Formation with VVD, CDA, D66 and GroenLinks failed.
Next possibility is VVD, CDA, D66 en ChristenUnie, but it will be a huge risk because they will form a majority with just 1 extra vote.
Dutch Cabinet Formation Failed
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Sauce please
Please cite sources I wish this is real.
What happens if they fail there?
And source.
It's real
Fresh from our local propaganda medium:
Extra broadcast right now:
New elections on the way, Geert Wilders Electric Boogaloo.
Based thierry and hiddemeister better get a couple more seats if reelection happens.
Do you think so? Or are they gonna try another formation first?
my sister was so happy GL was going to be in the cabinet. feelsgoodman
They might try one with CU. Hoping for reelection though.
CU will only give them 76 seats though, more likely they will beg PVDA to give up it's last credibilty, otherwise NEW ELECTIONS.
Even if they succeed they still fail, doh.
So geert is ignored?
I hope so
I'm really really glad there will be no GL in this cabinet.
Commie scum needs to stay as far away from government as possible. I'd rather have SP maoists.
user is a cuck but Geert is literally mossad also.
Ben Shapiro tier.
After summer vacation, with a little bit of luck the global economy also comes crashing down around that time. Where is my popcorn
Fuck you nigger. Geert is a literal kike. No one should be voting for him. I hope FVD gets a couple more seats.
If reoccuring numbers, fvd will be seat 77 and 78
Jesse snodneus klaver BTFO
Roosendaal BTFO
Their Jesse is fucked
I needed this good news, praise kek.
Opkankeren krab, ik ben blij dat die kanker marokkaan nu niks meer te zeggen krijgt.
This is shit. Groenlinks was the only party who really cared about climate change. While Germany and Denmark will be going full renewable soon the Netherlands will keep burning coal for the next 30 years, which is ridiculous for a country that's already under sea level.
Inb4 "Jesse Klaver wants refugees to rape your mother." Climate change is a much bigger and urgent problem than a few extra Syrians in NL.
>zijn stad aanbidt een krab
Neck yourself faggot. We can solve the sea problem easily.
>Hij komt uit de zelfde stad als Jesse 'Tulpetaan' Klaver
>Next possibility is VVD, CDA, D66 en ChristenUnie, but it will be a huge risk because they will form a majority with just 1 extra vote.
Well, a party called ChristenUnie are probably better than a party called GroenLinks
AGW is a myth, climate change is natural and unstoppable.
You'll be burning a different type of coal for 30+ years if those commie shits get their way.
Fucking windmill niggers can't even form a cohesive government. How long ago was the election?
>The Dutch fear the sea
Truly dark days.
Criminally underrated
Good one
Same thing is happening all over the EU. Independent "populist" parties shaking up the establishment equilibrium causing parliamentary clusterfucks even when Sup Forumsapproved parties don't get majority.
Next year snowniggers socialist party will collapse and the same shit here.
Disorder and chaos. Kek's will.
>American education
You mean people having sex with black people? Nothing wrong with that. I've had multiple non-white girlfriends. It's pretty normal in Amsterdam.
They're very close to Groenlinks when comes to climate change and immigration. They are actual merciful Christians unlike the CDA or Republicans.
>in Amsterdam.
kill yourself my man
Both Thierry and Theo of FvD were both openly PVV supporters
There was even talk of a ministry job for Theo under a Wilders 1 cabinet
But the founding of this 'youth' party seemed a smarter idea. It wasn't cool to vote PVV in certain communities: mostly middle class and elites. Here (FvD) the right-wing hipsters could get behind. And that they are, politically correct right-wing hipsters who smell like lavender