Just some of the latest news from Londonistan
>Boys in skirts: London private school to make uniforms gender-neutral
>Losing my religion? Secular Brits now outnumber Christians, but Islam & Hinduism growing
Just some of the latest news from Londonistan
>Boys in skirts: London private school to make uniforms gender-neutral
>Losing my religion? Secular Brits now outnumber Christians, but Islam & Hinduism growing
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Like all cities Its awful and every white Londoner's goal in life is to make enough money to move away from it. The only way living in London is worth it is if you're earning a six digit salary
t. countryboy who lived in London for a few years and hated it
I live 20ish miles from London and the degenercy leaks.
Saw a ""man"" (Bald head, stubble, heels, skirt) the other day.
Pretty sure London is a lost cause at this point.
Its shit
My wife has a flat there and we dont even go anymore, we just rent it to white europeans working in the city
Fuark nice
If I owned a London flat I'd never work again
Hey if you guys want we are always happy to help and nuke it. If you ask in the next couple of years we might even do it for free! We will drop a small one so it doesn't affect the countryside!
On a serious note: is it really that bad? Are there any British people left in there? What happens when London is full and the pakis come for the countryside?
There are areas of London where you could spend hours walking around and not see a white person.
some pockets of london feels like you are in old delhi , a muslim dominated region of india
London is not England. The north is the last acceptable place to live.
it's full of shitskin Muslim ingress
If you walk around the rich parts of London, the centre where Westminster is and the Eye, you'll see mainly white people on their way to work. But as you stray even slightly further way from the centre you'll fall into black boy central. barely a white person in site.
I think it will be okay, they've mostly self segregated which is harmful for the community but when their NEET bucks run out they'll move away.
Is there a lot of violence with both attack-helicopter-self-identifying fags and muslims and hindus? Have the jews ran away from their areas due to anti-semitic attacks? What about X on White attacks?
I'm curious about these stuff since I am woundering how the city is even holding together at this point.
You might be right at this point!
>#Londependence: Tens of thousands call for capital to be made an independent state, join EU
As long as you don't go near Cardiff Wales is pretty alright, darkies can't put up with the rain.
>born too early to go to a cross-dressing school in London
London is the corrupted heart of England that pumps around the vile degeneracy we've lived under for decades with every beat. Almost all boroughs are minority white (never mind native) and most of it is run by Muslim gangs outside the centre., which is filled with kikes who push the shit to begin with.
London is full of trannies, Muslims and knife-crime. Please somebody just nuke it
Yeah it's like the beginning scene in Blue Velvet when the camera pans down into the grass and all those hissing bugs are crawling about
It's my home town, I'm from Bermondsey in Southwark, pains me to see what's become of it.
Live in Kent now so away from that shit, I just wish native British people would fucking grow a pair of bollocks and fight, I feel as if I am on my own sometimes feeling these feels.
Can't fucking do it on my own.
Despite the said, I think that London could be bretty gud for a Russian, at least it's better than any Russian city in every way.
I fail to believe Moscow could be degenerate central.
I'd like to nuke Moscow in the first place.
>the countries capital isn't even majority white
Kinda this
Its poor but apart from middlesbrough its 99% white
It's not degereate, but it's full of savages, corruption, crime and shit. Saint Petersburg is way better.
The socialist middle class who support labour and immigration live in rich areas with no crime and 99% white population, everyone else lives in a fucking warzone.
What do you think Brexit was about.
There are thousands of us, who don't care if the economy is lower than France for the next 10 years. Or 20 years for that matter. It's about taking our country back and making sure we have a firm grasp on English culture.
Stop shilling your website lad
Navalny supporter found
I lived in Chelsea Barracks (city centre) for about a year and then RAF Uxbridge (northern limits of Greater London) for a while. It's a shit hole filled with sub-human species and whites that ape them (no pun intended).
London and Venice are the only cities I've seen rats wandering freely in the streets.
