Are video games degenerate?

Are video games degenerate?

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do they keep you or delay you from making white babies, yes

depends on the game


If you play video games as an adult do the world a favor and KYS please.

They are a good way to escape reality, as long as you're not addicted to them, it's all good.


Extremely but the manchildren will deny this.

Yes, goyim. Why do you need to think about social problems and injusty of world we created. Just buy and play your new "Escape the realty 15: Modern Cuckoldry".

lf a gf, pst

runescape is, dont know about all the rest though

Yes, but that's not going to stop me from playing them.

I once got 60 strength, 1 attack, 1 def, with 9hp on a pure and could wield an Obby maul but then my idiot friend attacked some guards while I used the toilet and fucked up my stats.

degenerates tend to play them



thats small time m8, shoulda seen my 80def pure back in the day with dragonfire shield. 1 all other stats

Well I don't watch TV or movies so that's not so bad

>Three times same flag.
>Three times same kind of post.
>Three times "one post by this id"
Yeah okay...

Runescape is redpilled as fuck though.

All the humans and the elves live in amazing cities, homogeneous cities of falador and priffidnas are the most marvelous ones, then you get to the cities run by the bastard races like burthorpe, taverly, etc, and they're utter shitholes.

Then you have Varrok, run by kikes, the multicultural hub of runescape, a detroit-esque mess of crime, demon worshippers, corruption, masquerading as the jewel of the continent.

And then to the east of that is the sand niggers who aptly try to kill you for being the wrong religion, i'm not even joking, wear a saradomin star or any kind of clothing that their god disagrees with out there in the southern desert and they attack you en-masse, one of the quests the king camel-nog threatens to cut your head off.

It's a wonder how Jagex has been able to do this without an outcry.

no games are sober entertainment

if its sober its clean

its a sober clean activity.

unlike people who smoke and do drugs and drink alcohol while they do stuff

u can sit home and be harmless on a game

video games are pure

but if ur playing league of legends or something ur a mind control zombie

Doctors who use them are shown to have faster performance times with lower error, so I dunno

They're a form of entertainment that can refine the users reaction times and instincts for pre-planning & strategy to accomplish goals, so eh

No inherently but many are. Games that teach something useful like management games and simulators get a pass.

I would say it depends on the game. Almost all RPG, FPS, etc. games are degenerate. Strategy games at least challenge your mind and encourage you to learn better strategy. Basically the video game equivalent of chess, which isn't degenerate.

You should look up EVE.Its better than Sup Forums

>is y degeneracy

Enjoy your ban

Do nothing of this except games and ignoring grand-parents so what the hell, nothing to lose.

Sounds pretty sick. I got 40 def on an f2p pure through lamps and wore full rune with a chain and a blue phat. Did you pk anyone with the special?


does anyone find it hilariously ironic that the same people on this board complaining about video games wasting time and being degenerate, in turn spend all of their time on a Mongolian basket weaving forum instead.

Pot meet kettle.