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Thug culture in blacks. That's it.
Estonia has nothing better to do
wtf estonia
we like drugs, nigga.
We were literally raised with the liberal agenda to get really high and thus, 'rebel' against the system and thus, our lives, for we are too privileged to exist. and in the chance that we survive the indoctrination, our brains will be thorough fried from all the drug abuse and lethargy.
Its America baby, we knock ourselves out
That's what happens when you are neighbours with a country that produces like 99% of the worlds drugs.
Usually I'd say niggers, but that doesn't explain Estonia now does it? Mh, guess we found the niggers of Europe?
Estonia told me privately that it's the Russian minority that are the junkies.
South America.
All former soviet republics have a problem with drugs, alcoholism and and violence. Soviet republics were much more collectivist and city centric than other commie countries which negatively affected the culture of people living there. Homo sovieticus gopnik trash
Dafuq Viro
biology's the root, culture's the flower
you do realize how much drugs white americans take, yes? The Coke, Heroin, Meth, Weed and MDMA markets aren't entirely fueled by poor inner city blacks
We have blacks and Estonia has been 1v1ing Raid Boss Russia for 50 years but the game won't let them die.
The US government made some drugs like LSD or the CIA sacrificed part of the US population to help fund "rebels" in Central/South America. Which funny enough those groups later made deals with what became the cartels to smuggle product to the US. Then the democrats encouraging Thug culture for blacks and continuation of fucking blacks over to be poor by the democratic party.
You could also add the increase in depression over the past few decades.
The little brother is ahead of us, we should do something!
US doesn't have South America as neighboors.
Wrong. Most people dying are whites with heroin. Blacks aren't dying of overdoses on marijuana.
>norway is third on the list
how? i thought you guys are rich fags
Then how come Latvia does not have such a rate of drug relates deaths?
Rich people can afford more drugs
>one contiguous block with no internal divisions
Oh right, also opioids.
They aren't fueled at all by the blacks. Black people can't afford that shit. I mean the whole reason crack exists is because a cheap portable alternative for cocaine was in demand. They don't have glass cocaine tables to do lines off of in detroit.
Scandinavia probably becomes depressed during winter with no sunlight
The USA is entirely degenerate and materialistic. Their own greed keeps the cartels running.
>Indian reservations universally dark red
overdosing on fish oils
They have them "in check"
nice tripels
What's going on in West Virginia and Kentucky?
>you do realize how much drugs white americans take
Not for long. Hydrogen cyanide and other lethal aldulterants have been found in drugs nationwide, and there is an ongoing investigation that it is being coordinated by actors outside of the US. My brother is a coroner and has had 3 deaths this week. The FBI just took over the case.
>all the druggies dying
Regret for not joining the CSA
Appalachia, m8. Hilly, mountaineous terrain, and rural as fuck. All the narcan in the world won't do shit for you if it takes the ambulance an hour to get there and another to get back.
What's happening in that vertical center belt? Why are there so little drug related deaths?
That's the Appalachian for ya.
We really like drugs.
lowly populated, majority white
The most popular sport in most of those states is Ice Hockey. If that tells you anything.
I'm fine with it. I hope weed dudes are too because that's where they found the cyanide. They attributed the death to overdose until the families requested independent autopsies be done. Looks like someone wants the druggies dead.
Here? Most drug deaths come from heroin which nowadays is cut with fentanyl and carfentanyl which, I mean, work, but require very accurate measuring because it's dangerously potent. Medically, fentanyl is used for terminal cancer pain and carfentanyl is a large animal tranquilizer.
Along this tract, there's mostly just farming going on, low crime and gang activity, etc.
Supplying your bull with drugs to perform better is a common activity in Sweden, and sometimes you feed him too much which is probably why we're so high on this list.
Black people and rednecks have shitty lives so use drugs to make things bearable.
He means the whole of Latin America you dumb spic
lol estonia
Life is hard
we have a lot of fentanyl or "white chinese" on our streets
its cheaper more powerful and more dangerous than heroin
idk why its so widespread here but not in other countries
>mfw drugs have destroyed my family and liberals have the audacity to tell me I'm racist for wanting a wall to stop the god damn drugs
These faggots are evil and so are drugs
Lots of Americans buying it from China.
The US is the Estonia of North America.
Estonia is the only first world country with more murders per capita than the USA. They are literally the freest country on earth. Massive drug use comes with the territory.
Lel dun blame others for ur addictions
Now show the stats for USA but with niggers removed
Thats what happens when you CONSUME 90% of the worlds drugs
Aren't drugs Absolutely Haram in Christianity?
Or am I missing something here?
>overdose is worse in some countries
This is what happens when you scrap your Mafia network and yet insist on keeping drugs illegal.
If you want shit to stay illegal, you have to allow for organised Mafia (not just random cartels) to ensure quality of the produce.
