When will you take the socialism pill, pol? It's clearly the best form of government
When will you take the socialism pill, pol? It's clearly the best form of government
>Become the rape capital of europe
No thanks
Just copy our healthcare system burgers and don't mind sweden, it's a tiny meme country with less than half of our population, i don't know why Sup Forums gives them so much attention, probably because burgers look at a map of the EU and sweden seems pretty big to them so they guess it must be important somehow?
They are capitalistic, they just like to behave like socialistic cucks. They now have an actual rape culture thanks to this socialism of yours.
refugee crisis was caused by capitalism and greedy bankers, not socialism. Up until 70's marxists opposed mass immigration from third world countries. So do I.
Wow fucking dick fuck ass nigger. You fucking shit fuck. Titty ass fucker. Sweden was the most free and most capitalist country in the world up until the 1940's you sick fuck.
Sweden right now is living on the wealth made from its inception. What you are seeing is sweden on its last breath. They are huge in debt and is only increasing every year until the country collapses.
Just look at Venezuela fucking sick brain dead fuck.
((Socialism)) always leads to communism.
It's the niggers fault tho
Yeah, right. Becuase the end goal of marxism isn't worldwide statless society.
You don't know what you're talking about. Didn't expect much from Polish, though.
>What is Venezuela
Even if we assume Sweden isn't fucked (it is), every example of a socialist country ends in failure.
Also, PewDiePie left that socialist hellhole as soon as he made more money because he didn't feel like getting assraped my migrants while paying for their house.
Also also, Detroit is an example of Democrats (who are socialist) being in control of a city for generations. My city, Boise, is clean with a low crime rate, and is therefore an example of Republicans being in control of a city for generations.
>niggers are worse than communism
>What you are seeing is sweden on its last breath
Sup Forums has been spouting this faggotry for like 10+ years. Still waiting...
Sweden has a capitalist free market; they are instead a welfare state (social democracy)
Shut up fucking faggot. Move to sweden. Go pay high taxes and get fucked with corruption and nepotism way worse than it is in the usa fucking fag god.
So THIS is the 'hell hole' known as Malmo? Sup Forums always told me that it's the worst part of Sweden but it doesn't look so bad.
>let's compare the most crime-ridden nest of poverty, population decline and economic stagnation in one country with the oldest, richest part of the richest town in another country
And for the record, almost every single one of the buildings you can see in the bottom picture was there before socialism came to Sweden.
Keep socialism for yourself. Sweden was a country 50 years ago.
I'm not even fucking around here.
I'd rather live in fucking detroit.
At least, then I'd get to blow some niggers' brains out.
Exactly, it's like taking a picture of my diarrhea dump in the toilet and saying "This is what user's house looks like".
tell me more, mongol
>The ultimate aim of the Communist International is to replace world capitalist economy by a world system of Communism.
Pro tip
Sup Forums is consistently wrong about the effects of migrants, doubly so when it comes to Sweden. They have, so far, been a net positive. Both to the economy and to Sweden's identity.
Any form of government doesn't work when you have too many niggers.
There are good and bad areas of Malmö.
>jun 2014
>higher crime
>not enough housing
>less freedom of speech
>more terrorism
How about you tell the hundreds that have been massacred by snackbars or the thousands that aren't able to get a job because the people that were born and grew up in their city are a minority and affirmative action doesn't give a fuck about the "net positive" it is.
Slavery was also a net positive, I don't think the slaves cared too much about it.
Shilling Sweden here?
First day on the job is going to be your last day on the job.
I will kill you
>doesn't understand that socialism is the first step to communism
>communism envisions/strives for a future one world government
>being this indoctrinated that you overlook becoming the #2 rape country in the world, behind some shithole in Africa
>overlooking the assault, rape, murder of innocent children, women, and men >overlooking the perversion of societal institutions and history, in pursuit of the attainment of some multicultural utopian ideal that will never be fulfilled
>calling an user who understands socialism better than you ignorant, purely because you are ignorant about the system that you support
post pics of sweden
>no mention of niggers
>no mention of democratic rule for over 50 years
The main reason why Venezuela turn into shit because of both greedy Dominicans and CIA want their rich oil.
good goy
>car industry relocates and creates structural unemployment
>somehow the fault of black people
Never change alt-right racists. Never change.
