Can capitalism provide a hair trimmer that won't leave your scrotum looking like it said "free speech is a good thing" on a college campus?
Can capitalism provide a hair trimmer that won't leave your scrotum looking like it said "free speech is a good thing"...
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yes, if you'll pay for it poorfag
get a venus razor
stretch it like a bongo skin
what kind of faggot man shaves their scrotum.
the kind that has a lot of hair on their balls. It's quite uncomfy at times desu senpai
must be a buger thing
Trimming is essential, shaving is for fags.
Still pretending national socialism isn't the answer??
>not getting hollywood wax
"How to shave your scrotum"
Take a cheap razor and gently shave your scrotum while it's dry.
>Using power tools on your genitals
Just shave, douchebag
I don't even understand what kind of joke you're trying to make
>shaving your balls
you deserve every minute of agony
Here you go faggot it costs 50 cents.
Laser hair removal
t. Dennis Reynolds
>thinking that socialism or communism would even care to ask the question?
capitalism is the only way to find someone to TRY to leave your penis purse less lacerated.
Then how comunists are shaving their ducks?
a bunch of ball stuble doesnt sound more comfortable than my regular hairy manly balls.
nah just as gay. im not a fucking woman
Why not? It's like a spikey mace. Give her the ol' junk slap when she bites you down there and she'll think twice next time.
>18 yo
>still no idea how to shave my balls and Ass cheeks
Don't be a cuck
thats what my fist is for
what kind of faggot man trims?
Thats where the idea poped in head from.
There is also nair for "sensitive areas".
Dude, you compensating for something? You think hair on your balls is what makes you a man?
Stupid dude, you should be ashamed.
Hair on your balls is literally what makes you a man faggot.
>he doesn't use magic on his balls
Well, it may be a product designed for niggers, but it feels safer than having a blade to my sack.
It's all about the technique.
You have to pull bits until they are unwrinkled and slowly trim, it takes time. Don't stretch until it appears flat either, you do this and you will definitely get cut up because it's not really flat, the skin will be pulled inwards in the middle.
I use a 12 dollar electric shaver I got from walmart a decade ago to shave my balls. One of those cheap grey ones.
Everything is just easier with short pubes.
No, I think it's the balls themselves that make you a man.
No, no it's not. It's just not.
That sounds like something an insecure virgin would say btw.
No. Boys have balls. God damn you're a faggot.
It's alright, but shaving is the most comfortable.
>All these burgers defending their cucked need to shave their testicles because Jamal likes his boys hairless
Burgers are such cucks. It's all making sense
I don't
I (like you) am 100% pure Bavarian phenotype
Beard fag detected.
And if you don't have a beard you're a hypocrite.
I'm gonna assume you don't get many blowjobs.
Clearly you've never enjoyed eating out smooth shaven pussy.
If she is shaved, she gets better quality head because I enjoy the hell out of it that much more. It works both ways. If she's happy, I'm happy.
Whatever you say. It's not like I'll ever have to suck your dick or scratch your ingrown hair pubic acne.
The kind that lives in a warm climate.
Faggot. Normie. Cuck.
Beards are not the same as balls. Males have shaved their beards for legitimate reasons for thousands of years.
>wanting your dick and balls to be hairless like a prepubescent child
Kys faggots
Sweden is Australia as fuck today.
the kind that saw a vagina IRL
This. I like my women unkempt.
The hairier and smellier, the better.
First non-faggot amerilard to post ITT
Sorry bro, it's the only way I can get my girl to lick my sack.
You see, if I got ingrown hairs or acne from it, it would be worse than keeping the hair.
But I don't get ingrown hairs or acne from it.
my balls get less sweaty with less hair downstairs
Not even fucking playing, use BLACK MAGIC
It's the secret that they've kept for far too long.
Nice normie leddit post. Tell me about all the puss you've totally smashed montnigger.
>Beards are not the same as balls. Males have shaved their beards for legitimate reasons for thousands of years.
It's just hair that you start growing after puberty.
