>claims to support western civilization
>worships the abrahamic god
Claims to support western civilization
But i dont...?
>worshiping anything
being submissive to a fake higher power is more bluepilled than feminism
People do realize a relationship with God and understanding comes from more than just the Bible, right? Christianity was flourishing long before Rome eventually decided to print the books out for people to spread it even better. People knew Christ rose from the dead and meditating on the Lord can supposedly be pretty eye opening, as can study of the universe and appreciating how it all links together on every level under God's will. This Creation is a beautiful thing and all is ultimately just reflections of His Light, whether direct or warped by our own bad reflections. By invoking God through Christ who was the ultimate and perfect reflection of God, we better understand and more fully are sanctified to be more true to our intended purpose. Live in love, Anons.
There is so much ignorance about religion, most of it willful blindness; but we all come to the Lord at our own time and pace. Just focus on learning as much as possible about the world or simply be aware of your surroundings. Apparent coincidence, the nudgings of the human heart, the depth of beauty to be found, your own weaknesses made into strength. The ultimate decision of giving yourself to God and trying to live your sinful self by His example is a distinct one to make and a difficult path. You may shy away from the Light for now, but all paths eventually lead to confrontation with God. Be kind to yourself and others and see the same mercy be extended to you. That does not mean ragdoll compliance, but to listen to that still and silent voice of righteousness in your heart. The Bible is filled with much truth and much applied metaphor, but ultimately it is only a very precious and valuable tool. Spread your wings when you're ready to fly the nest, Anons. The sky is breathtaking once you can soar.
We are not to believe simply because the Bible 'tells us so', but by using our souls and the logical processes we've been gifted with; while not forsaking the insight granted nor dutiful silence to listen.
Faith is a lifelong journey. Building yourself up upon the solid bedrock of Christ is a vital step, but it is only the first step of a long and often painful road of self-discovery and carving out improvement from yourself.
As Christians we are nowhere near perfect, but by being willing to recognize our imperfections and make mends to address them, we can be true to the callings of the Lord and present a light upon a darkened world, making this one which we're only in passing that much brighter for having been there. True belief has always been a minority and despite our many blessings, Christians have been reviled attacked and murdered throughout history from ancient times to now. We've created a safer space full of blessings here in the US, but in doing so we've become complacent in many ways and are called to spread the message and let God work through us by being the best conduit for His will that we can manage. The choice individually lies with us however. God offers great things to every aching heart, yet out of fearful pain or lies imbeded, many of us often slump back from the Lord out of shame.
God is full of love and forgiveness. We are not so ugly inside. The spark of the spirit dwells within each of us, baptism letting that swell to a larger linked connection but not creating it. We are children of the most high and the angels weep for our torment of ourselves. Live in joy and appreciation. Open yourself up to God and see miracles bloom in your life. They'll often be subtle. The more you pay attention, the more obvious they become and the more they occur. Be at ease and have Faith. You're loved. You may not feel like it and sometimes you force yourself to learn harder lessons than you would otherwise...
...but hard lessons aren't a showing of hatred no matter how full of surrounding darkness we choose to make ourselves. They are sometimes needed to make it past our stubborness and sink in.
Be the brightest reflection you can be. Be true to yourself as an individual and do not be afraid.
The love endures and waits for you. It is never too late.
Just think about it.
>unironically believing that Christianity is somehow the correct religion, even though it is just another in a long line of religions based on star alignments
>thinks he doesn't worship anything at all
At that point you probably worship yourself, whether you admit it or not. Which really puts your head further up your own ass than anyone worshipping anything else.
The pharisees hated Christ and his people with fervous passion. As by the jewish writings do the Jews of today. As have the Muslims always. The truth is offensive to those who dwell in the darkness.
And yes, if you put your faith only in yourself in the physical-material passing of this dream we call life, you are deeply wrapped up in your own pride and perceived self-importance. That is not enlightenment but instead highest delusion. The Lord is illuminating.
Try a deep prayer.
What do you have to lose? What are you so scared of? Just try calling out to God through your heart and words.
You may find yourself coming to Christ.
Heaven is filled with based hombres and based black men.
Christianity like Islam are religions of submission.
>claims to work for the white people
>harnesses repeating numbers' energy for a semitic chaos God
Yes, lets be like sweden and renounce christian values
Christian values are civic nationalism tier.
Nothing but a jewish civil war.
Jews fought each other all the time in the bible ;)
There is objective truth in this world and it is found in the name of Jesus Christ, and through that perfect undertanding of who God is, the Lord. Choose to surround yourselves in love and light, Anons. Call on the angels and you may surprise yourself by their responding.
Wrong. Try this.
Pic related
>every american ever
I pray to saint peter, because hes the one guarding the gate.
Cuckstianity forces you to tolerate Christian niggers and spics in your country since they follow god's teachings.
Exactly, like how christcucks are commanded to castrate themselves in matt 19:12
>For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept
Wrong. Try this.
The liberal (classic, not 'progressive') ideal and Christian morality ARE western civilisation. All you pagan autists care about is phenotypes, haplogroups, and some weird romanticised past where most northern Europeans lived in straw huts like niggers.