>According to the Times, up to 2,000 under-18s were referred to the Gender Identity Clinic at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in North London last year. That is up from the 100 reported when the trust was first set up eight years ago.
what the actual fuck
I'm not a supporter of this political clown and a star for nihilistic schoolkids. I like Brits because they're much more polite and civilised than Russians. It's noticeable when you have conversation with the English on Sup Forums and Russians on 2ch, the English on Fagbook and Russians on vbydle.
You just said the magic word lad. Have a read.
>London private school to make uniforms gender-neutral
Why didn't they go the pants route? it's not like women don't wear pants nowadays.
seems like a social engineering section of the NHS. The pic on the homepage seemed to be a tranny kid. Quick rundown?
you need help london
See if you can get a torrent of this. Even if it's fake it's pretty much a blueprint on what has happened and what will happen. Should be required Sup Forums reading.
Damn London looks like THAT?
>Going to 2ch
> having a civil discussion
Choose 1 (one)!
2ch is the breeding ground for liberals, hohols and traitors. It seems the good part of that community has immigrated to 4ch, judging by your comment (no profanity).
But you should talk to actual people and not base your opinion on online forums. From my (almost) 2 years in Russia I have seen that Russians don't really swear that much, some even seem to even hate the notinon so much that they get mad when you say "blin".
And then there are ofcourse the antagonists...
>Hey if you guys want we are always happy to help and nuke it.
Used to live there beween 97 and 2001. We lived in the middle of it and it was great. I went to school next to victoria station. Sad to hear it's going to shit.
Thanks, think I may have read briefly about Tavistock years ago. I've been researching this kind of stuff on and off for 15 years.
I don't wait from 2ch manners of a posh higher class, but I don't wait it from Sup Forums either.
It just shows the state of our daily behaviour, 2ch became infected by criminal slang, people are full of hatred to each other, trying outdo each other in every aspect of the life.
It's not only social media I making conclusions from. The more I read English newspapers, watch English soaps, listen English radio, the more I'm becoming certain that they're more contented with their lives, this is how a society should live. We're doomed from inside, there's no government which can change it.
I'm in Manchester which is like a mini-London, maybe less far gone, maybe not. Hard to tell as it might just not be much of a target
Pretty good. Kind of expensive, though.
During the USSR Russians were quite cultured. It's the 90's that played a vital role in destroying culture.
And just as it has been destroyed, so shall it rise from the ashes.
Fuck off paki cucks, East and West are the last bastions. Rotherham loving paki bastards.
What people fail to realise is London has always been this way, since the 1600's it has been the epicentre of Europe for immigration.
Same in Liverpool lad. I walk past this Starbucks in the centre and it's completely filled with shitskins. I haven't seen a white face in there that wasn't behind the counter. Same goes for the rest of the city. Disgusting
Has the plague spread outside of cities or is it still relatively safe?
>The more I read English newspapers, watch English soaps, listen English radio, the more I'm becoming certain that they're more contented with their lives
things aren't so great in Russia I take it...
I agree on the USSR and its culture. I think that Russia will be in stagnation for a long period of time since we have a sort of equilibrium: no one dies from starvation, the oil isn't over.
Fucking tavistock institute again.
Seen Purple Aki lately mate?
We just need a more hardline approach. Putin is great when it comes to diplomacy and international manuvering. No one better than him!
But we need to see some movement on internal policy as well.
It's nice to see a Russian on 4ch that can talk withought profanity for so long. Do you know where I can find redpilled statistics abour Russia similar to those that are in here for other countries? NOT gks.
I tried on 2ch's Sup Forums but you can guess the result.
It depends on a personal environment. On average people are more sullen, unfriendly and unhappy here.
bad luck m8
You'll notice that all the 'power' lefties (marketing director not moldylocks) would never dream of going to Starbucks, they go to the vegan cafe for some cleanse tea in colourful and 'authentic' surroundings
Not that I would dream of going to Starbucks either, but it shows how the more immersed you are in the sort of metropolitan new-agey 'culture' (the same in every fucking city), the more you reap the rewards but they're presented as totally discreditable to people outside of the scene
The health food boutiques sell a lot of the same stuff Alex Jones does. lol
and yes, they have lovely water filters that are integrated into the plumbing that they never even have to think about
sucks dunnit
Please invade the UK and raze London to the ground. Spare only the museums and a few historical buildings.
