Since we have so many newfags around, I figured we should bring this back. I was only able to find the 2013 edition of the pastebin but I'm sure others can help out with that.
Anyway, all you faggots from r/the_donald and the rest of plebbit are gonna get pilled.
So much links Israel to 9/11 – Only a public confession is missing, e.g.
Many key Bush Administration officials came from PNAC (Project for a New American Century). All were Zionists (Israeli partisans). They wrote about the need for a “catalytic event” to mobilize the American people. Eight months after coming into office, they got their catalytic event on 9/11, followed by the wars their agenda required. The company providing 24/7 electronic & personal security to the WTC, Kroll Associates, was owned & operated by Zionists, as was the WTC itself as of July 2001. The owners and their immediate relatives seem to have been uncharacteristically absent on the morning of 9/11. Hundreds of American Jews died at the WTC & the Pentagon, but as best as can be determined, only 3 Israelis out of some 4,000 normally there, plus 2 more on the planes. The senior fatality among WTC personnel was a retired Irish-American FBI agent in his first days on his job as Director of Security. A private Israeli-owned security company called ICTS, registered in the Netherlands, provided security services (sometimes through a wholly owned subsidiary) to all three airports from which the four hijacked planes departed. ICTS also provided security at the airports in Paris & Amsterdam, from which the so-called “shoe” & “underwear” bombers respectively departed. Bergen, NJ residents saw five people on a white van filming the attacks and visibly celebrating. They had set up their cameras before the first plane hit. Police arrested them. All were Israelis. Bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives, although officers were unable to find anything. The FBI seized the van for further testing. All 5 were later released at the instigation of Israeli & American Jewish leaders, some in the US Government. Details are still classified.
Samuel Myers
Zionist control has visibly increased today: Media conglomerates owned or led by Zionists in 2011 control:
•All of the major networks (ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC). •All of the major national newspapers (New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today). •All three weekly news magazines (Time, Newsweek, US News & World Report). •All major political journals (Nation, National Review, New Republic, Weekly Standard). •Most of the major film studios in Hollywood and New York City. •Most of the major publishing houses. •Many ISPs (internet service providers).
The silence of the media on WTC7 and so many of the anomalies associated with 9/11 is deafening. The natural tendency of the media is to investigate any alleged governmental misdeeds with relish, seeing therein prestige and profits.That the media did NOT do that with 9/11, and has generally either ignored or disparaged other efforts to do so, is because its ownership and management knew, suspected or feared that any evidentiary trail would lead directly or indirectly to Israel and its US support base.
Alexander Powell
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Member Organizations 1. Ameinu 2. American Friends of Likud 3. American Gathering/Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors 4. America-Israel Friendship League 5. American Israel Public Affairs Committee 6. American Jewish Committee 7. American Jewish Congress 8. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 9. American Sephardi Federation 10. American Zionist Movement 11. Americans for Peace Now 12. AMIT 13. Anti-Defamation League 14. Association of Reform Zionists of America 15. B’nai B’rith International 16. Bnai Zion 17. Central Conference of American Rabbis 18. Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America 19. Development Corporation for Israel/State of Israel Bonds 20. Emunah of America 21. Friends of Israel Defense Forces 22. Hadassah, Women’s Zionist Organization of America 23. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society 24. Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life 25. Jewish Community Centers Association 26. Jewish Council for Public Affairs 27. The Jewish Federations of North America 28. Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs 29. Jewish Labor Committee 30. Jewish National Fund 31. Jewish Reconstructionist Federation 32. Jewish War Veterans of the USA 33. Jewish Women International 34. MERCAZ USA, Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement 35. NA’AMAT USA 36. MCSK” Advocates on behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia 37. National Council of Jewish Women 38. National Council of Young Israel 39. ORT America 40. Rabbinical Assembly 41. Rabbinical Council of America 42. Religious Zionists of America 43. Union for Reform Judaism 44. Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 45. United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 46. WIZO 47. Women’s League for Conservative Judaism 48. Women of Reform Judaism 49. Workmen’s Circle 50. World ORT 51. World Zionist Executive, US 52. Zionist Organization of America
Aiden Hall
prepare for the JIDF slide bois
Samuel Scott
"A lot of these pieces of information, taken together, prove that the official story, the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is a bunch of hogwash. It’s impossible. … There’s a second group of facts having to do with the cover up. … Taken together these things prove that high levels of our government don’t want us to know what happened and who’s responsible.…
Who gained from 9/11? Who covered up crucial information about 9/11? And who put out the patently false stories about 9/11 in the first place? When you take those three things together, I think the case is pretty clear that it’s highly placed individuals in the administration with all roads passing through Dick Cheney.