That's fucked
Its even more blue-pilled to think this way.
We were colonized and made Christians from being pagan savages who lived in huts. We thank Christianity
That would only get you to the gate, not through it.
Try the One who such worshipfully serve rather than simply the servants of the divine. The eternal is so much greater.
And the gift of bodily flesh we've been given is not to be spurned. Why throw away our body and in doing so spit in the face of God who created the pleasures we may enjoy?
Sex is not sinful. Excess which forms obsession and breaking of vows or prostituting yourself before other lesser spirits who are not God is the problem.
The so-called '7 deadly sins' are a remake by a crummy pope who found it easier to state people would go to hell for an infraction rather than the usual stepping up past weaknesses and holes in your character to develop past and in doing so come closer to God through insight and revelation which leads you to do better works rather than languish in personal pursuits alone.
The sins actually come from the '8 temptations of man', and rather than being a death sentence they are something we as humans continually work through and in doing so shape and strengthen ourselves closer to the image we are meant to become.
Sex isn't Sin, Anons. It's natural. Being controlled by it is a weakness to be rectified though. Have your Passion for life and beauty and carry it with you each and every day.
Mutilation of the self is disgusting. Your body is to be cared for as it is your temple to God through which you pronounce worship. You take things out of context. Forsaking pursuits in favor of pursuing God, of being a eunich in that sense does not mean brutalizing your flesh and ignoring the sacrifice of flesh already given to you upon the Cross. Especially as the Bible explicitly speaks against brutalizing yourself many elsewheres. Stop being jewish in nitpicking edges of the book as an excuse to flee from God and force others into hiding, especially when you should know better.
>verse clear as day
>write out a whole paragraph trying to explain it
Stay unsaved ,you are worthless anyways
Try actually reading the Bible and you'll understand the context it is framed in, fedora-chan. You can pick up the New Testament wherever you like. Just try it. Meditate on it. Your opinion will change.
Not worthless, but misguided. Just remember you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. Or you can, but it won't continue once you stop forcing and so is ultimately pointless. The personal choice of devotion comes about eventually. Just feel disappointment that some have chosen to have this particular life be empty of purpose and so will have to flounder and dwindle until given new opportunity to find the Lord anew. Judgement comes whether we will it or not. The potential of each soul is equally beautiful though, so making the attempt to wake others is always worth it.
Yahweh/Jehovah is the Father.
Yeshua/Christ is the Son. Jesus.
Elohim/Ruach is the Holy Spirit.
All are the Faces of God. Love.
The I AM.
The Light, Source, & Creator.
Know that all else are lesser angles of His Light, petty twisted reflections that are ultimately only a small part of Him. That is not to say nonexistence, but that latching onto them and pursuing false gods who are not God will not have you rise nearly so far, but instead dwell further below and leave you trapped closer to darkness.
>Truth from authority, not from reason and evidence
>Worldview built on bronze-age Jewish myths
Read some though.
It's all primitive horseshit.
Why even bother worshiping god if he doesnt even interfere in our lives?
fucking saved
fuck off rabbi
the creator you are talking about exists in our native religion as well we call him the "Allvater". but unlike you kikes we don't make naive assumptions about him. because we can't see him or experience him. we can only experience the forces of nature and our soil. therefore all these "lesser angels" like you call them are embodiments of the forces of nature. paganism is a religion based on experience and wisdom and respect for nature and our human existence. whereas your religion is based on doctrines written by mad desert people. the sooner white people will recognise this the better. you kikes just need to get out of our divine homelands.
So manny jewish names kek.
How can you faggots be exactly anti-semitic when your entire religion is abrahamic...
No wonder you faggots are ok with race-mixing if they "a-at least t-their c-christian"
Christianity is dead, it's full of cuckolds who focus only about "muh love thai neighbor" bs even to shitskins.
>American LARPing
So many of the jewish gain power by being aware, but ultimately choosing to side with spirits of sin and darkness rather than be changed by the Light embodied in Christ Jesus.
By embracing the highest unlike them yet maintaining an even deeper understanding of the spiritual, you can transcend as a Christian far above the machinations of the jewish faithful. Follow Jesus in full and you will see much assistance, not only from God but by His attendant angels who will lift you up closer to the Lord of you make the personal effort. Far better than relying on goetic entities to reach for enochian. Infinitely more powerful and transformative as well.
As a Christian you have the potential to outjew the jew. Thats why they hate you. Envy. Just as the twisted reflections under Lucifer are petty and selfish enough to drag others down for temporary relief, so too do those that work with them. Reach for the Light and all darkness is burned away. Evil always shys from the Good souls because it is so much weaker by compare.
So call out to Christ and outjew the jew.
Funny thing is most religions eventually orbit the same truth if you look at them. Different perspectives based on culture, but same divined data.
Like how Buddhism has the '3 Jewels' of which is the Trinity and safeguards the spirit as ultimate refuge. And how they consider cardinal point entities the same as the primary four archangels, ect.
