Dutch politics, immigration was the breaking point

Coalition talks between the VVD (centre right), CDA(christian centre right), D66(pro EU centre party) and Groenlinks (Greencucks, used to be the communist party) have been cut of.
The VVD and CDA wanted stricter immigration and disagreed on the point of refugees with D66 and Groenlinks.

This is great because there is a possibility of a new right win coalition.Also it turns out the VVD and CDA aren't as cucked as everyone thought.

/ourguys/ FvD are also going to propose 5 new motions on immigration, if the CDA and VVD vote with it they pass.


Other urls found in this thread:


D66 leader Pechtold said he doesn't see how he can be in a coalition that isn't with the GroenLinks.
Doesn't say it's impossible but if he doesn't want it another way the road is potentially open for Wilders and Baudet

Could the netherland uncuck themselves still?

VVD + PVV + CDA + SGP + FVD is the only possible cabinet now

everything else has already been eleminated

Good job, toothpaste of Allah.

We've got to stop anti-Semitic Muslims from immigrating to the Netherlands or they'll get Holocausted (again).

Thierry is such a qt

>VVD and CDA aren't as cucked as everyone thought.
Don't tempt them.

Got to reward good behaviour user.
We all expected them to cave but they stand strong (for now)

That would be awesome just to see the media have a massive meltdown.

This is why i didn't vote, i don't care.

Stupid drame, Dutch politics is fucking boring.

>Got to reward good behaviour user.
Sure, not in votes thou. Around cuckservatives never relax. Sad thing is, it was probably CDA who didn't want to go turbocuck on this. Since VVD is all about getting muh rutte in the torentje and are willing to trade their mothers for that.

Just let it Burn all of it

>Also it turns out the VVD and CDA aren't as cucked as everyone thought.

have to remain very sceptical about that.

Oh I'm not voting for them any time soon.
FvD and Baudet are just too based, watch this, they're voting on these tomorrow: twitter.com/fvdemocratie/status/864163117634396165

Does it mean that Holland will fall apart?


Never happened, never will.
They'll have to get Geert

They've just taken a couple of PVV motions that got rejected in the past and bring them to vote again. I don't think it's gonna happen, but surprise me.

It means that we Wilders could get into the govt after all.

Not really, you don't know the details about the formation as to which party dissented the most against stricter immigration policies.
I think a VVD-CDA-D66-CU coalition is more agreeable and probable.

Depends, does D66 bend the knee on immigration?
If not the only way is the PVV and FvD
If the SGP gets less regulations for businesses (VVD and FvD would be for this) and the suicide law for old people gets stopped they might call it a big win and go with it, they're also against immigrants so they win there too.
The right has grown, PvdA who blocked those have collapsed.
Also it's Baudet proposing it, not evil scary Wilders

>right wing coalition

but it cant and wont happen, because the right didnt get enough seats. (PVV is left-wing socialist party that no respecting right winger will ever govern with)

Geert is also in that cabinet.

>The right has grown, PvdA who blocked those have collapsed.
Fair point

>Also it's Baudet proposing it, not evil scary Wilders
Nope. I'm not sure you noticed it, but the MSM has the evil scary rapist frame for Baudet. Not sure if that's better than the Hitler frame Wilders has on him. But I want to believe

The Dutch have it in them. You're a decent people with a lot of potential and the ability to shape the world around you despite there being so few of you. You have a proud history and you won't let it go so easily.

I think Wilders didn't make himself too popular with the tweede kamer.
Baudet is more well spoken and seems like a more viable partner than Geert.
Also Baudet has called out the CDA and VVD over the votes tomorrow.
If they don't vote for it'll look very odd.
Not to mention the VVD almost collapsed the former cabinet over Bed Bad en Brood (free help for illegals) so they are most likely for it.

>(PVV is left-wing socialist party that no respecting right winger will ever govern with)
Spotted the VVD cuck who will happily fill his country with allahakbars for a 2% lower tax rate on his income.
(or the VNL/Yeb! supporter)

i should've voted fvd. what can i do to support them now?


So theres a chance?

that's 75 seats, not the 76 they need

PVV has never done anything with their seats during their entire existance. What makes you think they ever will?

wow leaf you are very kind. Much love and tulips to you

Seem to be 2 options, see the first part:

It is 76,

33+19+19+5 = 76.