Okay, what about the USSR? What about Canada, where there's Sharia Law in the books, meaning you can't insult Islam or the prophet Muhammad? They're self-proclaimed "socialist" countries. I wouldn't want to live in them.
turns out that it was always the second pic
Yugoslavia suffered from socialist/communist delusion for decades. They borrowed money every 5 years and basically didn't develop sustainable and competitive industry.
Socialism is like gambling in casino or taking drugs. It FEELS so GOOD. You look at your hardworking regular friends and think WHAT A FUCKING BUNCH OF MORONS.
Then you lose everything and need decades to recover and realize NOTHING IS FREE:
I suppose it's a fine form of government...until it runs out of other peoples money, happens every time...
>implying it wasn't the niggers fault
Whose fault was it then?
Was it "muh evil fascists" ?
"Da whyte man" ?
I'm literally just randomly navigating through google maps. Wish we had streets as clean as this.
Canada is pretty much a US puppet. USSR was broke in pieces because of the MI6 and CIA
>higher crime
Wrong, Sweden's crime rates have been steady for years
>not enough housing
Fear mongering
>less freedom of speech
Same amount of freeze peach, less freedom from the consequences of your hate speech.
>more terrorism
Right wing nationalists are more likely to commit terror attacks.
>Slavery was also a net positive
For the slave owners, immigration helps the entire swedish economy.
>Jun 2014
There's your problem
all forms of socialism are bvad
Detroit has been run by democrats for at least the past 30 years
Interesting that anytime socialism fails, it's not because the concept is faulty, it's because "OF THE STUPID AMERICANS MAAAAAAAN"
Name one country that's socialist that's objectively better in every way compared to the US.
I'll wait. Any country without total freedom of speech isn't an example.
>getting raped and shot in a nice building is better than getting raped and shot in a decrepit building
Yeah, it's just Detroit, right?
New Orleans, Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago... Nice try ignoring the obvious.
>homogenous population
>small population
>rich in resources
So all the white people unemployed by the car industry are still impoverished and in detroit? or did all the white people get new jobs and live in nice middle class suburbs?
now post the real one
What is the American definition of the term 'socialism'? I think it's not the same as over here.
I'd rather not get run over by a truck or raped by a "Syrian" "refugee"
All of those cities have been run by democrats for years.
Chicago is the largest city in the most corrupt state in the country. Commiefornia may be retarded, and Jew York may be infested with kikes, but Illinois is infested with criminal stupidity unlike any other State in the Union.
I hate this place with every fiber of my being, user. I hate it so much.
trust me when i say you are wrong.
That and their shit oil is largely worthless now
socialism isnt a form of government its an economic model
I live in the "right wing paradise" of Texas. Our streets are awful compared to the "worst city in Sweden."
America, we need to have a talk...
Every developed socialist country in the world can only sustain it's economic practices because they accept military and defense funding from the US.
>Marxism opposed mass inmigration from third world countries
>Yeah right the end goal of marxism isnt worldwide statless society.
I cannot understand the correlation here my polish friend.
Cause there isn´t
>What is San Marino?
You must be a CIA shill. I'm myself is a freeman with free thinking. Freedom is free. Poland doesn't exist. Palestinians are permanently oppressed by MOSSAD, MI6, and CIA. The Earth is flat.
How much income tax do you burgers pay? Here it's everything from 20% - 50%; however before globalists started importing 3rd worlders to take our jobs and increase their profit margin our wages were balanced so the income tax was more a tax on the employer not the employee. For that tax the country help develop us advance as a people and individuals*
*obviously our political system is completely corrupt and fake as others and they abuse the power.
I have lived in Nations that had 10% tax and it's a complete shithole without any basic security where corporate predators rule over a powerless population
None of the car industries relocated. They got taken over by union thugs that tried to make them operate like communes, and fell apart like every socialist system does.
