My president was literally 43 years old when his current wife was born

My president was literally 43 years old when his current wife was born.

What does that make you feel?

Feels that Dracula should get the fuck out of Brazil and go back to fucking Transilvania for starters.

Mine was 33 when his was born.

Feels like she get's all the money when he dies

Don't you have a place to explode instead of being here?

Wait whats the inheritance law like in burgerland? What portion does the waifu get and how many portions for his 5 kids?


He's doing it right, unlike that French loonie.

Not all Jews are American lawyers .

Oops, meant 23.

like he is a fucking BOSS,and we currently have the prettiest 1st lady

My daddy was 46 when I was born and takes really good care of me :3

what an absolute uma delicia of a post

No wonder brazil is being overrun by AIDS.

Alpha as fuck.

I feel nothing. i.e. I can't care less.

slide this shit.


Why is that monkey eating one of it's own?

Bolivia 's spelt wrong there


typical brazilian cuisine
uma delicia

The strong eats the weak, the law of the jungle.

i actually believe that such a soup exists
but I don't think you should eat the head with it

fucking cringing just thinking about eating its brain

It depends on how he wrote his will.

any pics of the semen daemon?

nvm found 1


i want to lick her

Calling us apes.
Hey why bolivian shitskins are coming to our country illegal?

I still think this big of an age difference is weird (the woman might as well wear a sign reading "slut") but at least this is the "alpha" way of May/December romances. France it doing it wrong.

I see some Ivanka facial resemblance



"We wuz Phoenicians."

is that a french movie?