Unfortunately no, I doubt if there is such thing. I'm trying to construct an objective picture by comparing Russian and western media.
Barnet is quite white and safe still in general.
dunno what that is
I live in an expensive neighbourhood surrounded by the kind of people I mention here But a few miles up the road... pic related
I lived in London for two years.
It like Moscow but with unimaginable amount of shitskins.
People tend to complain that Moscow flooded with immigrants, but you saw nothing yet.
In London you can go outside and struggle to find white people. In some places you can walk along crowded street and see nothing but arabs, niggers, indians and so on.
If you common person and not a oligarch kid London is not better than Moscow. Everything is more expensive, something like Starbucks is already overpriced even here, and in London it even more expensive.
At least Moscow have plenty of fellow russians left, at least for now.
I live in a commuter town safety outside london, and go their on a regular basis.
Some areas on the outskirts aren't too bad. Degeneracy is everywhere, but i'd rather be in those places than east london, which is full of pakis.
fpbp. It was 'nice' maybe 30 years ago but it went downhill very fast. I moved away last year and went south with my family, it's so much better now and I rarely see a paki or nog, even during the summer. London's a lost cause, just a hive of scum.
>I like Brits
We like you too, you are the only civilised slavs. Polish are savages though,
>>Boys in skirts: London private school to make uniforms gender-neutral
What's the problem with boys wearing skirts?
Actually it's a very British thing. Wish we had the same here in the South.
I think they are talking about a different type of skirt...
southeast is pretty comfy desu
thats a kilt, which is diffrent somehow
You can't use asian fonts here
Also, Canary Wharf is unfriendly even by London standards. It's a cold, bleak, unforgiving place.
Blood on the streets m8. Sootie's round every corner, never relax, they will try to behead you.
Please send Cyka squads asap.
We have 1 Ivan in there trying to fix the situation
I lived in Croydon for two years and worked all over central London.
It was a schizo experience. On the one hand a lot of my friends live there, the 'night life' is abundant, there's a lot to do and see and pretty much whatever you can think of to do, it's there waiting. The problem with all this, of course, is that it costs a fucking fortune. If you have the money you can basically pay to insulate yourself from all the shit and all the foreign slime that seems to congregate there. If you don't have money, you have to wade through the shit with everyone else.
So the other half of the experience was basically living shoulder to shoulder with millions of nigs and pakis. It might pain Sup Forums to hear but I actually made good acquaintance with several colourful (niggers) people and it showed me that not every foreigner is shit, just most of them.
What was really the worst is that these cunts live in their own filth like it was nothing. Croydon and it's surrounding areas were easily the most disgusting, litter strewn, dilapidated shit-holes imaginable.
Fly tipping seems to be a fucking cultural past time for these nogs. The roads were paved with chicken bones and dog shit. Every single street was festooned with manky old sofas, broken teles, bin bags full of detritus and strange unidentifiable puddles of stinking ooze.
I lived with my friends in a really nice house, so whilst indoors the experience was lovely. Good food, good drink, good times. Visiting museums, good pubs, strolling along the thames oggling pretty young girls on a summers day... Fantastic. The rest was hell on earth.
I won't be back there to live without a high 6 figure going on 7 figure salary because if you can't surround yourself with luxury the filth will get into your soul.
I currently live in Kings Cross (well, a 3 minute walk from the station).
Gentrification has pushed out most of the druggies and niggers, but they remain still - huge tower block here full of scumbags.
They are building a new flat right next to it - so, your £700,000+ flat will be next to an ex-council shit hole block full of losers - lol, suckers.
Here in Spain, I went to a school where girls had to wear grey and black kilt-patterned skirts.
In 6th grade iirc, we did a performance about the Loch Ness Monster and we used skirts from girls' uniforms as kilts.
Don't lose all the hopes in your country, Britbros. Although, if your kids end up wearing at schools, then you should organise a good revolt
Damn....where do you live now and why?