>Democrats are socialist.
Jesus christ.
I am. It's possible to be racist and a socialist at the same time.
I like it when they say that socialism only fails because of capitalist countries meddling in it and messing it up
Like they manage to make capitalism out to be the bad guy even when it comes to the failures of their own ideology. It's beautiful really.
No, that's absolutely not true. On crime:
By the way, this is as neutral a source as you're going to get, they didn't go with the Fox News narrative, they didn't go with the commie narrative.
It's on the books that you can't criticize the immigration policies. You can't criticize a fucking policy. That's bullshit authoritarianism.
Slavery was absolutely a net positive for the economy, you can't deny that at all, there was a huge economic crisis in the South when the Civil War ended.
Here's the dill:
Sup Forums is a little too 'fake newsed' on the swedish situation. But the retarded squandering of ethnic homogeneity for NOTHING, is gonna be a monkey on our backs for generations.
The international (them)ry is seeding the destruction of the middle class in favor of a cheap deracinated labor force.
Sweden will collapse in a couple years, their government is massive and is not sustainable.
>right wing more likely to commit terror attacks
Not in Europe.
>They are capitalistic, they just like to behave like socialistic cucks
no they arent, like all other europs they ar social
Funny how Americans call Sweden and findland socialist countries but almost every one who say that shit doesn't even have passport because they live in a fcking great country and they don't have reasons to leave.
Now take the best american city and compare you fucking communist faggot.
>oil is worthless
Are you should about that.
The Democrat party in the USA is openly socialist, to hide their actual authoritarian intentions.
Thank socialism
They had a socialist almost win their candidacy and they have socialist policies on their platform.
"clearly the best form of government"
deep argument bro
now link me to a bunch of books that if I just read I will become a believer
Dont use your own words and make actual ARGUMENTS. Give me some touchy feely non arguments.
Just wait, given them another decade and the niggers in Sweden will make the bottom pic look like the top pic too.
you confused the socialism pill with the white pill
No, user, Malmo is clean :). No pedophiles here! Why would a culture who worships a man that fucked a 9 year old be filled with pedophiles? That's preposterous!
You need to be hung, you area traitor to your own species kys
that fucking pic is so true
>by holding up a boat in Italy for 10 mins
Stop fucking calling Sweden socialist, no nordic country is socialist, no european country is socialist.
What's with fucking burgers and calling everything socialism? The left wing retards like Bernie keep saying we're socialist countries and that's why we're some kind of utopias and the right wing retards are saying we're socialist countries and that's why we're some kind of hellscape.
We're not fucking socialist.
Go kill yourself.
I am a perfect candidate to answer this.
I came from the third World shithole of Serbia and live in Germany. I travelled a lot through many states in USA. Just last week I was at Duke in NC. I have seen socialism, extreme nationalism, capitalism and Euro - capitalism.
Socialism is cancer. End of discussion.
In countries like Sweden and Germany equality of outcomes is incredibly important and people are trained not to think like individuals. However, you will rarely find extremely bad roads in Germany and Sweden like you would find in USA.
TL:DR If you are ambitious go to USA
If you just want to "live" and be "safe" live in Germany.
>nigger majority
>white majority
Really makes you think.
Sweden will look like Detroit in less then 20 years at this pace.
the democrats havent represented the interests of the left in a long time
bernie almost winning doesnt mean anything because the majority of his voters were not establshed members of the democratic party
dems and republicans are the same when it comes to economics except for a few issues centered around identity politics
Yes goy, rightfully earnt your daily shekels
If you think uncle Bernie is socialist it is because the political spectrum in your country is so displaced to the right side that everyone who talks about healthcare looks like some crazy communist.
It is a pity indeed, that such a great nation cannot tell the difference between socialism and Social Democracy, because everyone is a dirty corporate right-wing fagget.
Sweden has been larping as socialist (actually just social democratic) for like 20 years. Anyone who thinks they're legitimately socialist is retarded.