religion a state affair, and thus it would be good to keep religious unity in his reign.
So he used the centuries old inquisition to punish people that tried to divide the church by contesting its dogmas (i.e. he punished heresy)
Jesus and the apostles weren't roman aristocracy
This stupid myth was founded by pr*testant liars to convert people to their stupid cult.
The other problem was that people who confessed were spared further torture and we're sent to prison rather than executed
Yea that's the point
>Religion built upon growing closer to God>Religion built upon getting laid
Right yea, that's why Christianity was persecuted for 300 years
You mean martin "sympathy for the devil" luther?
Grossly exaggerated by media, just like the crusades. If I recall correct like 90% of the people killed/tortured were violent criminals and only a couple thousand were put to death in like 400 years. Numbers are obviously a bit off from what I remember but the point is it really wasn't that bad
It wasn't, but that would be pretty based.
Executions by the inquisition were fewer than people imagine. You know, like the battles of the Crusades compared to the Muslim wars to conquer the West.
You have to look at the Inqisition as if they were a secret Police
most of the shit you hear today is 100% COMPLETELY FALSE
At first they were meant to STOP Witchhunts
People at that time were actively searching for witches to kill when they had Problems they couldnt understand. The Church realized this and told the People to get an Inquisitor first before killing the Witch
He would look if she was one and would act accordingly (most of the times saving the poor souls)
Most Killings by the Inquisition happend after the Black plague, the Church and the European Kings needed to repopulate after the Plague killed 30-50% of Europe. A franciscan Monk wrote the "Hexenhammer" a book which was basically a strategy paper to kill everyone who knew about abortion.
The Inquisition searched for People with that knowledge and killed them to spurr European Birth rates (those are the 3000-5000 you often hear)
They got their bad Reputation because the protestants in the HRE used the new printing press to pump out this Propaganda before and during the 30-Years-War (it was the first large scale Propaganda campaign to ever use the written word in Europe and was so effective that People today believe the grossly exagerated Picture)
In Terms of murders the Inquisition is nowhere near the muslims
but you have to take in mind that they were a small order of judges, Knights and Monks
so you really cant compare them