I think the very kindest thing that we can say about George W. Bush and all the people in the U.S. Government that have been involved in this massive cover-up, the very kindest thing we can say is that they were aware of impending attacks and let them happen. Now some people will say that’s much too kind, however even that is high treason and conspiracy to commit murder."
Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.
Lincoln Cooper
"It is as a scientist that I have the most trouble with the official government conspiracy theory, mainly because it does not satisfy the rules of probability or physics. The collapses of the World Trade Center buildings clearly violate the laws of probability and physics. ...
There was a dearth of visible debris on the relatively unmarked [Pentagon] lawn, where I stood only minutes after the impact. Beyond this strange absence of airliner debris, there was no sign of the kind of damage to the Pentagon structure one would expect from the impact of a large airliner. This visible evidence or lack thereof may also have been apparent to the secretary of defense [Donald Rumsfeld], who in an unfortunate slip of the tongue referred to the aircraft that slammed into the Pentagon as a "missile". ...
I saw nothing of significance at the point of impact - no airplane metal or cargo debris was blowing on the lawn in front of the damaged building as smoke billowed from within the Pentagon. ... all of us staring at the Pentagon that morning were indeed looking for such debris, but what we expected to see was not evident." Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former Political-Military Affairs Officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Also served on the staff of the Director of the National Security Agency. 20-year Air Force career. Member adjunct faculty, Political Science Department, James Madison University. Instructor, University of Maryland University College and American Public University System. Author of African Crisis Response Initiative: Past Present and Future (2000) and Expeditionary Air Operations in Africa: Challenges and Solutions (2001).
"If anything, the law should encourage, not forbid, the intermingling of bloods...But legislation cannot change the human heart. The only way we can accomplish that, the only we can achieve a Final Solution to racial prejudice, is to create a clan of races so universal that no one can preen himself on his racial 'purity' or practice the barbarism to safeguard it. The deliberate encouragement of interracial marriages is the only way to hasten this process. And it may be that time is growing short. The dominance of our world has begun to shift, like cargo in a listing vessel, from the White races to the colored. The sooner we adjust to this fact, the better it will be for our children. For we might well acknowledge, even the most enlightened of us, that we will never completely eliminate racial prejudice until we eliminate separate races." Rabbi Abraham L. Feinberg, Maclean's Magazine, September 5, 1967 The National Origins Formula was an American system of immigration quotas, between 1921 and 1965, which restricted immigration on the basis of existing proportions of the population. The goal was to maintain the existing ethnic composition of the United States. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 abolished the National Origins Formula that had been in place in the United States since the Emergency Quota Act.
Brody Ramirez
Today we're talking about ovens.
Jack Green
*************** BANKING AND BUSINESS ***************
Hey guys I don't think these Jewish folk are on our side.
Jordan Morales
Frank Vanderlip Paul Warburg Henry P Davison Benjamin Strong Dwight Morrow A Piatt Andrew Nelson Aldrich Who did these men represent? The East Coast Morgan Banking Establishment, The Chicago Rockefeller Banking Establishment, and the German Jewish Banking Establishment (which is actually international, but German in origin). Chemical Bank, National City Bank, First National Bank, JP Morgan & Co., Guaranty Trust, New York Insurance Co., and others were the primary shareholders following the private auction of Federal Reserve shares. The Morgan Crew were tight with London Bankers as JP Morgan’s father was tightly associated with George Peabody, a wealthy London banker. Mayer Rothschild paid Peabody to be a social protégé to help gain acceptance into London high society. Thus there's a chain of relations from Mayer Rothschild to JP Morgan's father Junius. London / New York Connection. Also known as the Anglo-American Alliance used to drag the USA into WWI (protip: JP Morgan was awarded monopoly underwriting of French and British treasury notes for the first years of the war!). The Rockefeller Crew was tight with the Kuhn-Loeb Banking House, The Warburg’s, The Schiff’s, and the Kahn’s; a bunch of intermarried Jewish German bankers. The German connection financed much of the railroad construction which was used to give rebates to Standard Oil. Kuhn-Loeb and Schiff men served on Standard Oil-owned railroad director boards. Tight knit relationship between the Chicago and Germany establishment (Rockefeller is a German name). Rockefellers did not want to enter the war but were weaker politically at this point than Morgan’s. During the New Deal, much of the Morgan financial/Railroad Empire crumbled and was subsumed into the Rockefeller financial/Railroad Empire. Rockefellers gained yet cooperated with Morgan’s, indicating that they have maintained ties with the English establishment.
