I'm from future here. Spoilers alert.
UK collapsed. Trump impeachment happened and US got into huge economic crisis. United Europe rule over the world. Sorry, lads.
>from the future
>no digits
I'm from the year 2059
Through cunning tactics and sweat-inducing hardwork, Glorious Leader Trudeau has conquered and annexed the entire world. After a systematic genocide of the Jewish peoples, he finally made anime real btw
>a fucking leaf
>Can't even pull the "My ID in this thread will be" card
>fucking a leaf
kys fagt
Glorious Leader Trudeau also genocided all Romanians for not being white enough and burnt Rome to the ground as an example.
I'm from the future too and 2038 wont come until I stop infinitely looping time to get onto slightly different world lines in order to change their outcome for the better. Re living your life over and over ain't fun and lemme tell you if I didn't have God behind me Id have killed myself long ago. Time travel works a la John Titor.
Good morning, Schlomo.
>leaf killing all Romanians for not being white enough
is future leafland an Islamic state at least?
Aмepикaнcкыe люди бyдeм cтoять. There are still too many strong americans to be taken over by Europe.
why me though
But I am also from the future and I can tell you that none of that happens.
Don't worry guys, Kekistan rules the world in 30 years.
I don't know how it feels to have an image I made used against me desu
I fucked your mum though and had to give you up for adoption, sorry Igor
t jEw
you had to make this thread about yourself didn't you?
why are leafs such attention whores?
>t. jew
cause they are the master race
Fuck that economic crap, letñs talk about what really matters.
Will be be able to meet our waifus?
we wuz future n shiet
I'm from the past and I am lmaoing at you the current state of the world you futurebabies have to put up with.
What about Haplogroups Chemicals ?
>normie not realizing that it's just muslim bait to gather them all in one place