Germany Confiscating Homes To Use For Migrants

Doesn't surprise me by now. When are you going to wake up Germany?

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Somebody needs to show those guys the last episode of Little House on the Prairie.


Your Story is old! Here is a new

>German army needs to remove WW2-era names - defence minister

And everything that reminds the wehrmacht (devotional).


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The defence minister "Ursula von der Leyen" is from Merkels Party.

Talking is easy. How about you get rid of your Kike Leaders first? Compared to you, we don't have guns.

they'll be slowly subsumed into another cycle of Cold War style socialist totalitarianism, eventually (many, many decades later) their great grandkids will start to get triggered by all the mass political incarcerations and executions for speaking against the government, the gibs will dry up, security will plummet because not enough shekels to maintain infrastructure and security - somebody will get killed in a riot, and the raging masses will raid the chansellor's palace Ceaușescu style, there will be some kind of ethnic and/or political purge, and the regime will collapse - everybody having lost 100 years of potential growth, assuming what's left is even salvageable
this shit has happened countless times throughout history - and it's repeating yet again, here in plain sight

We're actually working on it. You guys will reelect Merkel.

"You want to take my house, government?"

*blows up house*

No gun needed.

>implying this isn't to get rid of white race
>implying there will be people left not apes.

I hope not but I don't see a positive future for Germany at this point. 2 million at least in just a few years is insanity. Changed the demographics of the country forever in a very short amount of time. That was her plan all along but it still turns my stomach.

>thinks we have explosives
ha! not only they put one in jail for that, they'll just let a company construct a new building and present one with the bill.

Burn it down, then. LOL.

You have matches, right?

I'm not implying anything - just speaking in the broadest possible terms. Beyond that, it's evident that ethnic Europeans are the critically endangered species

I hope not. Germans, as everyone knows, WANT to be remove from their homes to make space for refugees.

That's just retarded

It's a monkey of course he's retarded

Any Germanic German who has not renounced their citizenship yet is a cuck.

maybe I should start and build some brazilian corrugated sheet metal houses. I wonder if someone WANTS to take those or is it just a style that brazilians like?


>Any Germanic German who has not renounced their citizenship yet is a cuck.

german citizenship is pretty good.

Merkel will even pay the ransom money wen you got captured by terrorists.

I'm concerned (and convinced) that the political machinations are already fully entrenched and ready to quell any resistance - an authoritarian government will be the most probable result, in an effort to avoid outright bloody anarchy. From there, they'll mandate full wealth and property redistribution (because an increasing portion of the population won't be producing taxable income) - and only through the threat of government violence or imprisonment on those who do generate wealth, will the leadership be able to force capitulation of the population. Private business will disintegrate from over taxation / lack of profitability and become nationalized. Efficiency and reliability will plummet. Then food shortages, power outages, fuel rations, the people will grow increasingly incensed and hopeless - so the leadership might panic and fabricate some Glasnost style carrot on a stick to keep everybody chilled out. But by then it'll already be far beyond redemption, and there'll occur an inevitable revolution. Only the most organized and ruthlessly violent will survive and claim victory.

And then I'll never pay for it. what the fuck are they gonna do? They're pussies.


our government paying an insane amount of money to the house (or another kind of building) owners even if it is in bad shape
renovate it
and put some shitskins in it

I don't like how the tax money is used but at least few natives can profit out of it

is there a sauce on this?

>Merkel will even pay the ransom money wen you got captured by terrorists.
Give an example, all hostages I've heard of are either dead or were released because the captors didn't follow through after their ultimatum

put you in jail for life. they also can bill family members.

sounds Maoist

>I don't like how the tax money is used but at least few natives can profit out of it
>implying not all german houses are owned by swiss or saudi real-estate moguls

>Baden-Württemberg worst Württemberg
top kek

Socialism isn't the same as communism, guise. Everything will be fine.

ha, what do you expect from the jews running this show? also, this is coming for you too. all those commies spewd out from your education system will make sure of it.

That is NOT good

Well we have to finance our retirement system somehow.

I live alone in a large apartment and this scares the shit out of me desu
I just want to live in peace, I don't care if fugees come or not, just fucking leave me alone.

Socialism isn't a destination - it's a path. Such systems must necessarily expand indefinitely in order to survive. They don't generate revenue, they consume and reallocate it. Regardless of how long the process takes, the end result will be full-fledged communism. Every communist will admit this, if they're honest.

Interesting pic choice germanon.

the fat kraut kept them empty from 2012. Its they're seeing use

Should i tell you how you can see if this is fake ?
really simple,
on the side which mentions the male Population look when the x-axis is stopping.
You can clearly see that this is a shopped phrotograph
Bad work there Propagandists

Well, if the refugees were cute girls like Megumin, I wouldn't mind taking one in. I wonder if that would be possible at all.