What the fuck is this bull shit?

What the fuck is this bull shit?
There's six fucking threads in the catalog about Ice-cream alone. I know the mods are compromised faggots, but why the fuck is this allowed? This doesn't even include all the other bait threads and reddit tier shit threads shitting up the catalog. Is there any hope of saving this fucking board or should we just move to another chan that hasn't been compromised.

Other urls found in this thread:


I agree, this is getting really frustrating. Every day multiple threads about this. It's not funny anymore.

It is too late. The board is too well known now. Abandon ship.

Kek agrees, but where do we go?

/mlpol/ made me realize just how bad it actually is. reddit fags didn't want to stick around to see all the pony porn and since /mlpol/ had a different address then Sup Forums does, there weren't any bait threads at all for the first day, and the few that appeared on the second day were either spammed with pony porn or completely ignored. It's obvious (((someone))) is using bots to create those shitty threads, but the dumbasses from reddit keep responding to them regardless.

maybe there is nowhere else for us to go. we have to defend our homeland.

I just don't know where to go for old Sup Forums style content. On the other hand, it's what the shills wanted, so I don't want them to win. Idk what to do user.

There's a couple of chans that haven't been compromised yet, but I'm not going say which ones they are since I don't want the cancer or (((them))) finding out about them.

this seems to account for much of the retardedness. i didn't even mind the pony porn. in fact, i kind of miss those horsefuckers.

We all do ironically enough, which is weird since I despised bronies back in 2010 when they spammed every thread on Sup Forums with ponies. But they were the chemo we needed to fight off the cancer

>another chan that hasn't been compromised
Lead the way Great Neckbearded One.


If you don't know which chans I'm talking about, you haven't been lurking long enough. There's at least two other chans that have decent Sup Forums boards that aren't compromised, but their layouts are a bit different from Sup Forums and infinity chan

Reddit meme. Fuck off, you're part of the problem.

Better question is what are the mods doing? Fucking shills.


Calm down.
Shitty memes come and go.

8ch is safe, migrate there

Kek isn't a reddit meme, its a Daily Stormer meme. Ignore all the Alt-Right and Kekistan shit, that is the reddit cancer. The original kek and all that, is from the neo-nazis. He's our God.

Bogposting is bannable and this shit ain't not? Makes me sick fuck u mods.

very political post you made there OP

They are really angry about information getting out right now about 9/11

Ice cream is delicious, yo

This is just like the other memes that come and go. Just ignore it and they burn out faster.

how does colbert connect to the ice cream

That and the e "celeb" garbage. I've been tapering off my chan usage recently because for every good thread there's 20 shitty ones, and I'm probably going to end up swearing off pol for good if I keep seeing threads on these cunts like laci green or Lauren southern, it's so fucking annoying.

Hello folks,
My name is Johnny Knoxvill and this is r/The_Donald

woah bogposting became bannable? so bogs and ponys are on the same level? does that mean the Rothschilds bow to the ponies?

i think it might be code for some sort of underground child prostitution ring

they are very well organized.

Never surrender fucking idiots

Newfag here. What is "old Sup Forums style content"?

bunch of one triggered one-scoopers ITT tee bee aitch


No it's not. The mods are constantly bump locking red pill threads there and deleting posts that criticizes them. Their Sup Forums is a lot better then here, but that's not saying a lot

Sup Forums is being sabotaged by lame forced memes.

It's on a spectrum

>kek is a reddit meme
>a god awoken by a pseudo-random number generation system is a meme for a website that doesnt even into digits

kys newfag.

Fuck off reddit. You are not making muh safespace a shithole like this.

Quick fo this threads and save everything in site , this is the mother of all sliding.

>ard is too well known now. Abandon

Less gay, and more libertarian. I can't even go to Sup Forums anymore. That board was taken over by shills, and now just a gay porn fap board. It all started going downhill when moot retired.


So colbert hasn't said anything about the two scoops, and people are making those memes because they think they're an example of what he would have said?

Certain chans have a different layout compared to Sup Forums. 4chans old layout was basically how it is now, except there were no (yous), no flags or ids, and there was no catalog at the time either. So it was basically the same, but saging was a lot more important since most people just lurked on page one, and you actually had to remember your post number if you wanted to see who replied to it.

you do know that /mlpol/ created their own site right.
wink wink

/bant/ is the new old Sup Forums

why do you need a safespace?

>calling it 8ch in front of normies, reddit, shariablue and ctr
Call it something else faggot

I honestly wouldn't be surprised. It's like the Bogdanoffs all over again. Even the cut versus uncut threads were better then this

It's the hot new meme, just give it another week or two

See They really really really don't want 9/11 stuff out.

There was some info in wikileaks someone came and posted. Like this.


If people ask questions and dig a little more, we might find something. They're really mad about it.