I made a song for you.
Check my bandcamp.
Patreon soon.
I made a song for you.
Check my bandcamp.
Patreon soon.
Other urls found in this thread:
>timmy wishes Sup Forums would give him the same amount of attention they gave Shia
>any amount of attention will do
>Look, I called you fat! And virgins!
>pls notice me!
Sorry, but you're both a has-been and not interesting enough, Tim.
Why'd ya do it.
Why'd ya kill /ourguy/'s career?
But Shia is such a fun target because he IS a hasbeen.
But I also don't think Trump should not have 2 scoops.
Meme me now?
I said 2 SCOOOOPS, Sup Forums!
Am I doing this right?
And he's known for violent meltdowns. Timmy is "too smart" to be entertaining like that.
>I also don't think Trump should not have 2 scoops.
Too late to two scoops. Gotta get out ahead of memes, timbo.
OKOK. I've got one.
Trump fucks Ivanka with a black dildo in the Lincoln bedroom.
Can you imagine the meme? Like a big black dildo? And Trump has it in his hand, because he has a little cock?
HAHAHAHA. No Scoops for you Donald!
Nah nah, Louis C.K. is the bbc cuck guy
Cover yourself in peaches and try to get on the whitehouse lawn yelling "I'm peaching trump!" over and over.
You'll be a meme 4 sho.
>Tim Heidecker
>2984 St Gregory Rd Glendale CA 91206
send him pizzas. tweet him his address
This guy and everything he's been a part of is painfully unfunny. I get more laughs in the opening moment of a 2017 episode of family guy than I do I'm an entire series of Tom goes to the mayor or Tim and eric.
No fucking anchovies, pol/ I told you!
>says he's voting for hillary
>wears pussyhats at womens rights marches
>apologized to the person who stabbed him
>didn't know he needed to act on "The Comedy" and just played himself
>hires a convicted sex offender and suspected pedophile jew (Vic Berger - twitter.com
>writes songs about killing trump
>wishes 10 year old Barron Trump falls out of trump tower and dies
>posts a pic of newborn son on instagram, saying that he doesn't know which he's happier about, his new son or trumps pussy tape
>half of his fanbase disowns him
>people start doxxing him, posting pictures of themselves outside his house
>forced to install security system on house
>'check it out' not renewed for new season
>plays a significant role in getting Hyde's show cancelled
>wife leaves him
>$4,000 a month alimony
>forced to do a 10 year 'awesome show' tour for money(the promo video is cringe-worthy, their chemistry is clearly gone)
>tells his twitter followers in california to use deadly force against trump people
>his on cinema facebook page gets taken over and destroyed
>TimAndEric subreddit gets shut down
What's next for Tiny Tim?
Tim Heidecker's comedy and music has been a big influence on me from a young age. His views very much represent mine as I've grown up and he's just a genius. A mastermind. I hope to make music with him some day. Or do some goofs and record them.
Send me your mixtape, dude. But you just ave to promise to transfer the rights.
None of that is true.
Some of it is
You can't prove a negative with doctored photos.
look up the story. Not only did he apologize to him, he forgave him too
Your new song is lousy!
I will if you add me to my premium tier Patreon.
I promise.
i didnt know u were french.
I am here on vacation. I am trying all the truffles and champagne I can get my hands on.
Le stab yourself in le back