>Dear White People isn't a good sho-
Dear White People isn't a good sho-
I wonder who could be behind these ratings?
RT is owned by the Jews, also google and imdb
>be show with mostly black people with white guilt themes
>get 100% on RT
I call (((BS))) on that 100% rating.
IMDB is the only good source for ratings of films and TV shows, and a 6.4 is like a 5.4 for a film on there. RT are corrupt agenda driven hacks.
>Students of color
So, do they study color?
why are american negros so pissed at white people at this day and age?
Because we started counting the other 2/5ths and now they have no excuses.
Because of Obama.
57% audience score on RT
I wonder why (((they))) gave it 100%
Other than the artificial Rotten Tomatoes rating, the others are pretty low desu.
6.4 is good? I guess if you like D's.
pick none
Because they need someone (other than themselves) to blame for their own failings.
>Litterally all audience scores give it a failing or barely passing grade.
>(((rotten tomato))) staff gives it 100%.
Gee I wonder why.
It would be interesting to see if the numbers are (((fixed))). Can we all drag the user ratings down?
Did someone actually saw it?
What is about? Propaganda?
The movie was good but the show was for the most part pretty lame
should have used this pic
>Sup Forums hates the masses, believes only the most qualified in society should lead or vote
>thinks that the masses are more qualified to judge movies than professional and educated critics
Really toboggan's the frog-in
There's a few different stories going on as it follows many different black students at the school
The primary one is some mullata girl who tries to run away from her white side by becoming a massive sjw and the WOKEst nigga around by leading all the protests at the uni and by running a radio show
She likes this white numale in one of her classes and ends up accepting who she is and embraces both parts of her identity, gets BLEACHED, and then ditches the black student union
Anyone seen Get Out? I feel this movie gets a similar bump in ratings due to the content.
>Bet you think this is about you
Well, you did address it to us.
so its poking fun at the extreme left? Why is it marketed so much as being anti-white then?
6.4 out of 10. are they racists our something?
4/3 bonus for being good little boys and goirls
Audience score on this site always gets me
Its a perfect viewing of how the kikes want us to like this show vs how actual people like it
is the 1984 adjusted for inflation? If not that is fucking PATHETIC
I mean it still uses the movie (and especially the show) as a platform to lecture white people on stuff like why black face is bad and why you shouldnt touch people's hair
There are quite a few SJW rants that I feel like shouldnt be taken at face value (although I'm sure many people have). An example being when the mullata starts going off on the black chairman of the school out of nowhere about how racism is power plus oppression and that black people can only be prejudiced and he just looks at her like "what the fuck is this soul sista on about?" There's another example when the black student union goes to the movies and starts screaming at the teenager selling tickets about there being too many white actors and how hollywood keeps reinforcing negative black stereotypes. I view that as a scene making fun of those types of black people, but if you go in watching it and hear them saying word for word what you learned in your african studies class you'll probably be screaming "YASSS SLAY QUEEN"
Could be taken either way and thats why I think it did well
Ratings doesnt matter if barely anyone watches it
sick Satan trips
its weird because based on what you've said it is obviously making fun of the SJW mindset and those people. Like how anyone can interpret that any other way is insane. Still not watching it though based on how they marketed it. Also I can get the same experience by just turning on the news and seeing the crazy shit these people are doing.
then suddenly
Yeah surely there is no agenda being pushed here, not at all.
>Why is it marketed so much as being anti-white then?
Gets white people mad, gets black people excited about white people being mad
This, it isn't even all that offensive. It's just two dimensional and really boring.
It's not. fembusters was a total flop.
i wish serial killers could be productive and take out people who write this shit.
6.4 on IMDB
57% score by audience at RT
RT critics give it 100%
Really makes you think, doesn't it OP?
I mean it definitely deals with black issues as the main plot point that brings all the different characters together is white people throwing a blackface party which is a thing apparently
The primary message though is to just b urself
Anything below an 8 is borderline unwatchable, 6.4 is dumpster fire tier.
>letting Jewish reviewers decide what you can watch
Rotten Tomatoes critic reviewers are only good for mainstream hollywood stuff, they always cream their pants over anything indie or from the Sundance Festival.
Or this one
Are you so braindead to realize this show is a satire for the black racism?
It's actually kinda of pro white exposing the retardness of negro's
>Big Dumb Action movie heroes have plot armor
Why review a film if you don't like the genre?
Haven't even watched it, but kind of realized that this is the conclusion I'll reach.
Talked to a black guy about how Get Out might be a scary movie for blacks but it's a comedy for whites and that it's obviously a divide and conquer strategy movie by ((( them ))) to make blacks hate whites even more by protruding extremes and segregation-age scares. He said I was drunk and that we should take this discussion when I'm not. Nah
No. They are colored people who are students. Its somehow not racist when applied this way.
Colored mongrels. racist
Mongrels of color. Not racist
If we held blacks to the same standard as...well people, it would be better for all involved. So its obvious why we don't.
Will someone explain to me how do you use almost 5 times more money than the original (from 30 million to 144 million) to remake it but with actors of the opposite gender?
The money flows around a bit before settling into some Jew's wallet.
You know what OP did ? He tried to tell you how to react to the information he gave you.
Read again It's a thing i see a lot and i mean almost every information delivery system do in America, not only news trying interfere with and replace my inner voice.
But it's not his fault, it's the only thing he's ever known.
Don't forget the marketing costs which brings the film's break even mark to around 500mil USD
The only (((people))) who'll even watch this show to begin with also think it's great. Big surprise user
No white person with half a brain would watch this obvisouly racist propaganda. Only people who want to live in an echo chamber, that need to have their beliefs justified to them would waste their time watching this. Do you really wonder how it got that score?
Nigs gonna nig...
>it's good even though everyone is shitting on it