Tfw you get told to go back to your country but you can't because it's been destroyed by white people

>tfw you get told to go back to your country but you can't because it's been destroyed by white people

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews who claim they are white*


But blacks aren't white

>it's been destroyed by white people
(((((white people)))))

I am a Jew and have put Caucasian on every form since I was able.

>been destroyed by white people

You're ethnic group is the equivalent of the tard in the sandbox that kicks down all the sand castles when he sperges over his own.

colonization of Africa has improved the standards of life for African blacks

All over Africa the nice places were those colonized by white people. In recent decades whites and Asians have been decolonizing Africa. EVERY time we have left an area it turned to chaos. Economies turn to shit, governments turn to chaos, people starve, on and on

Shiiiit sorry about building all those railroads and power cables trying. We're so ducking sorry
Fuck off Anglos fuckin conquered the shit out of those niggers

Israel is your country kike

Tyrone. Fucking*

i don't care about your problems nigger.
nobody cares about your problems nigger.

What's the deal with this "Jews destroying Africa" theory?

in Burgerland, at least, half of slave owners were Jews

go back nigger


Why would I go to a country destroyed by white people when I can live in country where white people give me free welfare?

What was destroyed? A stick hut?

Why do these niggers have perpetual victim syndrome? It's like they don't know that telling everyone you're always a victim just makes you look inferior. Ergo, slavery and the colonial restructuring of Africa.

>Destroyed by White people

>Who spend literal billions of dollars in Aid to all Black Nations.

>Black history is tens of thousands of years of the same pattern: Warlords, slavery, disease, deprivation.

>Never invented:

>The Wheel

>Written Language



Save it, Nigger. You're not fooling anyone.
If you felt so strongly about it, you'd go back and help your 'people' build their country up, instead of sucking on the white man's teat and parasitizing HIS nations.

Everybody say with me

>Liberia flushes over 7 times its GDP down the toilet every year

Is Empire of Dust the most mandatory movie watching experience of all time?

Google Joe Slomo


Please explain in detail how whites destroyed your country.


Then repair it! It is like if you were stabbed but did nothing to heal the wound, only cry out that some stabbed you

>Everybody say with me
Typical street-shitting beta loser.

> destroyed by white devils
> brought kicking and screaming in the realm of civilization
Pick one.

What's your ethnic group? Igbo?



You're not relevant here. Go back eating grass faggot.

i'm not going to lie, you made me kek nigger, good bantz.


Anyway this entire discourse is pure bullshit. International affairs are based on strength. No one is "owed" anything. It's not based on fairness.

Are modern Mongolians asked for reparations for all the killing and raping that Genghis did? Are modern Turks asked to repent for the conquests of the Ottomans?

It's only the white man that has to bend his head down and ask for forgiveness for "their own moments of grief and of slaughter and of ferocity" as Bowden would say.

>When the Greeks sacked a city in internal warfare, everyone would be enslaved. But they did not remember, when their bards sang of their victories, that they had denied human rights of other Greek city states.

>No people can survive if it incorporates as a mental substructure an anti-heroic myth about itself.

It's only when whites realize that they need to stop apologizing and start being strong again that the modern decay will stop.

>tfw you get told to go back to your country but you can't because it's been destroyed by white people

It's silly when whites in America say that too since blacks were brought here over 400 years ago. And considering most of us have native blood.


>twf other whites hate you because you removed kebab but removing kebab is your culture

>Do you like lip kiss
Sides obliterated

>told to go back to your country but you cant because its impossible to get a visa as unskilled labor and no bribe money

>>tfw you get told to go back to your country but you can't because it's been destroyed by white people
But we let it happen. We sold out our brothers and sisters into slavery because they happened to be in opposing tribes.
>inb4 the white mans tricks
But what fucking "kings and queens" are dumb enough to believe a trick from an "inferior species".
>destroyed by white people
My fucking ass. We made it easy for them and got rid of any realistic chance to fight back. You can't help an animal who knowingly put himself in a cage.

Why does everyone think I'm from Africa? Dumb white people making assumptions

There was literally nothing in there to destroy.

>whites build stuff in africa
>it gets destroyed by nogs
>they see what they've done and regret it

Don't worry M'ubonbo, we'll make Britain /africa/ again :^)

stfu jigaboo

>being an inbred sandnigger

Stop RPing as a black guy, white boy

Why white people think im from the anericas?
Because im fucking latino

No, I'm black. Just not african.


