Sup Forums books

Start posting book lists

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also, I feel like asking

Did I miss something in this book?

I enjoyed it, and feel I learned a bit, but I was expecting "more" I guess.

This book is not overrated at all.

It was posted pretty often during the winter and holy shit it deserves every bit of praise it gets


im reading For my Legionaries right now its like reading about some martyr and a most based man Zelea Codreanu


I've heard great things about that. Planning on getting it soon















These lists have come from the Library of Sup Forums!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

one of my favourites. i could feel the similarities between his era and ours, when he describes the disorder and the degeneration caused by the bolsheviks.

Awesome thread. Bookmarked for later

hope one day one of these gets a sticky. nu/pol/ always drowns literature threads with e-celeb or /ourguy/ cancer, twitter garbage and offtopic shit

yes the times might be similar but the people living in them could not be more different im reading about my own people and i feel like its a fary tale

i can relate. one generation is enough for ((them)) to quench the spirit of a nation.





Have you guys heard of this book? Heard nothing but amazing things.

And some Greeks for good measure

came here to post this



what if funny they did not want to spend time after that in commie times they where sold back to israel for some thing like 40k dollars each to get visa to leave mostly gone now also at least we arent western europe levels my friend for us eastern euro there is time

>Pentti Linkola
Yeah no he is crazy old shit

Hi Mike.

kys kike

Me too

>chimpanzee cerebellum
sorry mike, not happening

stfu jonne, he is based

Bumping the only good thread

>monkey brain

This series talks about the influence of media in the modern world and how the heroes fight evil

and the hero litteraly has a neo nazi symbol carved into his forehead

Why is the new testament an essential reading for politics?

can it get anymore BASED?

you have link dl ?

>jack donovan

I've read it, it's OK if you're a NEET nu-male who has never done any sport in his life and has never read any books about self-knowledge and stuff like that. I think it was pretty boring and didn't really bring anything new to the table, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

If you want to turn your life around but don't know where to start, it's a good read.

*Blocks your path

you ever fucking read it?

Ignore that fact that he's a fag, and it's amazing.

Fuck off

ye, if HP (Hail our People) was a BASED black guy.
there's literally nothing wrong with BASED black national socialists

Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line : Journey to the End of the Night + Death on Credit

I've read most of these and I've even finished my Evola and Guenon. But what lies beyond these books? What is the next step?

I'm always surprised to not see anything from Albert Camus posted on Sup Forums, are his books well known in the english speaking world ?

Let me recommend this youtuber. He is currently doing an amazing read-through of "Men Among the Ruins" by Julius Evola:

>the art of memetics


DAVID M. BUSS : The Dangerous Passion
concrete rational arguments against cucking

were you meaning Renaud Camus ?

Where do you fellers get your books? I'm trying to do some reading this summer. I prefer to have paperback so I don't have to read off a screen.

Found the hippie.

If this is the face of fascism today, Im glad it failed


Since when is advocating the genocide of 2/3 of earths population a hippie thing
Linkola is a enviromental-fascist or commie, depends how you look at him

I have a few of his sitting up in my room, never got around to reading them though. Is the plague worth reading? I also have l'etranger in french but my french isn't as good as it used to be.

shiet we fucked

seems gay desu


wew thanks


Contributing because I saved several images to add to my library. Also, Neil Postman's works.

The End of Education
The Disappearance of Childhood




no i do mean Albert Camus (Sysyphe, l'etranger,...)

>all these lists which would require thousands upon thousands of hours to consume

All you need to read is the "The Art of War" & "The Art of the Deal"

You're wasting your time reading anything after those two. They contain all you need to know about this life.

Just because you can't read them all doesn't mean you shouldn't read as many as possible.

If you've got nothing to contribute shut the fuck up for the love of God.

I contributed by providing the best two books ever written you fucking retard.

Yes it is pretty good, but keep in mind that the plague is part of the second cycle of book he wrote.

The first one is the cycle of absurdity (Sysyph Myth, Caligula, le malentendu and l'etranger)
And the second one is the cycle of revolt (the rebel, the just assasin and the plague).
I think it is better to begin by the absurd one, they provide a reaaly good (imo) reflexion on the absurdity one can encounter in life and of some famous philisophical system (Kant for example)
It is pretty good to read him to just stop and contemplate our time to focus on what matters.

He was supposed to write a third cycle (cycle of love) but he unfornatly died before he could do so.

>Since when is advocating the genocide of 2/3 of earths population a hippie thing
>what is antifa
Fascism and communism is same collectivist shit

you lost me there

Because Western canon will always have some sort of reference to New Testament, which itself sets many precedents in law.


Which have already been stated somewhere in the thread, whether it be in a reading list or suggestion, I guarantee it.

If you willfully deprive yourself of further reading because you're too fucking lazy to digest more than that which you feel is pertinent to living, no amount of argument will pull you out of that. The desire to long for knowledge comes from within.

And of course, reading the literature of the enemy always helps inform us of their behavior/values/plans.

then go to /lit/
Sup Forums can't into nihilism
and they would call him a lefty because he was a PCA member

Nihilism is for self defeating pussies and man children.

>>what is antifa
bunch of fags

>Fascism and communism is same collectivist shit
Thing is, most humans are incapable of dealing with freedom
If you let them, they will become disgusting degenerates who fuck up the environment in the meantime

Linkola is right when he says that the current western lifestyle is unsustainable and will crash in the future. And since the only way to change human behavior is by force there is an authoritarian political system needed for our survival

that's what I was meaning

thats' fair, Sup Forums is not really the place for this kind of discussion.

Great. Make me the supreme leader of the earth. That is the only authoritarian system I will comply.

well not everybody that read Camus fall into nihilism

Thats another point
Humans rebel against authority
So even a perfect political system on paper will still be thrown down after some time

Doesnt change the fact that current western way of life will fuck upp in the future

>save screencap from snownigger
> 11 tuokokuuta 2017
what the fuck lol

This shit

it may be defeatist but it's not a pussy ideology

come on now