Otherwise, if you want to suppress Mafia(s) altogether, you must make things legal and legit -- otherwise you end up with a lot of local dealers cutting their shit so to sell more with less effort... thus destroying entire lives.
You've lumped 50 states into one country. That's like lumping the entire EU together.
>biology's the root, culture's the flower
I'm going to start using this. I hope you don't have it copyrighted
Life in easy mode makes the kids apathetic, and in need of some kicks i guess. +Almost all the Heroin users here shoot up instead of smoking/snorting.
>same pop
Except Europe has 741 million inhabitants, whereas the USA have only half that number.
Also: quantity doesn't matter 'cause graph is about ratios.
Please go back to "basic literacy 101" and learn how to interpret images, you 12 y.o. cunt.
>Aren't drugs Absolutely Haram in Christianity?
No, you're confusing Christianity with Mormonism. Fuck's sake monasteries literally functioned as wineries historically.
Good thing probably. Only people stupid enough to do the kind of drugs that will actually kill you are the people you can do without.
Except US states have their own distinct "problems" (aka niggers) while others don't.
It gives you the impression it's a nationwide epidemic when it's really just in a few shitholes (aka where blacks live)
insecure boarder has been letting in tons of cheap mexican heroin
>No, you're confusing Christianity with Mormonism. Fuck's sake monasteries literally functioned as wineries historically.
Sorry, Ameriguy, but it is apparent that in all languages except English the word "drugs" applies just to illegal substances that are worse than alcohol.
Morocco-bro meant "illegal drugs"... like heroine. He didn't mean to refer to alcohol.
Is Duterte going international?
Overprescription of opioids for chronic pain conditions. It renormalized opiate use socially (We've still got nothing on 19th Century America), drastically increased the supply, and increased the efficacy per dose.
That's on top of the millions of addicts who were proximately created by short-sighted drug policy. I mean come on. Pain is a symptom. Long-term opiate use is a disease. It's almost as reckless as prescribing 2 grams of ibuprofen per day for pain relief.
>illegal substances that are worse than alcohol.
So krokodil and pretty much just korkodil?
And why would god give 2 shits if something was illegal?
What the fuck?
Is this real? Is this why those tatted up tourists come with a kush-fever, while ironicly wearing a cross-necklace?
Is mormonism any good? Can it be used politically like Islam?
its per 1 million people
Heroin and opioid epidemic. White people are obsessed with the stuff.
A disproportionate amount of the dark red blocks are areas with rednecks(the area you mentioned) and rich college kids with too much time and money on their hands that like to party (west coast and state schools in the southwest).
By comparison it's interesting to see the heavily black areas in the southeast aren't afflicted as much as one would expect. These death numbers are main a reason why a lot of people question policing across the United states. Blacks have a crime problem, but the number caught for drugs is asinine compared to the actual death numbers on whites. Police are harassing people likely doing not much more than smoking some weed, and wasting resources harrassing blacks that could be used to save white people from killing themselves with hard drugs. It's the dumbest dual edged knife.
biggu pharma selling opioids for anything
>Except US states have their own distinct "problems" (aka niggers) while others don't.
So basically you are telling me that some States would be painted white in the map, whereas other states would be worse than Lithuania... Noice.
Anyway you are a dumb idiot because we assess policies and governments here. It appears to me you fat Americans suddenly become a Federation whenever it suits your argument:
>when pointing out good things about one region = AMERIKA STRONK
>when pointing out bad things = MUH FEDERATION, AMERIKA IS DIFFERENT
Fuck no, mate. I know this "fragmentation argument" too well. It's basically the fallacy of thinking problems are just locals, whereas talent is widespread and shared.
Fuck off you dumb idiot. The CULTURAL difference between American States disappears when compared with the CULTURAL, JURIDICAL, AND HISTORICAL DIFFERENCE between European States.
Just accept it. Americans do not differ from each other in the same way we Europeans do.
On top of that, please consider the EU has apparently a bigger Muslim population:
>44 million Muslims in Europe
>3 Muslims in the USA
never change,cuckbelt
Crack and meth takes a nigga out vs. decades of alcoholism.
t. functioning alcoholic
>3 Muslims in the USA
And I know two of 'em! I wonder where the third lives. DC, I'm guessing.
>no one on pol mentions the opioid epidemic because that reflects poorly on trump
Ive literally tried most of the drugs known to man. I realized theyre degenerate from experience.
But anyway eesti has secret doctrine to kill off slavniggers. Thats why they have the aids and die from (((((overdosing))))
It's being going on for years though, that's like blaming Ruth Davidson for the Scottish heroin epidemic before she even wins an election
>Anyway you are a dumb idiot because we assess policies and governments here
You realize that states have laws the differ and even directly oppose each other right?
I stopped reading your post after this. Your clearly a hot headed Italian who can't think strait. I can say that because I am also part wop nigger and I know the mental limitations your nationality must face.