>Baudet is more well spoken and seems like a more viable partner than Geert.
Yeah in a world where people are completely rational and context matters that's true. However your brain, and most definitely not your average normiebrain, doesn't care about any of that when it sees the 'woman want to get forced' quote by Baudet or whatever he said. You get a bad feeling about it and you get a rapist feeling about him. That being said, it might be better than the Hitler frame; Hitler will probably kill you, a rapist can only rape one person at the time in the torentje.

Yeah and the VVD sure did a lot with their seats to stop immigration right :^)

What did they mean by this?

Whoops my second thing in was for (((you)))

Didnt notice. True

You guys might have a new election, then?

I forgot you were a one issue voter, governing is more than just immigration. PVV has never done any governing, all they do is complain and get a free paycheck.

"The system is against us guys that's why we cant do anything, but please keep voting for us so we can keep trying!"

PVV is led by a jewish con artist for a reason.

>Also it turns out the VVD and CDA aren't as cucked as everyone thought.


SGP almost always offers support.

>governing is more than just immigration.
>t-trust me goy, in a democratic system it's not demographics that count, i-it's conservative values, j-just look at how third worlders are accepting our ideas!
>H-have some tax deductibles and now shut up about miscegenation and how your daughter is getting raped by your local Muhammed!
Kill yourself fucktard

You're wrong but the implicit point being made that it's barely a majority is noticeable.

Remember all those people who said that why voting for a small party doesn't change anything/ is useless?
This is where a small party like the FvD or SGP can come in crucial as a "gedoog-partner", influencing a coalition in the decision-making while still being part of the opposition, a potentially powerful position to make use of.

>Baudet is more well spoken

Topkek, believing Wilder's posturing is a result of lack of ability instead of a carefully chosen tactic.

The majority of their insanely,stupid motions are denied and more than often they vote for VVD motions.
Kind of ironic, considering how virtually every PVV'er hates Rutte lol.

What has Wilders achieved in 10+ years?

Dus nu kunnen ze het not eens proberen en als dat niet lukt kan wilders het proberen?

>governing is more than just immigration
Which is why you have a coalition with multiple parties. You use PVV and their seats to get rid of mudslimes, and you leave the governing part to the parties that are actually capable of governing.

He changed your overtron window to the right so much that even cucks can criticize Islam openly

>influencing a coalition in the decision-making while still being part of the opposition,

Yeah that worked out real swell the last time..

>supported in parliament by the Party for Freedom (24 seats), to make the smallest possible majority of 76 seats.

And at 24 seats they weren't even a small party by any measure.

>I forgot you were a one issue voter, governing is more than just immigration. PVV has never done any governing, all they do is complain and get a free paycheck.
Immigration is THE most important thing for our future. Every other issue will not matter because the barbarians will overturn it anyway.

Second, what Geert Wilders is achieving by complaining is stretching the overton window, that allows FvD to operate more freely.

The fact that we can have an open debate about immigration and Islam in the Netherlands is largely thanks to him.
All the events that happened surrounding him and his movement shifted public opinion towards the social-right.

What cabinet posts should PVV get?

What kind of right-wing motion did the FvD pass the last 60 days? They blocked pic related.

I'm talking politically.

Either CDA will throw this formation or it will last for a 3 months before collapsing, then CU comes in as a saviour and supports the coalition giving us a slightly progressive christian chamber like always.
Yeah but that doesnt work cause PVV has been hatespewing political practices for so long that any concession he makes on any field to any other party will feel like a betrayal to his voter base and alienate all of them. PVV knows what they've gotten themselves into and it's a cozy prison.

Also Fortuyn did that before him.

I'd say it was all fortuyn, wilders is just leeching off his work.

yeah but that motion means ZERO immigration but all FvD wants and all we need is controlled immigration.

Unfortunately we can't stop 100% of immigration because that will backfire hard

Is this an islamic ban?

Because that also stops christian refugees and political refugess, it's a stupidly thought out motion

pretty much. No immigration from Islamic countries.

An all-out immigration ban from muslim countries. Only PVV was in favour, as they always are cause are only in it for the PR not the actual governing. .

