Why do you guys talk about reverse racism?

There is a difference between racism and prejudice. Racism is only enabled through power and privilege, and us white people are the privileged ones in power. So, you can't be racist to white people.

We have never been oppressed like people of colour have. Sure, there are examples of particular white ethnic groups being oppressed (hell, my ancestors emigrated to the UK from Russia due to persecution) but that hasn't been because of their whiteness, and most of the time it has been carried out by other white people.

We're the ones who have caused damage to a lot of races on the planet, yet we complain when they speak out about it? Do me a favour.

Pic related because he was completely right but because your white fragility couldn't handle the truth you undertook a campaign of harassment against him.

This wouldn't even be good coming from an Aussie. Too obvious. 2/10

Racism is fdefined as the belief that one's own race is superior to another race
Anyone can be racist
I know Italian hillbillys who believe they're superior to everyone on earth so by definition, they're racist
Stop trying to redefine the definition of racism to suit your agenda. People aren't stupid and you just make yourself look ignorant and shifty

Yes, I'm obviously baiting.

You do realise that Sup Forums is the only board on Sup Forums that actually believes in white genocide? Elsewhere you are a laughing stock.

>I know Italian hillbillys who believe they're superior to everyone on earth so by definition, they're racist

No shit. Italians are white. Even though they're "hillbillys" they still enjoy more privilege than most people on the planet.

>italians are white

They are. And they have been a very powerful group throughout all of history.

>shaming instead of facts

Like you guys do all the time. You dismiss anyone's opinion if they're Jewish or black, even if they're on your side. Look at how Ben Shapiro is viewed on here.

>pulled over by cops more than my black friends due to being an easy out-of-state target
>laid off and turned down from jobs due to being a white male while still being more qualified and cheaper than the people who were hired
>paid for my education instead of getting a free ride for my race
>can come up with more examples

How exactly am I less oppressed than the blacks living around me?

Would you say it was radical of me if I said I don't want my entire culture to vanish and I want a safe home for my children were they aren't stoned to death for going to school?

Tu quoque.
>Sup Forums is one person

Well obviously we are the most intelligent board then, eh faggot?

Because white people just can't experience racism you silly goose!

>you can't be racist to white people.
>people of colour.
>We're the ones who have caused damage to a lot of races on the planet

you are taking too much BBC in the ass.

>Racism is power + privlege
>Pic related
>This kills the shill

There's no such thing as reverse racism.

It's simply racism.

>buy dictionary
>atop shit posting new definitions to existing words

>reverse racism
some made up term that shows how stupid somebody is and a good indicator of who to avoid


Anyone who tries to make terms or definitions to justify their hatred for a specific race are no better than those who proudly display them.


That stuff happens to POC more often than whites though. You're using anecdotal evidence.

The dictionary was written by white men though.

Go fuck yourself, you inbred mongrel aglo cunt. You are spineless cucks and deserve to be gassed you crooked toothed hooligans. You are nothing but subhumans and deserve nothing but the gas chamber.

See I can be racist towards you. You moron.

Racism is prejudice based on race. It has nothing to do with power.

Or the pakies in rotherham would be clan members.

If our skin color is the defining measure of superiority then asian doctors and black business men should worship the land white hobos step on.

>You're using anecdotal evidence.
Kettle meet pot. Oh wait, I guess you have to be using evidence for what you stated before it can be classified as anecdotal...

Either way, how is it that racism can't be experienced on an individual level?

(((RACISM))) is a spook literally invented by filthy jews.

for anyone wondering aids skrillex has been doxxed. He works at at St Louis Lucky's Market

I think that's punishment enough.

Jews and poles have been victims of institutionalized racism that you described

racism as itself is just racial prejudice, and Blacks nowdays are the most racist people in America

The "pakis" in Rotherham, while not justifying their actions, had their actions shaped by living under a system where they will never be at the top of the food chain.

Racist institutions breed crime from people of colour.

>Racism is only enabled through power and privilege

Nope. Also kek

>Rape is sex plus power. Only a white male can rape a woman because white males have the greatest social power,

>There is a difference between racism and prejudice.
There we go again. Rest of the 100% guarantied faggotry


Neither will the majority of white people. People are responsible for their actions regardless of how they were raised. Upbringing is no excuse for poor behavior.

No one cares how you justify your anti-white dogma. Just admit it's doublethink.

Geez I wonder who's behind this post

>not even a leaf
I would have laughed if this came from a leaf.
But otherwise it's just bad. Please just stop being retarded, okay?

>Racism is only enabled through power and privilege
That's the Left's redefinition of the term, much like how feminists changed rape to regretting it later.
We reject your terms, but if you want to play that game, favoring minorities through government and institutional policies would qualify as racism.

>We're the ones who have caused damage to a lot of races on the planet
you mean bringing food, medicine, and irrigation to shitholes like apefrica?

yeah, hahah aha haahah ahhahaha

>favoring minorities through government and institutional policies would qualify as racism.

>Racism is only enabled through power and privilege,
no it isn't