They need to understand this The Jew is only in control of the white because the Jew has successfully gotten two steps ahead of every move the white can think of or comprehend
Ian Ramirez
Well then how did they conquer every single white nation???
I guess quality > quantity
Chase Long
as we get all these new refugees from the main stream coverage it is absolutely necessry to have a daily jew info thread
Parker Collins
Is a rat or flea or infection superior to a human? The black plague didn't convince me.
Benjamin Adams
U.S. checking possibility of pumping oil from northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan
U.S. checking possibility of pumping oil from northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan
Also we just get this influx from summerfags either way
Carter Sanders
Except Ashkenazis are smarter than whites according to IQ tests. But let me guess, IQ tests are only valid when measuring blacks and Arabs, but not when whitey is beaten by asians and the jew.
Whites are fucking pathetic. Honestly you deserve your white genocide by the jews, you really are some of the most hypocritical, lying, pathetic, stupid morons on earth, well white nationalists at least. "Good natured" my ass... have you seen what you people have done up until WWII... going around raping and pillaging the earth. That's why nobody gives a fuck when the jews do the same to you lol
Just lol at "good natured white people". Just lol. I just want you to nkow that I'm glad that you are owned by the Jews. It's the least you deserve.
Gabriel Parker
*************** DOMESTIC SPYING AND INFILTRATION ***************
Same reason whites managed to control Africa, South America, South Asia and South East Asia.
Because they're smarter,, oh sorry it's because they're parasites, oh no sorry that's insulting to white people, it must be because they're smarter, oh no sorry that means jews are smarter than whites so it must be because they're parasites... ad infinitum
Hypocritical white nationalist morons lol. Just accept it, after colonizing and brutalizing the world for hundreds of years, leaving millions of dead and murdered bodies in your wake, you've finally come up against a bunch of people who are smarter than you, more organized than you. And they don't even use 1/1000 of the violence that whites used, they just use pure subversion. Honestly it's genius, and you deserve it. Honestly i love coming here and seeing you guys chimp out over something that you've done 100x over and 100x worse, except this time it's done to you.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving people. Honestly, I revel in what is happening to the West. Unfortunately, you're too stupid to do anything about it, except chimp out in a Mongolian throat-singing forum.
Kayden Hall
>Except Ashkenazis are smarter than whites according to IQ tests objectively true. however, their IQ skews towards verbal. they've never developed the functional collaborative problem solving skills used to develop and rule nations--they are just parasites. without the goy, the jew would die. they need us. we don't need them
Grayson Long
How is the weather in tel aviv shlomo?
David Johnson
Couldn't care less if they had room temperature IQ. What matters is they dominate the dominators. They colonized the colonizers. And now you're seeing how it feels to be colonized, to be subjugated, to be ruled for hundreds of years by a foreign people, to have your resources stolen, to have your culture changed.
Now do you understand how it feels? Now will you condemn colonialism and empire, instead of praising it?
Do you now understand how it feels,? This is why nobody cares about your whining. Why should I have any sympathy for you when you've done 100x worse to us?
You're probably right. I have read some of your links and I do not deny they have tribal attributes which means they do everything they can to strengthen their in group bond, even if it is to the detriment of their host nation. This is true for any ethnocentric group but especialy true for those who hold power positions, like Jews or Chinese in South East Asia or whites in South Africa / Namibia.
What always makes me laugh out loud is how you deny when they are clearly superior to you. For instance:
>>objectively true. however, their IQ skews towards verbal. they've never developed the functional collaborative problem solving skills used to develop and rule nations--they are just parasites. without the goy, the jew would die. they need us. we don't need them
This is clearly false, they are massively overrepresented in math and science and especially the Nobel Prizes, given out by a country which is very pro-Palestine
How can any non-white nationalist not admire that? That is impressive and certainly seems to be more than muh verbal intelligence, that you guys spout.
Isaac Baker
Summary: East Ramapo School District is 2/3 Jewish and all their children go to private schools. Roughly in early 2000 they decided to muscle their way onto the District's School Board and began to abuse their powers. tl;dr Jewish nepotism and corruption/fraud.
Examples: -Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent are paid over $400k -Board sold a public school called Colton Elementary School to Congregation Bais Malka School and Hebrew Academy for Special Children. -They paid $6.6million for it even though it was valued at ~$12million. *-The deal also meant that the Jewish school no longer had to pay the $2.7million due on the lease. -Board threatens to make pupils take anti-semitism classes -Ex-Board member Nathan Rothschild jailed for 12 months for attempting to use public funds to pay of his personal debt.
