No go zones in the UK

Are there actually no go zones in the UK? Is there any evidence?

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Top kek, is this real? I would literally rip the fucking towel off of his head, wrap it around his neck and hang him from a tree if he held that in my face.

not official zones, no

but in most cities there are majority muslim areas where you would not go walking around as a white man. you could walk down the main street in these areas and there would be a lot of spit at your feet, hang around for too long and ahmed and his 18 cousins will mob you.

in many areas the same would happen, you have to realise these vermin get their confidence in numbers, like rats or any other pack animal. on their own they're pathetic creatures, and they know it.

Any articles about that?

One of my bros was Jordan Horner (Ginger Muslim kid).

He was a good guy. Very sincere.

I live in bradford, its a no go zone for tourists desu

Nope, there aren't. Just a few majority muslim areas where you'll get dirty looks for drinking alcohol / being dressed like a degenerate.

probably, it's common knowledge outside of white middle class communities though. tommy robinson has a few decent speeches about similar stuff.

Parliament made trying to enforce shariah law illegal last year
This pretty much its not like they are physically aggressive to people they are passive aggressive i.e. they will heckle you after you have walked past them or stare at you the entire way down the street in an attempt to make you feel unwelcome.

No, you'll get stinkeye and bad attitude in muslim areas but try going to any mostly white council estate if you're not a local. Fuck, I grew up in a place where you couldn't go five streets vaguely North West without hyperventilating.

yah that's cause it's not worth visiting, fucking shithole.

>only passive aggressive
Until they're the majority population, then they'll behead you and take over.

no, these people tried this quite a few years back, police shut them down instantly

i dont like them but this is just not true, muslims keep to themselves, youd get looks in a muslim neighbourhood, yes, spit at your feet? bullshit

I consider the entirety of London a no-go zone at this point

Cities in general are bad, but London is a shit heap

Officially declared, dont think so, but any man with common fucking sense wouldnt even walk his dog through some areas. The black areas (mainly London and South London) are fine (ish), they are just massive shitholes. The Mussie ones (parts of London, Brum, Bradford, Luton etc) no fucking chance... Many of these areas you will simply get robbed or beaten up for being white or Christian.

On a lighter note, i have a couple cousins living in south east london areas (welling, deptford, bexley way) and they are working class white through and through. Very few blacks and others, and infact are probably no go zones for them..


this desu

It's a meme
Since forever they used to be refered to as "bad neighborhoods". Now nothing has changed except they coined the "no go zone" term to play on people's paranoia because that's the only thing msm is good at
It's hilarious how all faggots here seem to believe hard in a CNN meme because it fits their retarded ideology

You don't have to be very smart to understand in every major city there are places you shouldn't go alone at night



There's some in the US as well. Michigan if I recall.

>Are there actually no go zones in the UK?
yeah my gf's anal cavity
>Is there any evidence?
my dick is not spotted with spotted dick

there woulnd't be under total monarchism

sparkhill, birmingham
not an official no go zone its just full of mudslimes

Alum rock in Birmingham. Whites are not allowed out there after dark - there's a curfew. If you're white and you get caught, you run the risk of, worst case, getting killed. At the very least assaulted. This place is made up of majority minority groups with lots of them being Pakistani or from another muslim demographic.

Bonus - just a couple of months ago there were terror raids there conducted by police.

Source: Have lived in & near Birmingham for 20+ years.

Fuck when you have to make a law against physically enforcing sharia

But it's ok it's not all muslims

Need to have a few gangs of droogs wandering around these places.

the day the parliament officialy declares as a "no go zone" it's because the muslim have successfully started a caliphate within your country.

Not necessarily no go zones, but just shit places.

>i wonder who could be behind this post

President Trump is a true friend of your people, my Saudi friend.

Entire cities lost:

Probably more.

God that would be fucking awesome.

not every flag with green colors are saudi arabia mate! repeat with me: h-u-e-l-a-n-d

Soon the Falklands will be sharia controlled
Thanks for nothing UK

Even if the Falklands became Shariah-controlled, it'd still be 100% white, which is 100 percentage points more white than Argentina.