How did shitting yourself in a walmart come to be the salient of American culutre?
How did shitting yourself in a walmart come to be the salient of American culutre?
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How did being a fucking faggot come to be the salient of Canadian culture?
finally, a good post from a leaf
Ur mom
Let's get this shart in mart thread going.
dont be so mad friendo :^)
Get off. Get off my fucking board now!
seriously tho, why is this a thing?
fatty greasy foods and having niggers stink everywhere
why don't any political candidates talk about the public health crisis facing america? not only are they shitting themself, they're dragging the shit into the central storage house for food for the whole community
jejs decent bants there by the cuck
Rednecks that are too proud to buy big boy diapers.
They are just called T R U M P F A G S
Shartgate: real or myth? How do we know these aren't Walmarts in Canada?
Walmart has always been dedicated to the business practice of opening stores where other department stores would not go - presumably to avoid competition. So, you'll find Walmarts in inner cities and very rural America where hygiene is, shall we say, rather European. You'll find poor hygiene, bad teeth, sloppy dressing, etc.
(I almost like Walmart. I've been inside them in the poorest areas of America, which contrary to popular belief does not include black areas. Most poor areas in America are in mountainous areas.)
(Also, Walmarts are universal which increase the source pool from which shart-ists are drawn)
>tfw you feel hot shit pressing against your anus
There is literally nothing wrong with a discreet shart. Holding it in is unhealthy.
american whites apart from jews, east coast wasps, and recent immigrants from good families are spiritually and genetically inferior cattle. they are filthy animals.
I have contracted pink eye and am pretty sure it was caused by public defecation.
Our elected representatives are being paid off by big underwear and big pink eye pharma. It's time we drain the swamp!
It's the epitome of consumer comfort. You are so relaxed in your environment that you lose muscle control in your bowels but that's OK because there is a 2 for 1 sale on LEE denim in isle 6.
Pretty sweet desu.
Have you even been to a WalMart?
Most people I know have to shit within 20 minutes of being inside one. My guess it's due to high VOC offgassing from all the cheap China junk.
But I'm guessing we'd need a real scientist like Bill Nye to tell us why we should be happy about it.
>rather european hygiene.
found the midwesterner who has never been abroad
She's a big girl.
Found the "cultured" dude who considers his one semester in Berlin "travelling"
t. pajeet
Shit man. The craziest thing I do at my local supermarket is crack open a drink and a snack then toss the packets.
Maybe American ass cracks are so desensitized to feeling or muscle contraction from being damn lard ass they dont realise until someone calls them out on it.
I wonder what that puss looks like. I'd tear that ass up though
>using " " to be funny
lmao liberal cunt
Shitting yourself in Wal-Mart is one of the most based things a burger can do.
You wouldn't understand.
>Trying to insult a country that is superior to you in every way.
We export more culture than the rest of the world combined.
Defense mechanism against predators
>We export more jewish degeneracy than the rest of the world combined.
there i fixed that for you, zogslave
Shart in mart is the peak of Weimerica, along with fag marriage and transgender toddlers.
for you.
piss off reddit nigger. we hate you unironically
I go to Walmart if I want cheap steel case ammo
Thats a burst hemmeroid
And what do you export leaf?
Australia is the most powerful country on Earth, you just don't know it.
We are literally not invadeable from any direction.
>Far Away
>Literally a fucking continent, the same size as China or USA almost
>80% Desert (Nice invasion force you got there)
>All our major cities are located South
>Same Advanced Tech as the USA, thanks to free gibs
>Got tons of Uranium and other resources to ourselves
Walmart's a big store an sometimes its hard to make it too a baftroom when all the scooters are took when you gotta go gotta go
>lose war to emu
how many times does an average wallmart buger take a shit per day?
I poop four
It's not. Walmart is a store for nigger-tier humans. Normal people do not even step foot in a Walmart
It is said that the best way to hide from a whale is to hide inside it's own belly.