I'm quite certain many PVV voters would already be more than happy with the fact that the PVV actually managed to take part in such a coalition. Besides the PVV voters shouting ungrateful nonsense mostly consist of the low educated trash that voted for him, just useful idiots. Their opinion barely has relevance

That's not the reason they gave. It was "against Dutch values". Have fun trying to rationalize that bullshit.

Banning immigration from Islamic countries

So you want to discriminate based on religion so the EUcourts can say that you're being a meanie? In that case both FvD and PVV are equally not thought out.

Oh, the half-way there proposal then. Itd still let european and poo and other ahmeds in and out, and it'd block non-muslims too. Better than the cucked "high-risk countries ban" but still too PC.

Should ban muslims from any country (hard to know people aren't lying tho)

>Besides the PVV voters shouting ungrateful nonsense mostly consist of the low educated trash that voted for him, just useful idiots
completely agree. No offense for actual educated people who voted PVV. But there's lots of dumb shouting idiots who are actually only good for their votes but not for making actual policy. But we can't abandon them because we need their voices be heard through their votes. It's a pickle

Ayo hol up. You guys be saying kek didn't necessarily fail us in the netherlands?
Vid related m.youtube.com/watch?v=hhkRQUtD_Jo

I did say "potentially".
A better example would be the SGP, being a fringe party in our goverment, while getting things done, passing motions, having more influence when a coalition is small.

>muh 4Dchess

You could argue that smearing your face with feces can be done to prove an artistic point, but that doesn't change the fact that, at the end of the day, you still smell of shit.

Likewise, ironically acting like a blustering demagogue still makes you look like a blustering demagogue in the eyes of most.

Baudet doesn't suffer from this and is more to the point, which makes him considerably more attractive to middle class normies.

Baudet doesn't

Well at least they're not islamophobes!

And before Fortuyn we had Bolkestein (mentor of Wilders) and Janmaat.
PC-culture in this country used to be way more repressive than you and I can possibly imagine. All of these vile racists and misogynists luckily contributed to a more open society.

Wilders is doing this intentionally, by crippling his chance at gettign more than 25 seats he will never have to rule while still getting that FAT parliamentarian paycheck. He does it to ensure himself of the fattest welfare check every 4 years.

I'm disappointed really. I didn't know they would crawl into the ass of the VVD cum suis at this speed.

You probably said the same thing about Trump prior to Nov 8 didn't you?

They're going to try to form a different cabinet. First on the list is VVD + CDA + D66 + CU. However, that one has many flaws, so it's very possible that that won't work too. After that, they will likely try something like VVD + CDA + D66 + PvdA, but that too is problematic, because the PvdA wouldn't want to to govern after the biggest loss in the party's history. I don't find it unlikely that VVD + CDA will try forming a coalition with Wilders if these options don't work. When all else fails there will be new elections, but before that, there will be months or even years of attempting to form a coalition with the current parliamentary composition.

It's possible. You see after every seat has been allotted our majority parties are forced to make a coalition that has a majority (see pic of all the seats). Last coalition seems to be on it's last legs so a new coalition needs to be formed which can actually include PVV

CDA after 2012 will not try to govern with PVV again, not while buma is still there.

Trump is miles behind Baudet or am I misunderstanding you?

what did you expect him to accomplish? he is not PM, and the other parties get his guts

your position is as absurd as asking Hitler in 1929 "what had he accomplished"

You're saying that there's no tactic to Wilders, and that academic smarts = political smarts. That's simply not true. On top of this, Baudet with his miserable 'score' of two seats shows that those two are not equal at all. No significant body of voters is waiting for a smarter version of Wilders. And if you can't get seats in the first place, what good is having the smartest brain in the country?


>lol dude why didn't a party that is new get 20 seats in their first try

Fortuyn did it even without him being alive.

It was because he died that he got that many.
And there wasn't another big anti immigration party at that time, he was the only one.
If the PVV wasn't a thing the FvD would be bigger.

>Baudet doesn't suffer from this and is more to the point,

Baudet is very effecting in mobilizing his fanbase consisting of edgy insecure autistic university students who seem to care only about being perceived as intelligent and sophisticated, the only reason Wilders doesn't appeal to "middle class normies" is the fact that they buy into the media's framing of Wilders' freedom party as only supported by dumb 'rednecks'(/tokkies) which is to be quite honest approaching terribly executed satire at a Koefnoen level by now. Anyone with even an ounce of common sense can only laugh at their pathetic efforts. (Or cry because of their relative success against all reason.)

