Well Sup Forums? I thought Socialism sucked and Sweden was collapsing?
Socialism doesn't wor-
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What happens when the niggers and Arabs outbreed Swedes and there's nobody to pay for their gibs?
What happens when the electricity goes out for good?
Didn't they call it an economic miracle in Argentina too?
moar monnies for the poor refugees. yeahhhh
what year do you think welfare states will finally run out out of middle class taxpayer money?
lol "economic journalism"
just like "science journalism"
"Scientists just used this formula to prove/disprove God"
Its fucking Ad Libs for the masses to get clicks.
Those fucking economists don't know shit about macro economic planning.
Pull the plug on America stabilizing Europe and watch this nightmare clean itself.
Haha, nice try.
Well, in all honesty, good for them. But you're reading a bloomburg article....
Try again in 6 mo - 1 yr. Bloomburg is probably going to try to label them capitalist if things go south on them
Venetzuela also.
>new taxes in highest taxed country on earth
>a miracle
Im missing something here
These schemes always start out looking like they're working. Give it time. Also, expect markets to be blamed if anything goes wrong. I have a feeling business is about to become allot less competitive in Sweden.
Socialism works. National socialism that is.
Good to know Sweden will become Venezuela soon, but not before clawing out and trying to trick others into joining it in true commie fashion.
So they taxe productive members of society to death. Wonder what will happen when it becomes like Londonistan and gibs fall short.
The only miracle she has managed to make is the dissappearence of a working healthcare, police force and military simultaneously.
Seriously. She should become a magician.
fuuuuuuck meeeee
They depend on you not looking farther than five minutes into the future when debt racks up or businesses leave or etc.
Same thing that happens when a war is on.
They BORROW BORROW BORROW from the global nose, and the global nose uses financial systems to literally take their country.
See: England, Rothschild, and the stock market after Waterloo.
Here's a hint: if they call it a miracle then it's not a regularly expected outcome. Hence don't bank on it being repeatable or stable.
Give it time.
When the socialists run out of other people's money you'll see suffering and then violence.
Per the article, what is the "miracle".
T-4 Years to Sweden collapsing then?
Of course, everything Trump doesn't do - in fact, the exact inverse of everything he DOES do - is the saving grace of every nation. Despicable
"high taxes"
Swedish corporate tax are one of the lowest, its not full Venezuela socialism. There is a lot you can do to lower your tax rate here.
>High taxes, strong unions and an equal distribution of wealth.
You're not missing anything.
Commies hate success.
Anything that hurts successful people is brilliant in the eyes of a Commie.
This is a miracle.
Better hit the gym and delete your facebook Sven. The hard times are coming.
If we're lucky Trump will soon announce his radical new right wing plan to not blow his brains out.
t-three percent GDP per capita growth over 10 years guys! we did it, reddit!
oy vey! our resource rich nation has been doing do good recently by expanding the role of government in the economy, right guys???
oops i meant drumpf uis a doodie head haha ignore me
heh us REAL socialists continuously lower the corporate tax rate
n-no way this could cause growth, right?
w-wow guys, our total GDP is growing by 2.2% per year!
b-but our inflation is at 1.9% per year
and our population is growing by 1% per year
shhh goyim
socialism works ^:)
Please god no. The salaries keep getting lower and lower, the taxes get higher and higher because we have to pay for immigrants. According to a recent study, 50% of all those who come to Sweden when they're over 40 years of age will NEVER WORK. They will live off of welfare checks for the rest of their lives. Don't be fooled by the "tax rates are only 30%, it's comparable to the US" bullshit. The socialists are experts at hiding taxes. The true tax rate is around 70% if you earn more than ~12k sek (~1300 USD) a month after taxes.
>Lets fuck up our already shit country oppose trump
dude could cure cancer and these people would still be autistic screaming
>When the socialists run out of other people's money you'll see suffering and then violence.
Sweden is not socialist, no plan economy here.
don't try to resist, it's prophecy
There is no such thing as a "reverse-trump tax plan".
Checked n' Keked.
You're flooding your nation with illiterate blacks and browns while raising taxes. You're doing on a nation-scale what Detroit did to cause white flight.
Long guess? 2025. But more realistically I think that most 1st world (((socialist))) countries will be in mid collapse by fall of 2019
unions are headed by jews
people rich enough don't pay taxes
wealth "redistribution" doesn't actually make people earn more money
>I thought Socialism sucked and Sweden was collapsing?