>This is clearly false, they are massively overrepresented in math and science and especially the Nobel Prizes, given out by a country which is very pro-Palestine
you think this just a palestinian problem?
Jews work the system in everything they do, nobel committee included.
Connor Rogers
>Now will you condemn colonialism and empire, instead of praising it? no. ill condemn shit immigration policy for letting those rats come here though.
>100x worse to us? are we having a victim contest here or something? i don't care about the past, I just care about exterminating the Jews that are currently ruining the west.
Jayden Ward
I don't want to be colonised Nobody does EVROPA AWAKE
Levi Peterson
because the jews will kill billions and enslave the reminder once whiteys gone. Thats why you should care. Whites kill counts dont even stack up to the jews as it is. The natives only counted for 30-50 million all together, maybe 10-20 million in Africa, but even then it was jews leading the slave trade, and jews leading communism, which has killed hundreds of millions already, and the middle east is 100% jewish subterfuge. Your pettiness over ancient history will only bring about something thats a far graver threat to your culture then anglos ever where.
Jason Johnson
Meanwhile you chimp out when zimbabweans / south africans do the same thing lol.
Also, just like zimbabweans / south africans, you are only capable of chimping out over the people in power (in their case whites), in yours jews. You seem to completely ignore the fact the majority of the failure comes from your own people.
Yes, I'm blaming yiou, whites, for most of your problems. How is it anyone else's fault except yours that you let this happen? They make up what, 0.1% ofWestern nations? How can you people be so pathetic and weak? What do you think of the Indians or Africans who let a few thousand Brits rule their country for hundreds of years... pretty weak and cucked right? What does that say about you.
Sorry but you will get zero sympathy from any person of color and the vast majority of whites in your cringeworthy quest for anudda shoah.I am literally facepalming as I write this because if anything you're just going to increase sympathy for them EVEN MORE lol. You white nationalists really are a dim bunch lmfao.
Honestly I don't know what to say after this conversation with you guys. If you're the standard of opposition that hostile forces are up against, is it any surprise that it's been so easy to take you over?
Brody Stewart
jews freak the fuck out whenever whites are in charge of anything, this is why the jews like joe slovo fought against apartheid before running off to israel to live in his own apartheid state
German FM to Netanyahu at Berlin Holocaust Memorial: ‘German responsibility for the crimes of the Holocaust has no expiration date’
If the black plague genocide all humans and lived off their rotting flesh, it would arguably be the superior being
In the scenario in which it defeats the white man, it has succeeded in defeating the other organism
Ryder Ward
This is why I respect the Japanese
In over a thousand years, not even nukes have been able to parasite effectively off the jap and his island without his and his emperors consent
Jaxon Brooks
I'm sorry I don't worship disease.
Luis Reed (Swedish) The Swedish media market is dominated by the large media groups Bonnier, Schibsted and Stampen. The following are, for example, the largest daily newspapers in Sweden: 1. Aftonbladet (Schibsted) 2. Dagens Nyheter (Bonnier) 3. Expressen (Bonnier) 4. Goteborgs-Posten (Stampen) 5. Svenska Dagbladet (Schibsted) 6. Sydsvenskan (Bonnier) 7. Dagens Industry (Bonnier) As you can see, Bonnier owns or controls four of them, Schibsted two, and Stampen one. Together, they control all of the largest daily newspapers. Bonnier is owned by the Jewish family Bonnier, and Stampen is owned by the Jewish family Hjorne. Both families are known to be engaged in Jewish causes. Schibsted is owned by major Jewish international banks such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Bank of New York Mellon. However, this is not merely about ownership and financial interests. The Schibsted-owned newspaper Aftonbladet (the largest in Sweden) recently admitted that the management of Schibsted when needed consults with their Jewish masters. Aftonbladet says the banks’ power over Schibsted is “both direct and indirect”. We could go on about smaller newspaper, TV channels, and so on, and the pattern is similar. Jews also sit on key positions in these companies – for instance, the Jew Peter Wolodarski is editor-in-chief of the Bonnier-owned Dagens Nyheter. A tiny group of parasites – there are only about 20,000 of them in Sweden – control all of the country’s media, directly and indirectly.