Honestly the joke is on you for buying into this. If anyone is going to do anything about the problems we as a country face in regards to islam, mass migration and the European Union it's Geert Wilders.

The only thing FvD has going for itself is Theo Hiddema and who knows how committed he is to the cause.

>It was because he died that he got that many.

he would've gotten more had he lived

And my second point?

Baudet to most people looks like an elitist man percieving himself as royalty.

VVD was fairly anti-immigration during that time
Or have you forgotten about Rita?

Pim Fortuyn is an exception though, that man was an absolute legend.

>It was because he died that he got that many.
Bullshit. People like Theo van Gogh even called upon people not to vote just to give a big fucking middle finger to the establishment.

>And there wasn't another big anti immigration party at that time, he was the only one.
>If the PVV wasn't a thing the FvD would be bigger.
Exactly. So this whole 'muh intellectual wilders that can get things done and become a political success if he talks nice' is complete bullshit.

top kek, not nearly in the way the PVV is
If they were why was he so controversial?

Largely agree. I think Wilders is comfortable with being an anti-party

Difference is that Trump grabbed power with both hands once he got it, after a blitzkrieg campaign in which he helped.

Wilders messed up his massively powerful position as gedoogpartij for seemingly no reason, probably ruining his chance to get into power this time round. He's had ten years and despite consistent growth he's incredibly unperforming every election.

I actually didn't say that, user you're replying to is a different guy.

What's the point of having a quarter of the seats in this parliamentary system when you've alienated everyone else into stonewalling you?

Wilders can't do shit unless he either gains an absolute majority (impossible) or if the cuckservatives throw him another bone, which past experience has reinforced to be a bad idea.

He was a great placeholder since Fortuyn and helped keep attention on these issues, but unless he changes some thing he's not going to achieve power in this lifetime. Being abrasive is good for the tokkie vote, but we desperately need respectable right wing parties to form anti-immigration coalitions with the centre-right or the valueless bastards will just team up with the lefties.

Rita was also controversial, why do you think she was ousted by Rutte

> for seemingly no reason
Plenty of articles were written about how CDA tried to screw Geert recently.

>I actually didn't say that, user you're replying to is a different guy.
I have no idea why he started talking for you lel.

>Wilders can't do shit unless he either gains an absolute majority (impossible) or if the cuckservatives throw him another bone, which past experience has reinforced to be a bad idea.
So what's the alternative? FvD which hasn't achieved shit either?

>. Being abrasive is good for the tokkie vote, but we desperately need respectable right wing parties to form anti-immigration coalitions with the centre-right or the valueless bastards will just team up with the lefties.
Once again; if we really need 'muh respectable right-wing parties' and everybody was waiting for them, why did Baudet get 2(!) seats?

if he wanted just money he would be just another politiciannof a normal party where his life wasn't endangered

> I think Wilders is comfortable with being an anti-party

As opposed to what? Joining coallitions that won't implement his immigration agenda and then seeing all his efforts go into nothingness as voters see him as a sell-out?

that is exactly what happened to the True Finns in Finland

I hate niggers. When I grow up I want to be a niggercatcher in Malmö.

>Wilders is doing this intentionally, by crippling his chance at gettign more than 25 seats he will never have to rule while still getting that FAT parliamentarian paycheck. He does it to ensure himself of the fattest welfare check every 4 years.

Topkek. As if he wouldn't get a single seat after having taken part in government, are you the so called "boze oom" vvd was on about last year?

Also welfare? Geert Wilders has to deal with the consequences of his stance on islam every single day. After his working day ends he doesn't get to lean back and relax, let it all go. If the man wants to go shopping somewhere towns literally have to arrange for police protection or it wouldn't even be possible.

Countless muslims want the man dead, plenty have attempted and many are quite probably currently planning to.

But yeah he's doing it all for the money, just leaning back and raking it in. All in return for doing fuck all. Dirty benefits scrounger.

Geert Wilders has done and sacrificed more for freedom and this country than either you or your idol Baudet ever will so please, btfo with the retarded insults.

FvD is doing their first stint now, give them time
A safe proven alternative is SGP, with their 3 seats they've done more than PVV has done with their ~20 for years.