Only Australia itself is about to defeat Australia.
greasy fatty diet, and diet pills, which basically make you shit out the grease and fat.
as a result, you get greasy loose stools that leak out
Bullshit it's not.
Ebola is going to devastate the fecally challenged nations like India and the USA.
You're like a bipedal bovine
>Muh desert will protect me.
OK faggot. You mean just like it protected Iraq?
Your country would be cakewalk to conquer. None of you faggots are battle hardened like Afganis because your country bans guns.
so basically you just eat, shit and sleep?
I wish I was still bipedal
Vidya an anime to
the bogan has a point, nobody in their right minds would ever even dream about invading the island of australia. theres literally no reason for a decent human being to ever conquer it, let alone want to live there
o fuck me that sounds believable fuck
a civilized country would just regulate corn syrup
>Implying any life has more meaning than this.
Kill yourself Achmed
Unironically I would fuck the hell out of this pig, preferably after I watched this happen.
why do europeans think shart in mart is a funny meme
>the guy tries to push her with his cart
Lmao. Just you try.
Australian Infantry alone could probably BTFO 50% of your Military.
You forget that Australia doesn't have Ebola and Shitty 60's weapons and tanks like ME does.
Our jets would bomb NY, Washington, Las Vegas all in one day.
Australian subs BTFO Americucks
True story:
I used to make fun of one guy mercilessly because he crapped his pants at work. One day I ate taco bell and drank a mountain dew. I had to shit so bad I ran to the bathroom and crapped my pants on the way. It was horrible.
I think it's a combination of our bad eating habits and karma. We're being taken down a notch in world esteem.
Learn English you Quebecois inbred piece of shit. Also stop fucking your sister.
Is this b8?
It's big fucking island filled with animals who will kill your ass in one bite or scratch.
It's all they have to try and justify their failures. The ironic thing is that despite having degenerate morons that shit themselves in stores, we're still the most powerful nation in the world.
The shock of seeing all those everyday low prices can loosen anyone's bowels.
Because it is you american fat-fuck
you should unironically be a prostitute. you would be very appreciated
>tries to talk shit about US military
>uploads a pic of his poor tier military using US military hand downs
Wow holy shit what world do you live in? It doesn't take a patriot to point out our defense spending is as much as the nect couple largest militaries combined
Is Australia the DPRK of retarded military propaganda?
Answer is 25 5 + (2*10)
This guy knows his shit.
120 the old way
17 the commie core way
This guy is right. I shop at Kroger. Walmart doesn't have organic food and their selection of other "healthy" food is pretty much nil.
Although having worked at restaurants (dine in and fast food) for far too many years I can say 100% truthfully that this country is full of disgusting sweaty fat fucks and nothing can trigger the wrath of an American quite the way food can.
How do you know the Wal-mart this was taken in wasn't Canadian?
Canada does have 410 Walmart locations.
more walmart pics please
>hand downs
top kek try again amerishart.
Enough Ausfag. Ain't no one buyin' that sshhhheeeeiiittt
Fug I've always loved the design of the Aug. So thicc.
>not even merry craps want to keep their own (((culture)))
Those helmets are designed and produced in the USA. The uniforms are based off of designs the USA had first. In the initial picture I referenced, he's using an old as fuck M240B with a shitty mounting system on top of a fucking GREEN jungle era HUMVEE. Fuck off poor fag.
Damn straight desu, Our armour would just steamroll Americans just like that.
I only hear the sound of Jealous Americans.
You should know better Canada
If you are a greasy fat American that lives on Big Macs and coke, let's say you have a one in 100,000 chance of shitting yourself when you leave the house. I think this is a very conservative estimate, and keep in mind it's customary in America to stop at your favorite fast-food joint on the way to Wally World.
With over 250,000 obese Americans that shop at Walmart daily, this leads to thousands of shart in mart pics PER DAY.
Meme gun