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Really? Holy shit.
>All of them will vote Merkel
Can you translate this in a language World War winners can understand?
white puss gon get """"""raped""""""
tfw having to compete with Muhammad for a wife.
Holy shit. That is fucking scary. Things are going to get really interesting in Europe.
I don't speak Arabic. What is the pic saying?
There will be way more men ages 20-25 in 2020 then there will be women.
jamal I don't speak a single workd of the krauts tounge and still got it
>american education
ficki ficki
Do "refugees" in Germany get citizenship or is it like in a sane country?
Los inmigrantes están reemplazando a los locales.
Fucking retarded burgers i swear to god. English is a Germanic language and if you can't understand that graph you're vocabulary is most likely the same as some one who is borderline retarded.
Global warming is the answer to the German Question.
The Red represents immigrants.
This graph seems to imply that by 2020 almost 40% of Germans males aged 20-30 will be Muslim and Nigger immigrants. For whatever reason all the women stayed home during this "Migration"
> american education
It's an age tree. The left is men and the right is women, the age is increasing from bottom to top
The red area is the increase of population by immigrants.
? It's no different in Canada
reminded me of this
Flüchtlinge Willkommen!
>being this fucking dumb
It says "Germany is fucked"
kek tho more like
>ayo where da white wimmin at??
>Sup Forums falling for propaganda again
Lookt at the length of the red bars and add them up. The chart claims 6-7 million refugees till 2020. 2-2.5 million makes sense at the current speed (not that it makes it any better).
Sad that they closed the balken route so quickly, keeping it open would have crashed the system by now and everybody would be redpilled.
I imagine the red bars are the rapefugee numbers
Tons of men in their 20s and very few women.
Not enough women to go around for all, mass rapes, crime and riots will commence when the doctors and lawyers from africa and the middle east can't get any ficki ficki
They actually vote for the commie. Don't worry though, Merkel-commie coalition would happen before the ADF have a chance to sneak in.
yeah sure
not "25-35"
German is pretty similar to English.
I don't see how people couldn't get it.
Well there are now 1.5 men to every woman between 20 and 30. The obvious answer is to actually make rape illegal, and to brainwash dumb bitches to avoid Arab and nigger cock.
>For whatever reason all the women stayed home
not all of them but it's reasonable to think that only the physically able would make the trip from asia minor/middle east/north africa
>Holy shit. That is fucking scary. Things are going to get really interesting in Europe.
>Lots of young men and not enough women to go around
>high unemployment
Now you just need a financial crisis or a problem with the food supply and you literally have the perfect combination for civil war.
Its the same situation in Sweden to, even my leftist mother can see that this is a problem.
But there is one good thing about this, men don't and wombs and they barely brought any women with them. So they won't reproduce as fast as you might think if you only watch the number of migrants.
They ferry 10 000 sub suharans over every damn day. I think that should be enough. Ever taken a look out of the window? What do you think where all those niggers suddenly come from? And they numbers increase every. single. day.
Come back home, white man.
HRE+Spain alliance once again. Keep the roaches out tho.
>tfw no german helga to liberate
They'll be in burqas soon enough. Just imagine how modest Oktoberfest will be soon.
But schlomo says they're escaping terrible conditions due to the civil war!!
Why aren't the women and children the top priority to save from the maddness!
Those are bullshit numbers from the stormfront institute of statistics. Too bad, the real numbers must be bad enough. They've imported over a million shitskins that will never contribute to anything but create trouble and expose for everyone the weakness and self-destructive nature of Western society. The 2015-2016 migrant crisis was a tipping point.
Never you mind about that, dumb goy. Stop asking questions.
>tfw WWIII in your life time
Ok sorry, I'll start getting ready for the Toronto Pride parade. I hope they include all the new immigrants in the festivities!
Not the same here. Our demographics aren't anywhere near that bad. Having the Atlantic ocean there and a somewhat restrictive immigration policies that favors families over single men seems to help with that. Anecdotally I see about equal male to female foreigners in the city. What your seeing in OP's info-graphic is a recipe for quick social collapse.
We will eventually have to acknowledge this cannot be allowed to go on or we'll be overrun by nogs, nafris and other kebabs. It's do or die.
>this cannot be allowed to go on
It's already too late for that. There's millions and millions unqualified third world young men now roaming every inch of Europe. The damage has already been done. This shit will cause all sorts of societal problems 5-10 years down the line.
Wow, look at the colour of this guy's ID.
Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!
When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.
No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on 4chinz bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!
just for you, a good read
>mfw theyre a bigger impact than the baby boomers
Fixed version
Why the fuck am I not surprised? Go choke on a nigger's dick, you absolute fucking shitbird.
No doubt. We only think it's ok because we can somehow afford to waste resources on bribing them to stay put.
Few people realize that as soon as money run out we'll have a major problem on our hands. Ironically, it's the cuck's shameless virtue signaling that make the day of the rope to come inevitable. Maybe that's what it will take to eventually kick them out and reclaim our clay
Once it's acknowledged it's already too late. It's the stage we are in: these people are here, we can't send them back because plenty were born here. To maintain peace we must redefine what it means to be french/german/ quintessentially british, etc. Our future is today's USA. Whites becoming a minority among others in their own country, petty crime everywhere, racial tensions going up.
