Is Sup Forums still a National Socialist board or have the reddit invasions really done us in?
Is Sup Forums still a National Socialist board or have the reddit invasions really done us in?
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The non-national socialists are just fluff to conceal us from the normies, we're fine
kekistanfaggots are shock troops.
Why can't we just say we don't want to be around other races? I told this libtard about Orania and how Hawaiians and Native Americans have their own areas where only they could go and it just blew his mind and he agreed with me.
See how much more smoothly that goes than saying, "lel, I'm a Natsoc guys!"
national socialism is for larpers who seek for pretexts to unleash their frustration, anger and to seek reasons to use violence really
But in order for that to happen there will have to be race war
Any invasion unto us in an invasion of the perpetrator's mind.
Has there been any time that Sup Forums wasn't a NatSoc board?
There was no race war when implementing the reserves.
There was no race war for segregation.
Sup Forums was never natsoc you fucking newfag
Hey reddit
Being Natsoc only holds us back. Orania isn't Natsoc and nobody fucks with them.
We just need more and more Oranias until they expand and interconnect and only trade with one another and by the time that happens the government will have fallen and the nigs will be a simple matter to exterminate and reclaiming the land won't be unlawful at that point.
The shills exist in greater numbers then before, but theyre easy enough to spot. Even the concern trolling is hella obvious.
Sup Forums is neither national socialist or communist, Sup Forums just *is*. It just happens to be that *it* is national socialism.
No we are an alt right board now xDDD
hey stormweenie, how long ago did you migrate here?
stay strong and redpill on
>literally using a tumblr insult
Pretty much this. It's an ideology made by losers and worshipped by ignorant losers.
This is a postironic virtual Klan
Stormniggers not welcome
Hello pleddit
Reddit can't even be bothered to raid Sup Forums anymore
hello antifa
>no answer
As expected. If you haven't been here at least 6 years then fuck off
I was on /new/ before Sup Forums even existed newfag
it's been this was since /new/ you fuck. this is typical leftist revisionism, this is gaslighting at its finest
no, go back to stormfront, stormweenie
>im oldfag you guys, please believe me
Sup Forums was never a natsoc board, nigger
Why not just establish an Orania in our White Western countries for Westerners to go and escape diversity for awhile? Once I have enough cash I will do that with land way in the wilderness and let White celebrities come here to "get away from the press" when really it's just to get away from non-Whites. Once they realize how fucking awesome it is they will start influencing others to start segregation. We will use these videos as an example of why blacks fail when segregated, that's just the way she goes boys.
socialist are mostly inbreed faggots who's political ideology is one step away from communisim
Let's be specific here, they're rural and suburban retards
this is what pol is all about
I'm new and I'm a Nazi.
Sup Forums has always been a mix of libertardianism, nationalism and capitalism.
I hate libertards though.
/pol is now a Stalinist board.
What Is History?
The Rise and Fall of the Holocaust Industry
Josef Mengele - Innocent At Auschwitz
David Cole and Mark Weber - What is holocaust revisionism?
Sylvia Stolz - Lawyer Who Was Jailed for Presenting Evidence in the Zundel Trial
Ursula Haverbeck - `Auschwitz expertin`
Forum search
You should team up with these guys.
I will try the same in Germany.
I could get Colorado in on that. The city I live in is pro-White.
Utah also have a lot of pro-White areas and has a growing White Mormon population. Plenty of Mormon QT3.14s to populate the expanded Cascadia.
T. newfag
The weak should fear the strong
oh boy white people get to live on reserves like Indians that is if our brown overlords allow it and don't just rape whitey out of existence
wew lad
>Browns traversing hundreds of miles through the wilderness just to fuck with Whitey
Yeah I doubt it.
>just build a country within a country now goyim
>live like rats in the attic of your old dilapidated home
You don't have to live in Cascadia if you love diversity so much
National social denied people the right to criticize the government and set up concintration camps for political prisoners as well as nationalizing the countries banks and increasing government over sight over all parts of the ctizenrys daily lives such as letting police search your home without a warrant
>Cascadia meme
you ever been to Washington? The Mexicans are leaking over there too.
We'll avoid Washington and go through Western Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Montana to Alaska
that's why theres 8 c h a n
Generally under the surface it's natsoc/libertarian alliance. But we all love to LARP as whatever the political pariahs of the month are.
Let these people into your countries you bigots! They are just like you! This kind of diversity equals strength!
hi jew, get ready for a dose of picrel soon
every day we got a Natsoc general
>Muh freedom