is genetic memory real?
Is genetic memory real?
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>race isn't real unless you're Jewish
I really, really dislike Hebrews.
Well if your parents were delusional psychopaths, and their grandparents were delusional psychopaths, there is a chance that you may have inherited traits towards those same tendencies.
Absolutely not.
Not yet.
>Psychological impact of families constantly retelling stories of horrific events
Sounds like a clear case of abuse.
These kids should have their parents and grandparents arrested.
Does this mean they will stop teaching it in schools to scare children?
It actually is.
Trauma can cause changes changes to the genome which are inherited.
I have a recurring dream that im a lampshade
>tfw you will never relive the memories of your convict assassin ancestor
wait.... so his grandparents were a fucking joke who got fed into an oven. and he declares this in public? wait...does he want money or special treatment?
No it says right in the pic that it's Jews fucking up their kids with their lies.
Genetic memory is real, holocaust isn't
I think it is, like those kids whose fathers died in 9/11 and they become very upset by it despite not being even born at the time
Well I need reparations for the Barbary slave trade then..
Not a single scientific study has shown evidence supporting this claim.
It stems from the notion that DNA carries information and could be used for computer storage, like an organic SSD. If you could store bits, you could store memories, thus the claim.
But not a single study has shown evidence leading in that direction.
not in humans
i think it is. I also experience it.
I hope they use this for an Assassin's Creed story.
>genetic trauma
it's all just bullshit so their grandkids can continue to collect money from Germany, typical jewish cash grab
>father and mother conceive
>three months later father dies I'm the 9/11 attack
>six months later babby is born
>kid doesn't grow up frustrated from a lack of father because of mother and school, nooo must be genetic
I'm not sure that follows logically.
People who don't have autism tend to sympathise with others it's part of being human, but now days many young men and women are plagued by autism and only care about themselves
No, it's just kikes who want free shekels
They make up lies like soap and skin lamps and pass them to their kids so yeah
>Is genetic memory real?
Maybe. but the Holocaust isn't
I've met people with Jewish lineage that didn't know they had Jewish lineage, yet are extremely hateful towards Jews. Genetic memory is quack science pure and simple. It wouldn't stand up against unbiased testing.
But that trauma couldn't be passed down if a majority were made before their parents were sent to Auschwitz fun land home of the roller coaster
That's not what genetic memory means.
theres this thing called "genom", some scientists believe it could have something to do with genetic memory. I dont think that genoms could cause a real "trauma" though; for the most part you dont even recognize these inherited memories.
>Semetic's Creed
>A Story about a man who didn't know he was a Jew and was captured by Neo Nazis
>He was forced to relive the memories of his ancestors through a device known as the Zyklon-Bmus
>Through his memories, he learns the existence of a secret Semetic Creed whose job is to "Jew" shekels out of their nemesis, the Goys Empire
>In the end, he discovers an apocalyptic event that will destroy all the stock markets in the world which will make every Jewish Fiat currency become worthelss, so he willingly gets ovened in order to save humanity from a global financial depression.
Lol, no.
>is genetic memory real?
Kind of?
I took a 9mm to the head and when I recovered, I could only speak in Danish at first (I could write in English just fine but I couldn't speak it).
My dad's grandparents were the last to speak Danish in our family and I was never taught it, nor did it ever get spoken in our house.
A Dane has told me I speak it like a 19th Century Dane.
People on Sup Forums believe their tears aren't justified, but the fact of the matter is people here generally tend to have a mild form of autism which makes it impossible to comprehend the idea of sympathy towards others
nice creepy pasta dude 9/10
So if they didn't know they had Jewish lineage... How did YOU know they Jewish lineage? Did you measure their skulls and all that Mengele sciency stuff?
>comprehend the idea of sympathy towards others
that's called empathy. and actual men have very very little of it. in fact, that's my inherited genome.
>Jewish parents scar their children with fearmongering tales of the past.
>White Gentiles need to be held responsible for this!!
>People on Sup Forums believe their tears aren't justified, but the fact of the matter is people here generally tend to have a mild form of autism which makes it impossible to comprehend the idea of sympathy towards others
The day that Australia once again takes the lead over Canada for shitposting.
but self-hating jews are one of the greatest semitic phenomenons
I get it, sympathy is a thing but sympathy for a dead father you've never known isn't a genetic memory and the viability of genetic memories is what we're discussing.
>t. Desmond Millberg
Fuck off. Australia has always been king of shitpost. Canadas shitposting is just quantitiy but Australia is quality.
>Psychological impact of families constantly retelling stories of horrific events endured by relatives during the Holocaust
So the solution is to stop talking about it?
You people essentially are cold unloving mildly autistic sad folks who cannot read or understand anyone else's emotions
maybe, but only if the thing you remember was real ...
