austrian elections 2: electric boogaloo
we get another one for some reason. freedom party currently leading polls.
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This isn't a presidential election thought right? So the FPO will actually be able to make legislation if they win.
it's the national council election and will probably be in october 15th this year.
so just gotta vote FPÖ and you're good.
make VdBellend and uncomfortable.
>*all uncomfortable
How likely is a goverment lead by a great right-wing coalition ?
I lost my respect for Austrians last year.
dunno if they're gonna pull it off now.
Shorty McDumbo should think about going back to university. After September 15. the traitor will have no future in politics
So how is this different than the last one?
Last one was about the President, way more unimportant than the parliamentary cleaning ladies from Hungary. This time it is about the parliamentary election, from which the government is derived.
btw, doesn't Kurz looks kind of like a certain Canadian rodent
This coalition has been a mess. How probable is a conservative-anti refugee victory?
Pretty high chances for a FPÖ-ÖVP coalition, but my Shekel are on a National Socialist Coalition, as I can't imagine that the VP can mobilize the core voters for Shorty after he basically betrayed the party and the SP needs to attack him if they like to have a chance. An other option would be again SP-VP, but they can't build a campaign on it as people are sick of it.
That worked so well last time.
We're still cleaning up from the international finance circlejerks the last ÖVP-FPÖ coalition left behind (Hypo Adria, anyone? Eurofighter?)
Also, Hofer is NOT /yourguy/ and he's stuck in a bucket of crabs. Strache is going to fuck everything up for the FPÖ because Hofer almost managed 50% and he's all jealous and shit.
>anything happening with terminally bluepilled Red Vienna
I go there about 4-5 times every year because of job related reasons for like 10 years by now and I see the decline of the city on slow motion.
>Hofer is not /[shill shit]/
Aha On a side note, if the financial "crisis" is the only narrative attack against the FP, they will manage 50%+. and now fuck off pirate
Nothing changed, still going down the shitter, only light on the horizon, the mayor said he will fuck off after this election, hopefully taking the neo liberal jews from the Greens with him, which might result in a de-funding of extreme left groups. I hope for a big terror attack will kill around 50% of the population, else the city might make a VP-SP coalition possible.
>go outside
>suddenly notice that every third person is either north african or an arab.
I don't like this. there was some tipping point for sure. 3-5 years ago it wasn't that many and I was okay with that but now it's slowly getting out of hand.
Nah, its already too late. Not for just Austria but for the west in general. People are too comfortable and bluepilled to even speak up aganist migration and the critical mass of mudslimes are already in. They will wake up when living standards start dropping like a rock but it will be too late by then. Have you seen Paris, Berlin, London in person? These were all imperial capitals, crowning achievements of mankind and they all turning into african shitholes. It was such a culture shock to come home and realize "holy shit, everyone is white!"
Strache is an idiot
He'll choke
Look at the far right's real bestest buddies
and learn
And yes, pretty much all of Austria's political elite was involved, including the FPÖ
Don't call people shills, you stupid shill
Somebody else here kind of finding it weird how easily the ÖVP grandpas gave shorty the absolute power and even went as far as abandoning the "ÖVP" abbreviation on the ballot? Was Mitterlehner stepping down such a surprise to them that they were paralyzed by shock, so they signed away ultimate power within their party to little dumbo or was everything planned to happen like this and did they actually realize what cancerous faggots they are and that even associating Kurz with the party name would cost him valuable votes he is going to need against Kern and Strache?