GDP is doing great right now only because the government is borrowing billions and pouring it into services stretched to the breaking point to accommodate migrants.
We have close to 0% interest rates for savers and inflation going up, driving all available cash into market and punishing anyone with savings YoY. At the same time we already had a housing bubble that was bad, which is now catastrophic with up to 10% of available housing in key markets like the capital being given to migrants.
Again this means better GDP numbers because the cost to rent and own is now astronomical.
This means that the lefty government can proclaim everything a big success. The media does too. Of course they're talking higher taxes because the borrowing can't go on forever. And by necessity it will all come tumbling down, they're just building up the crash more and more.
>Income redistribution is key to economy success, minister says
So you guys are just going full commie now? Listen, I get you're not a part of NATO, but understand that NATO exists to combat communism and it's worked pretty fucking well so far given how last time I checked, Russia is having elections.
Globalization threats like chimping out immigrants if they run out of money?
When Sweden is fucked up we've got a place to deport our blacks to that they'll feel right at home.
>Commies hate success
Of course. success for capitalists is a loss for workers. Why workers need to wish himself misfortune?
>See: England, Rothschild, and the stock market after Waterloo.
It is quite amusing how local Jew Busters never fail to have an opinion that even slightly deviates from being the polar opposite to the truth.
cant you move to finland before shit goes south? souther than grenades in your windows I mean.
Everyone should remember "muh GDP" globalists spout doesn't always mean living standards increase.
Wait until half their population is double what it is today, approaching majority non-white, and not part of one huge extended family. See how they feel about "redistribution" then.
Or they're trying to time the crash to hit at the same moment the population finally gets fed up and votes a right leaning party into power.
That's a trick they like to pull too, burn the shit down around them just as they leave office so secure a longer hold next time.
Income redistribution from the productive to the non-productive. What happens when the smart productive class hit the point where they decide to become non-productive? It always happens. Why the hell should I work 70 hrs a week when the benefits goes to some fuck who can't control their impulsive spending?
you mean if the government takes all the money that would otherwise be invested in future goods and instead immediately spends it on paying half of the population to eat dog shit then we don't all get better off?
What is a reverse trump tax plan?
>success for capitalists is a loss for workers
how could you possibly even believe this
in the words of carl the cuck: "are you kidding me?"
>muh Socialism
They are electing politicians and if politicians make tax laws, then they can't have Socialism.
More taxes.
I'm surprised nobody ever takes the demographics of Sweden into discussion.
>try something novel involving internal and foreign markets
>your idea fails
>blame it on the markets
Why do people actually fall for this as an excuse?
They're designing something that explicitly interacts with markets. Many things in the markets are by their nature unreliable or unpredictable, ergo if the design fails its the designer's fault.
More taxes but it sounds better if you just call it reverse Trump instead.
>Or they're trying to time the crash to hit at the same moment the population finally gets fed up and votes a right leaning party into power.
I've had this very thought but I think they timed it wrong.
SD will get about 26% next election, which makes them the biggest or second biggest party, but all other parties will refuse to cooperate with them, so they'll be unable to form a government.
SD might win the election after that, but I really doubt this bubble will last that long.
bloomberg isnt what it use to be. they started whoring themselves out like all news agencies
at this point any one can make any article they want on the web site just like CNNs website
not long ago there was a article about how apple will allegedly break its old market cap soon despite no signs of new shit in their product line and having only americas market to rely on since apple fails in east asia and euro fags cant afford the next iphone and south america wont be buying shit and the middle east wont and africa wont
also last year they told people to buy american bonds when even with the 10 year it was below 2% returns and your money would be tied up for ... 10 years. oh yea 1.83% and im stuck holding this shit with no locked in rates and a future with negative interest rates has been talked about what could go wrong
Commies don't understand in most capitalist economies the bulk of business activity is small business owners and not some fabled oligarch like found in Commie shitholes like Russia. You see the world from your own perspective, a giant authoritarian state and state run businesses and that makes it easier to see the world from a Boss and worker mentality, when in the US and Europe the boss is also a worker. The boss is actually taking risk unlike those crony commies who steal everything and risk nothing.
>The true tax rate is around 70% if you earn more than ~12k sek (~1300 USD) a month after taxes.