>JEWS HAVE STRATEGIC FORCE MULTIPLIERS IN THE FORM OF BANKING AND MEDIA PLUS THEIR CONTROL OF THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Wow it's almost like they think 2 steps ahead of selfish narcissistic hedonist whites with cuckoldry, atheism and feminism spreading like cancer across the majority of their easily manipulated peoplez
Susan “Sontag” Rosenblatt Sontag drew criticism for writing in 1967 in the Partisan Review that "Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history." According to journalist Mark M. Goldblatt, Sontag later recanted this statement, saying that "it slandered cancer patients".
"Since Germans are the perennial disturbers of the world's peace ... they must be dealt with like any homicidal criminals. But it is unnecessary to put the whole German nation to the sword. It is more humane to sterilize them. The army groups, as organized units, would be the easiest and quickest to deal with. ... The population of Germany, excluding conquered and annexed territories, is about 70,000,000, almost equally divided between male and female. To achieve the purpose of German extinction it would be necessary to only sterilize some 48,000,000 -- a figure which excludes, because of their limited power to procreate, males over 60 years of age, and females over 45. ... Taking 20,000 surgeons as an arbitrary number and on the assumption that each will perform a minimum of 25 operations daily, it would take no more than one month, at the maximum, to complete their sterilization. ... The balance of the male civilian population of Germany could be treated within three months. Inasmuch as sterilization of women needs somewhat more time, it may be computed that the entire female population of Germany could be sterilized within a period of three years or less. Complete sterilization of both sexes, and not only one, is to be considered necessary in view of the present German doctrine that so much as one drop of true German blood constitutes a German. Of course, after complete sterilization, there will cease to be a birth rate in Germany. At the normal death rate of 2 per cent per annum, German life will diminish at the rate of 1,500,000 yearly. Accordingly in the span of two generations that which cost millions of lives and centuries of useless effort, namely, the elimination of Germanism and its carriers, will have been an accomplished fact. By virtue of its loss of self-perpetuation German Will will have atrophied and German power reduced to negligible importance."
USS Liberty is the most important starter redpill on kikes for American normies. If you're working on redpilling someone IRL, mention this attack before you drop 9-11 or WW2 redpills. Unless they're ready to turn 14/88 they will call you a Nazi with Hitler redpills or tinfoil with 911 redpills. Most normies haven't even heard of the Liberty yet so they won't have a knee jerk Pavlovian reaction to it.
Michael Thompson
Good arguments > spam from a useful idiot even though you're shilling for the right side
Adrian Richardson
Nah just making g them stupid things like healthcare was retarded
1st and 2nd amendment are God given human rights
Benjamin Collins
Too bad that the kikes can't just do it for themselves, they have to be a parasite on another race. They are even lower than the niggers because at least blacks are capable of subsistence on their own if left in the jungle. Jews cannot survive without a host race.
Summer 1954- Lavon Affair- Israel recruits Egyptian Jews to blow up American and British targets in Egypt. Israel planned on blaming the murderous false-flag attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood in an effort to garner support from the US and Britain. After officially denying any involvement, the Israeli government finally admitted their role in the incident in 2005 by honoring the surviving agents with a certificate of appreciation. 1955-1970- Israel Steals American Uranium to Build Its First Nuclear Weapons- In 2011, the Institute for Research on Middle Eastern Policy examined hundreds of newly de-classified documents from the FBI and CIA and discovered that Israeli spies in collaboration with American Jews stole hundreds of kilograms of weapons grade uranium from US stockpiles and shipped it to Israel. Although Israel does not officially acknowledge the possession of nuclear weapons, their nuclear arsenal is estimated at between 200-300 nuclear weapons. (Source: PressTV)
The 19th century saw increasing appearance of Jewish names in politics, art, science, philosophy, religion etc. in Europe, as well as the rise of Zionism - all these things would later be noticed by Hitler and used to justify his belief that they were behind all the major shifts in ideology and power structures in the 19th century. In 1868, Benjamin Disraeli became the UK's first Jewish prime minister - the same year Lionel de ROTHSCHILD was submitted as a member to Parliament (Jewish nepotism, anyone?) Note that the UK was becoming leading powerhouse nation of the world at this point with the largest empire; guess who got all the profits.
Jews in Media who decide what you want and watch: Michael Eisner, CEO of Disney and its subsidiaries Steven Bornstein, CEO of ESPN and its subsidiaries Leslie Moonves, President and CEO of CBS Sumner Murray Rothstein, Executive Chairman and owner of Viacom
Matthew Broderick, the star of Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Lion King, has a skeleton in the closet you may not have heard of. He is also married to Sarah Jessica Parker, the main protagonist of Sex and the City. They are both Jews.
Jose Flores
Jews secretly call Muslims their greatest allies against whites and Christianity