Why hate LGBTQ?

They're not forcing their idealogies unto other people. so why hate them?

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>They're not forcing their idealogies unto other people
they actually are!


Well, not them directly but, their "defenders are.

>They're not forcing their idealogies unto other people.

They are literally trying to pass laws to indoctrinate children in public schools.

Fags deserve to hang

They think giving hormone blockers to children is normal and giving estrogen and splitting dick to underage teens is normal. There are also fags out there who have a fetish for getting AIDS. As soon as I become a taxpayer, I have to deal with that bullshit. So yes, it does affect me.

The problem is that "transexuality" doesn't work and is just men pretending to be women (sometimes women pretending to be men)

>They're not forcing their idealogies unto other people. so why hate them?

But they actually are, you faggot.

That is EXACTLY what they are doing. Millennials never gave a shit about identity politics until it became an issue. Y'all had your chance to join the ranks of the enlightened and spat in our faces, so now you can get fucked.

oh but they are. Sexual identity is pure ideology. Classic alinskyite community organizing. LGBTQ establishment must be burned to the ground by post-queer youth.

You can cross dress and call yourself whatever you want. That's literally your right to do so. But the freedom to do it does NOT equate to automatic validation of your choices by the public. I am free to think you're insane and disgusting and shun you socially.

But what really bothers me is the very idea that some guy can declare themselves female and then compete in women's sports, go into women's bathrooms and locker rooms. That is deranged and I will oppose it until the day I die.

Unless they get rid of sex-specific stuff. Then I'll go back to not caring.

Nobody else is making decent threads so we will double bluff their subversive threads with logic and reason. This is why we cannot lose.

They're forcing their personalities onto people.

There's literally nothing wrong with helping children have a smooth transition before puberty so they can feel more comfortable in their proper bodies aligned with their gender

Anal Warts
White man/woman+White man/woman = 1 less white kid
Skinny Jeans
Armpit Hair
Blue Hair

you tell me OP.

yes they are

They are actually forcing their ideology down everyone's throat.

Also, the identity of being gay is deeply embedded in their mind. They become like Jews where every action they take is going to be biased towards promoting rationalizations, norms and practices that lead to them to be better accepted in society. Thus, they will, willingly or not, promote degeneracy such as sexual promiscuity and bullshit against the traditional family.

>They're not forcing their idealogies unto other people.

Yes they do

>Allahu Aktarts
top kek

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Get back in your containment shed you disgusting subhuman

Transex nonsense. Shemales. Sex change. 666 diferent genders. All that crap. It is not cool to be gay. Dont make fashion and politic from your sex junk and fucked mind.

Lol bakery make my fuckin cake meme

Shit thread stop posting (sage and hide)


and don't forget that most fags want to be blacked or got blacked atleast once,this alone tell you why faggotry is bad.

My only grievance is that they are actively forcing it on others.
Going apeshit at the mere mentioning of religious freedom and searching out devout Christians just for the perverse pleasure of making them work on some overtly gay event against their beliefs.

>blatant lie
>deny deny
>hate me why?

>this post

Tranny detected

Also, you are stupid as fuck. How the hell can a kid be mature enough if he wants to be a girl or a guy? Having kids taking hormones is exactly the same as raping them.

>ITT: LGBTQ=tumblr posters and "SJW"s
You know how fucking bitter everyone is here when they lack this much self awareness. One would think that people here would be more understanding due to their IRL social isolation or getting falsely generalized by others. But nope, instead you guys act just as irrationally and idiotically as those that shunned you IRL.

Except they fucking are.

To decide if he wants*

And also, in the real world, you can't decide if you are a man or a woman. You are either born a man or a woman, no matter how much you mutilate yourself or how many hormones you take.

I wonder how Crocodile and Ivankov are connected...

>Not forcing their ideologies unto other people
Really? What kind of a rock have you been hiding under? THAT'S ALL THEY FUCKING DO MAN!
I don't give a shit what people do in the privacy of their homes, that's their business. But when they force their sexual depravities upon every else (and especially since they only comprise +/- 5% of the population), it's obvious they are pushing an agenda to destroy traditional values.