>Muh spirit power
>muh doos bult
>muh fantasies spread by based hebrews from before christ time
>muh very peaceful and pretty but boring as fuck heaven
Never knew how delusional your people can actually be.
This isn't cartoon ffs.
He's lost
And until he is saved
He is worthless
But that's for god to decide, not mere men like us
>needing your hand held
Question: Why do you think Heaven would be boring? That would be the opposite of perfect.
There's nothing stupider than "muh 'muh'"
>a palace where everything is perfect , nothing challenging, nothing ambitious and nothing else but eternal rest.
>stale white purgatory where nothing happens
It would be great for some years to just lay back and chill but after a century it would become so shit it's unimaginable that you will wish to go to hell for some thrills.
I think someone's triggered. That's a lot of bile.
You talking to me faggot?
By that logic, we should not use the 10 based number system and the concept of 0, which were invented by Indians.
Algebra is Arabic.
Geometry was started by Egyptians, who influenced the math of ancient Greece.
Chess is Indian.
I could go on...
Refering to the other guy, not you.
And it's a refuge. You can always step out to elsewhere in Creation's expanse if you want to do great things. Be a guardian, ect. Just embrace the glory by exploring and learning, ect. It's a constant journey even after death.
Sack of Constantinople was literally last straw that of perfect christian credibility it ever had.
>let's destroy one of the most greatest city in history because it was god's will and hum crusader autism.
Holy Roman Empire was the start of western civilization.
Nice try, Jew.
Ill leave you to gas yourself.
You relly neaed to study history no matter you Americans have no culture indeed here something that can help you.youtube.com
Stop watch that idiot Vrag he make profit from your ignorance
Whoa hold up there.
Everything you culturally know about ghosts is a remnant of pagan understandings of the afterlife.
I half believe that that hair standing up on the back of your neck feeling is what pagan peoples of europe especially experienced constantly.
Its why they were inspired by their ancestors. They could feel them literally watching at every instant.
Who is Vrag?
Western civilization is based on Christian values though. The ancient Romans and greeks had more in common with the East than the west
"In this country we do not worship government, we worship God!" - President Donald J Trump
Mo you Baltic shit the 4th crusade happened because a byzantine claimant employed the crusaders as merchants .But he didn't paid him so they sacked the city the pope revoke their title crusader when he heard that they attacked Christians even before they attacked Constantinople them For more information here youtube.com
Sometimes I wonder are the Americans dump shits and yes they are you just proved that
How exactly is that?
The fuck you saying?
Yes there is, you.
Western civilization has influences from all over the world. Mainly, white north European barbarians civilized and transformed into Christianity by the influence of the Roman Empire. The Roman empire was also transformed to Christianity because Jesus and his hippy communist religion is more popular than an oppressive god. Christianity is practically half Judaism, so yea, western civilization was born thanks to Judaism. Pretty ironic, isn't it?
>there were reason, dindunuffin
The fact remains it were Crusader who slaughtered, pillage and sacked another fucking christians who destroyed greek city just for fucking money.
And then they don't even try to free it after Varna, Turks conquered all those lands for centuries and your popes instead of trying to crusade them, pathetically tried convert sultans...
Doos Bult after all fellow based black christian...
>could have had great Sun as a fucking God who respect and accept different european religions.
>a religion made by white people and not some lost tribe of goldbergs.
>One of the most aethetic religions in fucking history.
>Western civilization is based on Christian values though
This means nothing. You couldn't tell me what you believe this actually means because it's specious kike nonsense.
the bible was literally written by jews. christianity is controlled opposition that opens the door the communism. it may be better than dumb athiesm and that shit, but it isnt white and has no place in white cultures
Literally every liberal and antiwest shit group hates Christianity.
America needs to be like Sweden, a patriarchal god that promotes gender roles and restricts women's sexuality no place in modern society.
>patriarchal god
Would a matriarchal God be better?
Stop qualifying shit for no reason you sound like a fucking SJW
The Jews hated Christ. He went against all that they taught and brought a new interpretation of the torah...one free of kikery. His teachings are one of the things that made Europa great.
Also, it can be proven that Jesus rose from the dead. It is accepted by all ancient historians (including atheists and agnostics) that: 1) Jesus died via crucifixion, 2) three days after His crucifixion His tomb was found empty and 3) Jesus' disciples, two of His enemies and a group of five hundred [at once] had experiences of a risen Jesus. The resurrection hypothesis is the best explanation of those three facts.
If you don't believe me, not only are you (((one of them))) but check out top atheist historians like Bart Erhman and Marcus Borg...they all agree on those three facts.
fuck off christcuck kys
Unfortunately. Makes you wonder why they despise it so much, Christians and nobody else, doesn't it?
Perhaps because it carries The Truth?
>Most people hate islam on this bard, makes you wonderw hythey despise it so much, Islam and nobody else, doesn't it? Perhaps because it carries the Truth?
Your fucking argument.
Funny how most christians in america support Israel ziocucks and think it's Christian duty to return chosen people back to the holy land, even you fucking leaders agree.
If the god is real, why does he say different things to different people?
for the bants