half asians are the masterrace
Half asians are the masterrace
Leafs aren't even trying anymore.
Say hello to a SHITLOAD of psychic disorders
fucking christ are there nudes of that girl
Only if dad is Asian.
And not because Asian man > White man.
More like Asian men that mix with while women are pretty well off and alpha.
White men who mix with asian women are generally losers or weebs with yellow fever who fuck jungle asians. At best they get some gold digging east asian. So it's only natural that their offspring are either beta fetishists like Elliot Rodger or greedy gold digging cum dumpsters.
About that picture
Left is dad and mom
Right is their little girl
i can see why he went for that one. goddamnit we needed those aryan genes.
Hapa can be based like pic related, the problem is that most of the time, ugly beta white male go for ugly asian female (and they can't see they're ugly because of yellow fever).
If you're a handsome alpha guy dating a handsome asian female, your offspring will be allright.
fuck, forgot my pic, Hapa model
jungle? sea? subhumans?
It's because he's a jew. Jew guilt made her crazy
Elliot Rodgers is a based hero
The Chinese will soon be working on creating genetically enhanced humans, which naturally means that they will eventually be turning Asians into whites
Unironically you're probably right. 8/10 hapas I've known are geniuses.
Basically. They aren't subhumans, but thinking they are the same as east asians is like mistaking british/nordic for iberians, north africans, or middle eastern kebabs.
Jews just adds different components to it.
Jew guilt didn't make her do porn. Jew greed made her do porn.
only higher iq than pure white
Asians are too communist (not even politically, i mean the psychology, everything for society and the community, the individual doesn't matter) but they're fucking smart, with a little bit of asian blood they turn into really smart individualists, hapas will be the new jews
asians are ugly as fuck with brown eyes and dark hair. nobody wants that shit. as soon as genetic engineering becomes a thing everyone will be walking around with blue eyes, blond hair and white skin.
Just don't bump these threads!
is it good if blue eyes were common?
No they're not.
Leave. Now.
>blue eyes, blond hair and white skin
>believing le maymay angry kraut memes
dude wasn't blonde himself and said japs were honorary whites. kys faggot.
when that happens brown eyes will be the hip thing
Asian women worship the BBC
i guess you want that kraut dick don't you? why you nazi fags keep saying blonde this blonde that,blue this blue that?
if blonde people with blues eyes were so superior why the fuck blonde women date niggers? fucking fag.
>Asian women worship the BBC
>WHITE women worship the BBC
African women getting KHAN'D for years now.
>choosing to look like what the current society deems aesthetic instead of the fittest appearance to your envirronment
Found the woman of the thread, enjoy your blond/blue eyes new race being blind within a few decades with their clear eyes if they live in a country near the ecuador
only if it an Asian Male and White Woman, then the hapa will be normal
just as only a White Male, Black Woman is the only working combo
both are counter to what the media is pushing
>mfw 1/4 asian, 3/4 white (german, english, and scottish)
>20, male, married to half swede half german bombshell
>we panzer and make children
if they come out anything like my wife, god fucking damn.
blue eyes go blind faster?
>both are counter to what the media is pushing
accurate,even you do some research jewgle you will see that these (((porn))) sites rarely push for negress + (((man))) porn
t. pardo
How come every women in Brazil want their kids to be blonde and blue-eyed.
Show me ONE brazilian women that says they would love to have a mongrel offspring with brown hair, brown eyes and brown skin.
Just one.
sure thing buddy
let me guess she feeds you tendies ?
lmao how can tiny black brain complete with BAB? (Big Asian Brain)
I hate being a hapa. Dont physically fit in anywhere. People ask me where I am from/ how I MET my own parents. Hapa men have it worse btws like me do. My brother for example is a 6'2 lanky geek on top of just looking a bit off.
At least I have an extremely high IQ (muh autistic verbal patterns), that totally makes up for being an uncanny valley looking fuck, right... right (thanks mom and dad)?
>rootless swarthy misshapen frankenstein mongrels are the master race
wew lad
Because Brazilians are massive consumerist cucks that drink and breath Anglo media. Why would you aspire to white cuckdom like the swedes or Dutch? Be proud of your heritage and work towards advancing your own people, nobody likes ass kissers, even if they have a pussy.