This is fantastic news. The fewer Germans the better.
The German Menace must be crushed.
t. Justin Trudeau
Spoken like a true french
[citation needed]
>we can't send them back because plenty were born here.
Have a (you)
merely pointing out what's currently happening
it's a fact that more and more non-whites in western europe only have a western european nationality
there is no political answer to this
Untill they give you AIDS. Please stop this degeneracy, the only thing niggers do is spread AIDS so stop choking on their chimpazee cock.
t. American intellectual
>tfw cant have 50 9 year old Wifes
I told him to do it, Vietnam.
Thanks for the read.
Don't be silly. These people are fair weather french at best, whatever the papers say. We won't have a choice, we will have to ship them back the moment we can't afford the gibs to keep them quiet.
I think some people in government must know, the tension has been accumulating for decades, like a coiled spring, if it releases too quick it will be messy.
why are they so eager to bring in men only? men will or probably have outnumbered woman by 1.5 by now and sexual frustrated men are most likely to be violent.
>it's a fact that more and more non-whites in western europe only have a western european nationality
>there is no political answer to this
this is true, but unlike the US there's no slavery card they can play here. We didn't bring them here by the hundreds on slave ships, they did it themselves. So you can always make their lives miserable and tell them to go back where they came from if they don't like it here. Sure, they were born here but their ancestors weren't, so...
Can you guys just PICTURE white pristine dripping pink pussies getting COLONIZED by brown refugee COCK
>implying they won't play the colonial card
Where is this chart from? All I'm finding is this
>net migration only 200k
yeah right
I don't speak hebrew, so no.
What's happening here already happened in the US
Whites there are about to become a minority. Our crime rates are nothing like theirs, we have much room for decay. Whatever budget cut needed to be made to ensure gibs are gibben will be made in the name of the economy, everything for the economy, everything so we can remain competitive. This is happening, now, I'm guessing hypothetical futures. Every cultural concession will be made in the name of social peace. If browns are acting up, it's because whites have been racist, if whites are acting up, it's because they are hateful bigots too stupid to compete in the globaliazed world.
And if a civil war does happen, we might see foreign intervention to straighten everything out, but they won't be for the ethnostate supporters.
indeed, they're already playing it
Germany is particularly fucked up. You ran Tree of Logic out of Europe basically for making youtube videos and teaching women self-defense classes after a German friend was gangraped by rapefugees or something to that effect.
Lots more raping ahead for the krauts
>borderline retarded
Don't worry.
Once they have a residence permit they will fly their 4 wives and 27 children over.
Le Pen was the last sliver of hope for you frogs, you chose death
>Trusting OP modified pic
yeah right
Same here in Norway. Inbred deep-africa niggers are the new Norwegians and us white Norwegians better shut up and get culturally educated by these fine black men how Norwegians really are
Europeans will either kill the sandniggers or the sandniggers will kill Europe.
The stage has been set for WWIII and we've already witnessed the opening act.
I honestly didn't think of it like that, and now I'm pissed.
Not if we stop feeding them.
>EU donates billions every year to poor countries
>Charities everywhere
>European volunteers building schools every summer
>Pharmaceuticals companies forced to sell their products to African countries for no profit
>"Fuckin white mane keepin us down!"
Yes, it's fake news.
It's exaggerated but you'd have to be a fool to believe official reports on this matter.
Merkels next stop is Hague is what it says.
Holy fuck! Rip Hans.
>>"Fuckin white mane keepin us down!"
In a way, yes. Keeps them dependent and makes their natural resources available for us. If Africa started developing seriously, they would need those resources and they'd become much more expensive. The poor african gets fucked, doped with charity, the poor european gets fucked out of his country, his identity, turned into a cultureless mongrel. And the rich get ever richer.
It's not that simple. Even if she was elected, we knew she wouldn't, she would have been cock-blocked by the legislative, judiciary and media for her entire term.
She served her purpose by exposing a large part of natives under 50 want to stop immigration even if it means the economy goes to shit. Maybe the accelerationists are right and things need to go real bad before they can get better.
Even if there is no political solutions, we'll keep trying. But we should also start paying attention to people like Piero San Giorgio that advocate for resilient local communities in case shtf.
>not trusting Germans to obsess over correct data
Gypsy, please.
How many immigrants are in this video?
>If Africa started developing seriously
It needs a human population with an average IQ over 100 for that too happen. Their average IQ now is 70.
Right, so it's not Da White Mane keeping them down, it's rich people. I'm not keeping down anybody and I'm never gonna see a cent of what the corporations ravaging that continent make.
I hope the race war is going to be on tv. I'll be fucking my white castiza wife and having cookouts with FUCKING BASED black Trump supporters here in the good ole USA.
>Blaming WW2 on people who literally couldn't have known better
Nigger, blaming it on the soldiers is like blaming a child for fucking up. They literally could not have known what the jews would eventually do to their homes.
Really simple to see how this pic is Propaganda
just look at the bars depicting the male Population.
see how they OVERSHOOT the x-axis ?
now tell me which official graph ever went so far out that you couldnt equate it with the baseline ?
This Show that this is bullshit Propaganda to Trigger you fucking morons
Is there any proof besides pictures that could be immediately argued as "cherrypicked" that there are more men than women refugees flooding Europe?