What you think your NSA Shit will stop the future ?
Just better run, "brothers".
What you think your NSA Shit will stop the future ?
Just better run, "brothers".
And by the way , this was also slided .
You saw this thread get hot last night right?
Tweets started shortly thereafter @KibBitzLaw account now suspended. See thread.
Sacred Waves + Sacred Shapes?
>Star will gorge itself on clay
Israel taking Syria
>Today they are now accusing Assad of executing and burning thousands of prisoners
Quick rundown
homo, (((Google, facebook and amajews))) literally own most of the internet traffic.
Check out the linked thread: Shit he was saying is insane.
9/11 funded takedown of USSR to get USSR
off the map and leave the ME to ((them)).
((They)) want ME to control a stargate at the site of the Green Zone in Iraq. Stargate is portal to Reptilian nest below. Reptilians are coming back starting Sept 23 because we are their food source. Yeah I know.
Says Comey canned because he had evidence of 9/11 false flag and intentionally concealed it. Says if we can get the intel out about 9/11 we can start pulling threads to get the other stuff - why leads to who / how, the big horrible picture.
Could be a magnificent LARP, but asking for 9/11 truth is a reasonable first step IMO.
>>an island will drift away
meaning brexit??
I'm new to this, dare I ask for a... quick rundown?
Deep State is in panic, Trump kick their asses , no WW3 no september surprise, and a working star gate was found.
You are welcome.
But Trump can't get all the info out on his own, we have to push for it - his "credibility issues" restrict him.
5.3/10 troll
We are doing it right now baby, just keep the going , keep spreading the truth and you will see with your own eyes how theyfall.
Thanks for this. Is it enough to get people asking for the truth though? This is my concern. We need someone to go on the record with proof of something that we can use to jumpstart this.
No proof? No momentum. These pics cast doubt, but... Is this thread even alive?
so its yet another retarded Sup Forums larper thread
>larper thread
>retarded larper thread
Definitely not. One of the better larps if that's what it is
Guys , check the catalog , they are desperate , keep on posting the red pills baby, everything you have is a go.
Hey, I have that same dog reaction pic. Nice to know someone else liked it too!
>Things are about to change, how much so depends on your participation.
>Save the date and remember to ask questions.
>It's gunna be a wild ride Sup Forums.
Another thread over here
Check it for what?
I was on that thread from very early on and have seen my share of LARP'ing here. This is very different imho
Me too, buckle in homey
Tell us everything! Larp like it's your job!
How close is the Green Zone to a lay line?
can't believe people believe this meme, but I like this meme, tomorrows the day lads when everything changes, I'm ready to go through the stargate
Slider no sliding
Why isn't anyone replying anymore.
Because it's a bunch of stupid bullshit. Sage.
so according to OP humans are not native to Earth, so does that mean each race (black, white,asian) was brought here from a different planet? who brought humans to earth?
assuming these planets are in our solar system and their surface has practically been vaporized, I say that Mars is one
how is it different?
A Ley Line goes straight through Baghdad.
Green zone is apparently located in Karkh region (west) of Baghdad. (per Quora)
I think he means slide threads
Shills really don't want the 9/11 stuff to get out. Have a read.
As prophesied. Pic related.
I love short term happenings.