>Niggers had grass huts, famine and anarchy before white man shows up
>niggers let Jews trick them into throwing white men out of power
>niggers return to grass huts, famine and anarchy

Really jiggles the giblets


The argument goes like this - the jews and leftist riled up the nigs in south Africa and zimbabwe thru church owned schools teaching anti white propaganda. Also, alot of African leaders who fucked up their country when alot of African nations were getting independence, got their education at marxist colleges in Europe. You can also see similarities with nigs in america during the 60s when leftist and jews started to influencing american culture on a whole new level.

Its funny, the nigs blame white supremacy for their problems, but when they actually lived in white supremacist societies, they carried out less crimes, were more productive, and had more stable families. But its also fuck whitey.


Try harder Moishe.

that's not black, that's basically what happens when whites and asians mix in sunny areas.

There are black people that do not come from Africa

Intelligence is genetic and heritable.
Differences in intelligence between ethnic groups are due to genetics alone.
Better education will not change differences in group intelligence, they'll always remain.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.

The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.

IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration

This is now a designated shitting thread.



what country are you even talking about

how can two non-black people have a black child, are you insane

>when even actual africans insult you



>Because Black people originated in other places besides Africa.


Oh how i miss Gaddafis times when Libya was a good fucking country



Can you recognise flags?


>Tfw you have every chance to improve yourself in this country OR go back but too dumb and lazy to do something for yourself so you settle for the gibs of the white oppressors and call them rayciss after taking their hard earned money

>Nigger being able to use a computer


Yeah, in that image there are black countries which aren't on the continent of Africa

>tfw white people profit off of niggers destroying their own countries so they get blamed for niggers destroying their own countries

What the fuck is wrong with poos?

You're making alot of assumptions there my friend. Why not just ask my civily instead of relying on your false narrative.

If your country can't perform basic agriculture without whites it wasn't that great to begin with.
Go back and build something.
Otherwise you're a worthless crybaby.

jews ran the slave trade.

jews also killed lincoln because the north won and they lost all of their slaves in an instant.

Do you have that map depicting a hurricane of shit spinning outwards from "superpower 2020" land?

thats what happens when you rewrite peoples constitutions and force them to be (((democratized))) so they specialize in select crops to pay government debt forcing the people into virtual starvation labor indefinitely to grow coffee and rubber, praying a blight doenst kill the harvest or else they can buy imported food from the rice plantation.

At least the african in that vid is capable of some remorse, unlike the white liberal cucks that are literally shitting on their own countries now.

A western liberal white cuck wouldnt be crying, would probably spout out some shit like "yeah we gonna destroy it all! Fucking white males built that shit fuck yeah we gonna bang faggot ass dont speak bad about the jews or ill punch you you fukn chink!"


Shut up you ugly fucking nigger. Lord knows you cant go back and give up the dream of the white wimins.

lets be honest, it was probably shit to begin with Jamal

Africa was saved by white people. If not for their intervention, you would not have basic plumbing. kys nigger

It is straight up mind boggling how so many whites cant comprehemd the fact that all the money they supposedly send to africa is just stolen (probably by jews) before it ever gets there.

All the money for haiti ended up in clintons accs, and haiti is near by and monitored by the UN with an occupational force, how mucb easier would it be to steal money sent to countries on the other side of the planet?

Which country? So many people talk about Africa as if it was one country. It's a continent with lots of them, and they haven't exactly been living in Pocahontas style peace until whites came. They were fighting and enslaving each other as well just fine without them. That "all evil comes from whites" narrative is nothing more than propaganda.

True. Sex with white women is nice.

>TFW you are being called a racist by a South African Jew and discover he moved to Australia a year after the kaffirs took power.

Why not go back to your people and their land? How can you rely on the very benefits and education that your white oppressors provide to you with pride in yourself?

Wait, it's because you're a lazy nigger who doesn't care about anything but your instant gratification. You wouldn't even educate yourself in anything. There is no false narrative. The only false narrative is that we are all equal, and contribute the same amount of work, when in fact, we are not, you lazy nigger.

tfw post white genocide

(I don't have a pic of niggers doing drive-bys on white tombstones to "punish" all the eeeeevil white devils symbolically for not giving them more handouts and moocher shit, sorry)

have you seen sunny places?

do you know how skin works?

Envy that he has grass, because you destroyed yours with shit?

Unless your country is Atlantis it's still there and waiting for you this go back

Well he knows 3 languages and have a decent work, he would have a nice house and a family under european state but now that's gone and he is seeing how dumb their folks were.