Seriously, did you just allocate a piece of your self identity to the hair that grows on your balls? That's fucking pathetic, is that the best you can do?
>shaves his beard
>doesn't shave his balls
You're doing it wrong. You're doing it all wrong.
Dont shave the sack, french plat that shit my dude!
bow to the crack and slit the sack
>having entercourse for any pirpise other than repruduction and making white babies
Absoluetly degenerate.
>Calling you a faggot for shaving your public region to look like you haven't hit puberty
I dont give a fuck. You do though. You sit there, for hours every week, taking a razor blade to your dick like some kind of a kike to emulate a woman.
You're a woman. Which explains why your posts are so fucking bad normie
>hours every week
it's literally shaving your balls, not open heart surgery
it takes like 10 minutes in shower, every 3 weeks or so
Fuck off retard.
Go shave your balls like a homosexual
Bitch, you don't even have balls to shave.
Shaving or not, but trimming is necessary from time to time if you don't want your balls to become cooked eggs.
Best thing I've ever bought. I can't believe I used those shitty disposable razors for so long.
Not knowing how to spell simple words is degenerate.
You said yourself you shave your fucking face, you don't see your hypocrisy?
And do you enjoy shaven pussy? Because by your logic, any man that does is apparently a closeted pedo.
Stop being a try hard.
Sure I do, I just don't because your mom likes the way my pubes tickle her chin.
>implying Hasheed is straight
Nobody likes pubic hair tickling anything during oral.
Liking pubic hair for aesthetic purposes is one thing, but claiming it improves oral from a functional perspective is just flat-out lying.
Some women have really nice fluffy pubes and not the coarse regular kind. I don't know if there's some validity to the myth that if you shave hair it comes back thicker and darker but...
>eating pussy
>pleasuring women
absolute cuckoldry
Wow. And I thought germans were autistic.
Women want to please men to the point they can convince themselves of anything.
The actual percentage of people who like pubes touching their face and tongue must be stupidly small.
>69 is a form of cuckoldry
Give me 3 reasons why I shouldn't shave my dick
>pro-tip you can't
Shaving your dick and balls looks much healthier
Sounds like something a man who tried and failed to learn to please women would say. Deep down you know you'd love getting that pussy sopping wet, but you can't so you're going to try to put others down who can.
women are evolved to reproduce via rape.
making them feel comfortable goes directly against the biological imperative.
This guy gets it
That's some serious goal tending user.
Wait a minute, you cut your tiny balls didn't you?
LOL this is funny
I do. It's too humid this time of year.
I use pic related in the shower. It takes 5 seconds.
forgot pic
ITT: Over 40 men from around the world talk about their balls.
>biological imperative
Shut the fuck up, you don't live by that and you know it. You're talking about the days it was hard to live past 25. You need to go way back, early stone age at the latest.
If you want to abandon all human development since then and live life in the woods by yourself with basic stone tools, have fun.
An immigrant woman waxes my bollocks, shaft, taint and arse crack. She tuts and calls me a naughty boy when I get a boner, she also does a joke where she pretends my cock is really heavy when she moves it to other side. Its pretty fun 2bh. I'm waiting for her to give me a wank but it never quite happens.
The thread is about the positives of capitalism though. Already we have had multiple variants to solving a biological problem, i.e. grooming.
Just look at all the reasons and types of ways one can remove hair. OPTIONS!
Is there supposed to be hair on my foreskin?
no need to be a sook about it, simply recognise that women have not changed biologically since those times.
it explains much of their behaviour.
This is no better than those "if u not has foreskin u r jew" threads. It's just a few faggots getting off to dudes talking about their dicks. Only fags and insecure legbeards care about other mens dicks/pubes.
this...exactly what i tell people
i did this today, it's called grooming you disgusting basement faggots
hairy ass = not white
Am I the only user that has been braiding their ball hair into ropes that reach down to my knees?
Never know when you might need a rope.
Use wax instead. It will take forever to grow back, it's not that painful, it's cheap and you won't be feeling like you have a bloody cactus between your legs anymore.
putting a razor to your own balls for any reason is a babylon ting