Does Londonish "gentrification" mean "gentrification" or just demolishing a building and building a new on top of it?
london gentrification means removing any thing with history and replacing it with a glass and steel dick
I live in Sheffield now while I study engineering at Uni. It's better in that it's slightly cheaper (not as much as I'd hoped) and there's a lot more greenery what with it being a stones throw from the peak district.
The makeup of the place is strange. In London you had all sorts and there was some feel of integration. Like I'd go to the paki shop and have good banter with Rajj behind the counter and white guys and black guys would hang out in the pub.
Here in sheffield it's basically white students, white people, white eastern europeans and a fuckload of muzzies. The muzzies are the worst. I've met a few who were hospitable and reasonable but by and large they seem to treat natives with utter contempt. They make no effort to converse, no effort to integrate, no effort to be personable or friendly... There's a pretty palpable sense in the air that they do not want anything to do with White British people and consider Sheffield to be their territory.
That said I much prefer it to London. It still has plenty going on, it's not too big that you feel swamped, there are a lot of whites still in the area and apart from a few areas, it's in pretty good shape.
Also if you're into pubs, beer and music there's a pretty big scene here to get into.
Currently living in London. It would genuinely be a very nice place to live if you had earned more than £100k and had a pretty gf. But I don't, and I don't, so it's not.
What a lad. Always liked the Russians.
Croydon South London fag here.
There to many nigs but the race relations are good and theres no tensions or segregation.
London is pretty fun but any place worth living costs tons.
Gentrification is happening near me , it does means my area is getting whiter but it also means my rent doubles.
Jobs are pretty good compared to the rest of the cunt.
Born and bred Londoner here. Basically, Russians own everything now. Even the Russian gangsters have completely wiped-out the English gangsters.
theres no real bad parts in the center anymore. The shits getting moved outwards to places like addo(which was never even good in the first place)
>The roads were paved with chicken bones and dog shit.
I live in a very white for croydon part and I wont have to walk 1 minute to find a chicken box
Sad. But not everything is lost with projects like these:
Clean out the enemies now while they are weak. Otherwise you will soon become like London.
You mean it isn't just a meme?
those fried chicken shops are everywhere in London and even now in the towns around it.
Chavs and nigs are too lazy to find a bin
I've lived in London my entire life and holy fucking shit. Has anyone been to Southall or Hanwell? I drove down there once and THE ENTIRE PAVEMENT AND ROAD WAS FILLED WITH SHITSKINS. I was the only white person, what the fuck happened.
Help us uncle Ruski, I am a Londoner living under near Sharia Law. Blasphemy laws are in effect, Sadiq Khan has a taskforce trawling through Facebook, twitter and YouTube accounts looking for anti Muslim rhetoric or "Hate speech"
Please, I love London, I grew up here and it was always multicultural in poor areas but now we're overflowing at the seams. The Tsar Bomba will kill me and my family but I fear we are a necessary sacrifice to save the wider UK from the plague of Islam.
>>Boys in skirts: London private school to make uniforms gender-neutral
These faggots are forcing their mental illness on children.
Really that sounds like the entire history of the cities in general
Your sacrifice will not be forgotten! A glorious monument will be built!
I'll rate the areas
>god tier
>good tier
South west
>good if you can put up with lefties
>ok tier
central London
most of Enfield
>Hipster tier
>Nigeria tier
most of Lambeth andLewisham
North croydon
>Pakistan tier
anywhere in the east
>Polish-Indian Commonwealth tier
North west
>white trash tier
New addo
Underrated kek.
Also, Westfield is probably the best argument yet against (and also the perfect symbol of) globalism. I've never gone without being asked there by a friend, but whenever I do go it's just soul-crushing in the extreme. The clientele are such that you could be forgiven for thinking that it was situated in Qatar.
Westfield stratford is depressing.
The coldness and boringness of a mall and the trashyness of london
you have to be joking. i have friends who have moved away for 5-10 years and come "home" and their jaws are on the fucking floor.
inb4 muh vikings/what is british. scale and scope of change is unreal
You nailed it.
And I know what you mean about 'cold'. I described Canary Wharf in similar terms:
>but the race relations are good
I bet they're good when you submit to coon colonisation.
And southwest outside of London