Like reading minds and seeing the future?
you must live in the countryside or something fag,where i live most blonde women date niggers,or women with germanic descent in general
i have a cousing of mine,she is a bitch,but quite beautiful,blue eyes,very very dark hair and pale skin,she married a nigger divorced and then married another one,kid with both,and she is only 28 not a single of then is white,white women in brazil crave the BBC.
My mom was a model in Japan when she was younger, you can actually find some of her shoots in 80s copies of American magazines. Doesnt change the fact that I look like no race whatsoever, and people are statistically more likely to be attracted to those of their own race.
Every race and creed has a blessing and a curse, it all comes down to how you play with the cards you're dealt.
Hapa isnt a race though.
Sorry pardão, maybe you convinced yourself of that so you can feel better about not being white, but in reality you know that's not true.
Blue eyes and white skin are cherished. No one in the history of Brazil ever looked at a mongrel baby and said how beautiful his rootless mongrelized features are.
>there are people on Sup Forums who actually believe this.
And before you get out your charts and shit, yes I know that more WMAW hapas are mentally ill because they have beta fathers and self hating mothers, but that doesn't mean that all WMAW couples are like that.
but when you mix the white card with the black card the outcome is always the retarded card,nothing good come from it
as for jap + white women,never cared about it,they seen like good hard working people,unlike niggers with their looting raping and gibmedat.
My father isnt a beta at all, he just had that yellow fever. It's my asian mom who is the ditzy ex-model retard.
>the future
>oriental master race
>4 billion africans
>most whites don't reproduce
>some whites join asian master race
>some whites join nigger underclass
>no more whites
embrace your future, humanity
i think you misunderstood me faggy gaucho
white women don't date niggers because of their offspring,they date niggers because they see then as alpha,brute and savage,they want to be treated roughly,unlike the pussified kraut
the ones who seek a good offspring are man,women are too stupid to be concerned about that.
what mix is that?
Yellow dude scored some grade a white pussy
>good for him
I'm not mad, I'm actually kind of impressed.jpg
She is beautiful, would totally racemix
>apparently happy family
>cute little toddler who is wearing proper clothes and looks well fed and taken care on. No signs of violence towards her of any form. Is smiling and does not show fear or repulse towards parents who are together with her.
>father is holding little kid, dressed like a teenager faggot, but has his hair cut, has no piercings or tattoos visible, standing straight, apparently is happy to be together with his family even
>mother is close to family, has no visible piercings or tattoos, kinds whorish dress, whoever after having a kid if she can still have that slim waist it shows she isn't lazy and just wanted an excuse to finally let it go
You fags got told, because not only they will never have a happy family but also there are happy families out there who do not follow your little children's views about what a functional family must be
Sup Forums BTFO and will never recover, sudoku is the only option
Its a mystery
I'd haul her gravel to China if you knwow what i mean.
In that pic, she looks a lot like me. We do arr rook same after all.
Yes, they're more sensitive to the sun
Central Asia is a shithole, yet it's the product of Mongols/Turkic invaders raping white women
>Brazil promoting race mixing
Wow truly shocking
Don't you have a meeting with a favela monkey to be stabbed at?
aren't you guys dying out anyways?
Imagine being this much of a cuckold
Cute girl,ask a nazi if he would bang her
he would say something like
>muh reich,pure,blue eyes,blonde,6'4 tall,200 iq
not designed for this planet
Funny thing is that favelas exist mostly in big city shitholes. Meanwhile, the majority of the USA population everywhere is going to become niggers and spics.
The ones to blame for race mixing are yourselves, for consuming the jewish media and being uninteresting to your own women.
I bet you are fat, post belly pics.
>Race mixing destroys Latin America forever
>Iberians STILL support it
There's no hope for you retards
Being attracted to asians is a disease.
>Brazil promotes race mixing since the fucking 1500s
>Lol this is your fault somehow, America
not all of them look asian, pic related
sounds about right
You nazi kids are a joke,you must be butthurt because your 200 IQ pure aryan women are getting BLACKED and want to push your agenda that muh blue eyes are the way to go
fuck off burger,your country is one of the BIGGEST racially mixed in the word,not to mention kebab,why you people have kebab again? oh thats right 200 IQ Blonde super smart.