It's almost like the last remnants of Jews who were alive in WW2 are about to die and (((they))) want to ensure pity parades for the rest of eternity.
Still waiting to see how long before the descendants of Nazis are hunted and punished.
>Sup Forums is one person
I think tears for a dead father you've never known but died in a horrific terror attack are justified tears
proof it's all they fucking talk about
i just taught you what empathy means. and no, don't confuse ignorance for apathy. i'm glad we had this little chat, mate.
2 million German women were brutally raped and tortured after the war. I'm sure many of them gave birth to the rapists children. They deserve mental health treatment as well.
>maybe, but only if the thing you remember was real ...
It was real in their minds.
And because if that, generations of Jewish children will grow up having a fear of masturbation machines that non-Jews will never understand.
You taught me nothing and I learnt nada
It's not pasta, Abdul al Bin Frankfurtistani. There are dozens of documented cases where people suddenly speak a language of their ancestors after a head injury.
If that were true i'd know what getting laid is like
I thought you were talking about epigenetics at first, but then I saw that article. In this context, absolutely not. You don't remember things that didn't happen in your lifetime, and your genes do not change based on that.
>Women store fat mostly in ass, hips, and thighs
>Genetic memory from starving African forefathers makes African-Americans think "That big booty momma knows where the food is at"
>African-Americans like big fat booty
Are you disabled or a woman ?
>You taught me nothing and I learnt nada
so you're voting ALP?
Fuck you & your emotions, you fucking faggot.
what is this assassins creed? for fucks sake
Males can feel emotions I know people with autism don't
>Implying emotion is more important than logic and reasoning
Fuck off reddit
>masturbation machines
Metaphor for what ?
And the last quiet voice of Brittanic Chivalry makes a typically Brittanic understatement.
It's only real if you're jewish. Need to milk the goys somehow
interesting, isnt it?
an apriori and an aposteriori the same time. is it a apriori though, thinking that your father kinda matters to you? is it a genetic or a cultural code? what if Platon would make the state, a society without parents, would the tears over your unknown dead father still be justified? and then again, would you even shed tears over your father, living in a society where the whole idea of being a parent is unknown? is it possible to have a connection with your family bond fellows even if this connection isnt a cultural value?
if not, empathy isnt genetic.
if yes, empathy is indeed genetic.
checkmate fascists
Oy vey when will the trauma stop goyim. I'll need atleast 6 million shekels to recover
I like your shitposting desu famalam
Yuck, autism is just nasty, bet you've never cried in your life, just sit in front of that fucking Nasty anime that seems to appeal to emotionless autists
protip: wont click .org-garbage.
legit emotions not shit that is your grandgrandgrandads memories .... How far in the past do we go and accept them as valid and direct attacks on/to you for a emotional response ?
If genetic memory is real then Jews must be absolutely traumatized from all of their ancestors' circumcisions.
I remember my grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grandmother being manhandled by the Ottomans. I also remember my grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grandfather being a slave of the Spanish Muslims.
I need double gibs-me-datz.
Sure, let's see the evidence.
Do I look like Google to you?
>ancestors were idiots and spoke giberish and mostly communicated through gestures and facial expressions
>retard gets a head injury and loses the ability to speak
>WOW!!! This must be genetic memory!!!
Are you sure you didn't just have a mouth of mashed potatoes? That'll make you sound like a Dane.
Hey man, fuck you.
a good friend of the family was raised with an irish/catholic mother and a jewish father
she told me that she used to have to go to the jewish religious lessons and all they would do is show pictures and tell stories about the holocaust, constantly. she hated it and disavowed as soon as she turned 13. she also hated the Jewish side of her family because they only cared about money
Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!
When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.
No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on 4chinz bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!
Yes, I thus propose that everyone with so called trauma over the holocaust or inherited trauma should not be allowed to reproduce.
>Metaphor for what ?
Not a metaphor for anything. There was a best selling Auschwitz "memoir" where a survivor described how she witnessed young boys put on masturbation machines and masturbated to death.
Finally something all Sup Forums can agree on
maybe, but the holocaust isn't.
Jeg kan forsikre dig om, at jeg taler dansk.
*gibs silver*
Watch you don't lose that in a typhoon sonny
Both of course my digit goy. If they're building an oppression pyramid we all know what the top block looks like.
It's more accurate if you understand how gene's work within morphic resonance theory
memory "rides" upon the electromagnetic field of hydrogen atoms in your body
>masturbated to death
Sounds exquisitely rapturous.
Meanwhile niggers laugh at great grandkids of slaves wanting reparations. Theyre all liars and scammers
It's possible that trauma can become genetic and inhereted, similar to basically everything else surrounding our actions including culture.
This trauma needs to be so ingrained in that culture that it can be considered a core tenant, which is basically mental illness though.
wtf I love guilt tripping now!