[citation needed]
It is not an economical miracle, This is a phenomena called taking a loan and saying that the sky is filled with rain.
"You can't say someone on cocaine is really happy"
Come on, Russia. You're smarter than that...
>Well Sup Forums? I thought Socialism sucked and Sweden was collapsing?
having an opinion on a plan isn't proof the plan works
this. Only people with a certain level of income should have the right to vote
>Swedish socialism works in Sweden
>Therefore Swedish socialism will work anywhere in the world
jesus christ, by what standards is this a miracle?
your GDP is growing by 2.2% per year
real GDP growth is 0.3% as your inflation is 1.9, but inflation is showing no signs of not increasing further while GDP is showing signs of slowing
your money supply is increasing through the roof
how is this a success of socialism?
GDP per capita is -0.7%, by the way. your population is growing 1% YoY
>socialism only works till you run out of other people money.
>hasn't happened yet = success!
It'll happen and you'll have another excuse as to why it was a failure instead of the real reason.
The older I get the more I think along these lines.
Some ungrateful cunt has the nerve to tax me and use my money for his pleasure?
My country is being ruined on account of some rabid ideologue who wants to destroy civilization?
These animals should be put down in public as examples to the rest.
Not only should they have no voting rights - they should be charged with treason.
so when you add it all up - income tax, property tax, gas and car tax, VAT on all consumables, TV tax, telecom taxes ---- all of it combined
what's the final tally? you must be working free for the state like nine months out of the year to pay for all those gibs
I'd love to know an actual approximation - how much money does the state take from you? you're right about them hiding taxes - but they fold that shit into absolutely everything
Sweden isn't socialist you fucking faggots. If it would have been entirely socialist it would have looked like Venezuela. A bitch from the socialist party has stated that Sweden's economic model is a mixture between Capitalism and Socialism.
Thats u 2 now france
>Why do people actually fall for this as an excuse?
Easy answer: It's convenient
we better praise allah
Sup Forums can't into critical thinking, don't bother. It's why they worship a person (trump) like a bunch of cucks instead of having any coherent ideology/set of positions. Kind of like a bunch of teenage girls who worships kardashians.
>this is not happening
>only sweden knows the way
>unemployment rising even tough we are in a economic boom right now
>unemployment is around 7,5%
Source: aftonbladet.se
>goverment isnt saving enough, as one should do in a economic boom for when times get harder
>this year alone the goverments budget is underfinanced by 75 billion SEK
Source: aftonbladet.se
>we have more "poor seniors" than ever, the amount has almost doubled since 2006
>more than 225 000 Swedish seniors are living under what is considerd the poverty line in EU
Source: svt.se
But hey a minister says "income redistribution is the key to economy sucess" so i guess it has to be true.
>inb4 fake news
Well those news sources i quoted are acutally left-wing newspapers
And i havent even said anything about the situation when it come to migrants
>not collapsing
>Sup Forums can't into critical think
You have to get out!
>And i havent even said anything about the situation when it come to migrants
You could tell us about those swedes who left though. Both points are about equally sad.
>Raise taxes even more to pay for the shitskins
Good going, Sweden. You truly make us proud to call you our neighbours.
>Make all your money in the markets
>Have incredible wealth and a homogenous ethnic culture
>Give a little socialism a go
>Works ok due to homogenous ethnic culture of hard workers with low unemployment
>Decide to open up borders to every 3rd world rapist
>Everything goes to shit
>Double down on everything that made it go to shit
>Increase the numbers on your books a tiny bit while your society collapses
I wonder how this will end.
Fuck off.
US corporate tax is 39%
Swedish corporate tax is 22%.
Trump is making Swedish tax reform.
at least you have a sense of gallows humor about it, Svenbro
And when the other shoe drops... it won't be true socialism, right?
>Owen jones
Why is it always this cuck supporting communism
That's why we are here isn't it. We see the madness and we laugh at it. After a while you realize that is the only way to cope with it.
And what is the CENTRAL BANK exactly PLANING then?
Maybe the money?
isn't german and nordic were like that? they prefer welfare than working, because taxes are huge...
you mean
Socialism did work when Sweden was homogenous. Soon we shall see.
Uhmm, honeypie... I think you'll find that economic miracle wasn't due to the privileged white politicians, but due to the many hundreds of engineers and scientists coming from Africa and Syria.
Found the triggered trumpcuck. Do your parents know you enjoy sex with men?