Man... holy fuck when I do explain myself extensively, everyone accuses me of being a cunt (on this board).
When I try to be brief, I get misunderstood.
So here's the step-by-step argument:
>Morocco guy says: "aren't drugs Haram in Christianity?"
>(You) say: "No! Look at how much alcohol the monks produced"
>A wild (me) arrives: "When Morocco-guy says drugs, he means everything but alcohol. In many languages, alcohol is not even defined a drug, so (you)r question is irrelevant. It is clear Morocco-guy was saying something like 'aren't opioids and heavy stimulants Haram in Christianity?"
Protip: in most languages, the word "drug" is the same as saying "addictive shit" but hardly refers to alcohol, because alcohol doesn't get the same linguistic stigma of other substances, despite being proven to be harmful. Since alcohol is accepted in our cultures, language reflects this and doesn't classify alcohol as a "Drug".
Estonia, Britain and the US are shitholes. What do you expect?
Man, as I explained to the Amerifat, drugs are indeed Haram in ALL CHRISTIANITY.
Except Alcohol for cultural reason. It gets a free ticket because "muh European history".
t. I am a Catholic. You can do medicines, but not drugs. Not at all. Basically for the same reasons Islamic dudes aren't supposed to drink alcohol.
Drugs like LSD are absolutely not degenerate if you use them right. You become a better person from them.
>3 millions
>Is this real?
Which part, that Mormons don't do drugs of any sort down to even caffeine or that monasteries and abbeys functioned as wineries?
> Long before medical science cautioned the public to avoid caffeine in their diets, Mormons had stopped drinking coffee and tea.
>The Benedictine monks became one of the largest producers of wine in France and Germany, followed closely by the Cistercians.
>Can it be used politically like Islam?
Just speaking of American politics, there are twice as many Mormon Senators as there are black Senators. There are 9 times as many blacks as Mormons. Mormons basically vote as a group and you have to be Mormon to win in a Mormon majority area.
To gas all the addicts.
But that's expecting to much honestly.
>You realize that states have laws the differ and even directly oppose each other right?
So I'll rephrase.
If the answer is "yes", then you can compare Americans and, say, Germans. Otherwise we'll have to break down America into parts when we do the maps.
Is AMERICA united or not? Is it a NATION or not?
Sup Forums is mostly about nations and nationalism... not about saying "muh federation, muh local differences" whenever one feels like the critique doesn't apply to him.
If you are American from Minnesota, then you have to bear the stigma of Americans from Florida -- even though there are differences in the legal system.
Too easy to call yourself out of the game when something goes wrong in part of your nation.
t. Mussolini
>Makes you a better person
For you maybe, for me too.
But ive seen people go pedo from lsd
Protip: in most languages, the word "drug" is the same as saying "addictive shit" but hardly refers to alcohol, because alcohol doesn't get the same linguistic stigma of other substances, despite being proven to be harmful. Since alcohol is accepted in our cultures, language reflects this and doesn't classify alcohol as a "Drug".
Right, but alcohol IS a drug. It's a mind altering substance. It's not regulated as a drug because abuse is too widespread to do so, but it IS a drug. Regulation has fuck all to do with the meaning of words. It's a drug. Period. So is tobacco for that matter.
Half (exaggerating of course) the whites who grew up in the 60s and 70s are fucked up with drug problems, usually alcohol, prescription meds come in second.
And black people.
Boomers and black people.
>alcohol IS a drug
Scientifically, yes.
But when Morocco-bro said:
>aren't drugs Haram in Christianity?
He clearly meant severe drugs, not your ordinary Trappist beer.
End of the story.
Also, in Italian if you say drug you mean addictive shit, but try to tell a guy sipping red wine at the bar that he is "doing drugs". He would stare at you in amazement, then punch you in the face. In Italian, "drug" is just derogatory, whereas we have another word: "stupefying substance", which includes alcohol as well.
No. Haven't you been paying attention?
We have states that want to leave the union right now.
>it's okay to judge separate nations government polices on a individual basis
>but not states
Do you not understand how a federation works? We have 50 separate smaller governments that manage their own affairs and create there own policy. Sometimes they even directly oppose each other.
That is why we (gods gift to the world) Americans say you should judge it on a state level basis. Because it's DIRECTLY related to the polices that each state makes for it's own territory.
Stupid dumb spaghetti scum
Fucking kek. That means they were always pedos, just in denial.
>He clearly meant severe drugs, not your ordinary Trappist beer.
Okay, and where does the bible mention severe drugs?
And he also mentions kush, which is not something I would characterize as more of a drug than alcohol.
I've also never done more than 2 tabs at once, usually only a tab. I also do it at most once every 2 months. I never overdo it, which may be why I've never had a negative experience. It's always positive and I always grow from the experience. Not to mention that is is just fking awesome.
While I'm thinking of it, you realize alcohol is addictive, right?