Blacks are disgusting dude, stop with your garbage. You are by far the least attractive group of men. When my friend and I chat about guys, literally zero blacks are brought up except to say 'I just dont like black guys', or something.
>Lol why don't you want to live in a Brazilian favela where you get raped and eaten by the local ghetto monkeys
Is it really a mystery?
Cuck or nigger? Either way, you're delusional.
Women are repulsed by niggers. Even literal prostitutes generally have "no blacks allowed" policies, and porn whores only accept interracial scenes if they're paid extra. Online dating platforms show that blacks receive the lowest rate positive responses from non-black women. And so on, and so on.
>Brazil promoting race mixing somehow made the USA turn even more race traitor
For your information, Brazil never promoted race mixing, it was due to our situations, except a single instance: around the 1900s the science recognized that black people were a problem and we were actively trying to import europeans to make our population whiter.
The only time we ever tried to mix something was an attempt to create white southern fashion models.
If you are saying that the girl he's referring to is black, I am pretty sure you must be a butthurt roastie.
That video is so good
Lol this, part of thw reason black guys are so insecure and like to shout about racism is because they are ugly.
'friends',they are lying to you nazi cuck,women don't openly say they crave the BBC they just dream about it,and who the fuck said that blacks aren't disgusting? you assume i'm black is that right? no i'm a white boi,the difference is that i know that women no longer are interested in white men,you on the other hand are in denial crying 'muh aryan genetics'
now tell me nazi boy would you date her or not? if not you are just a fag using blue eyes as a excuse.
No, I know, few none black girls go for black guys, it's really a sort of golden rule.
Checks out
>>Brazil promotes race mixing since the fucking 1500s
Wow I had no idea we had so many Brazil experts on Sup Forums
This must be the world-class famous American Education
Criminally underrated.
>pic related
A man.
Actually half Middle Easterners half Europeans are the master race
>Ashkenazi Jews
>Steve Jobs
Name one truly successful hapa
The Portugese bred with natives since the beginning. Later they bred with the African women, slaves or free. Race mixing wasn't only tolerated it was preferred.
The only people who couldn't be race mixed we're the high ranking government and military officials. It was also a taboo in high society to mention all the mulatto and pardos created by Portuguese men
I wouldnt date her because I'm not a lesbian.
Look dude, black guys just arent that atrractive to the vast majority of women. Only friend of mine who has ever dated a black dude regrets it and steers clear of them now. Stop with your insecure posting, and clean yourself up.
>Dream about it
Lol, yeah, dream about that AIDS ridden slim jim.
>I'm white
Dude, you're so obviously a 1/10 loser who clings to the delusion that white women like niggers as an excuse for your personal lack of attractiveness to the opposite sex. Work on yourself.
looks better than the other pic for sure
Yes you certainly did approve
Your entire country is proof of your acceptance of race mixing
Asian show how few her really stand behind the white race. It's easy not mix with blacks or sandniggers because most of them are extremly unattractive but as soon as a somewhat goodlooking Asian comes allong most of the so called "ethno nationalist" aboard the ship.
Goebbels was right,there are indeed Untermenschen in every race.
I know America gets some hate but, Jesus Christ Brazil. You do know which country you're from right?
B - R - A - Z - I - L
>got your back america (son)
>chink larping as hapa is a libcuck crying about nazi, white nationalism, and racyst
>you actually post it here
r/asianmasculinity leave. you're so beta and cucked. that's why you'll never get white women cause you think racism is bad. meanwhile mainland chinks consider racism normal
ffs,are burgers slow or what?
do you accept moo-slems,no right?
what makes you think we accept niggers? we don't accept 'em they are forced upon us,the media now is pushing for more and more race mixing to end the remaining whites,multiculturalism and race mixing is already becoming common place in novels here,it was not like that,you know what role the niggers always had here on our country on tv? maids,poor people and nothing else,now its all changing because of you burgers,the shit you do there we pay here.
Keanu Reeves