"The diminution and leveling of the European man constitutes our greatest danger, for the sight of him makes us weary"
what did Nietzsche mean by this?
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He meant that we shouldn't become the comfort-seeking, weak, cowardly and tired of life. But seek out and embrace the ecstatic highs and lowest tragedies, with courage and in love with life.
I think.
with the modernization of Europe in the 1900s i felt like he was concerned with the fact that europeans were working lesser as time passed on and thats where the comfort seeking comes in.
you're pretty spot on though finbro
he's not specifically adressing 'the lack of working'. He's talking about moral diminutiojn
what do you mean by moral diminution?
I don't think working less is really a problem. If we account all of our mandatory daily tasks, commutes, work, we work a lot more nowadays than our hunter-gatherer forebears.
I've spend some time thingken about how to reverse our fear for discomfort on a global scale, but I don't really know. Religion or spirituality of some sort? A political solution? I've mostly thought about how our living environment would have to change to get us excited for life.
>comfort-seeking, weak, cowardly
And this is why immigrants flooding your countries is essential to our growth. The synthesis will be a global war, an event which steel the youth of the West, without which, we will wilt in comfort.
War is indeed inevitable. It will probably sooner rather than later and be a ''surprise'' to everyone.
you can't really do it on a global scale just because of the fact that circumstances are different for each individual in the world so its a bit far fetched, however for the individual to thrive you "embrace the ecstatic highs and lowest tragedies with courage" once this mindset it set then discomfort becomes comfort. to a certain extent of course
I know Nietzsche was putting responsibility on the individual. Probably because he was so exceptional and out of everyone's league in thinking. But I can't imagine constructing a meaningful life, if it's all alone. Loneliness is one of the biggest issues in the West, even though few of the lonely ones ever even think about being lonely. We have just grown up with the normal that everyone should be by themselves most of the day.
By ''global'' I meant more like ''tribal''. A tribal group would reinforce the individual's sense of power and meaning, which is why I think we might need to reorganize our ways of living. People are weak when they are alone, and I see that one reason for modern weakness is that we are always alone. Probably an evolutionary explanation as to why we feel that way. A tribe could put down a mammoth or the largest predator, but a lone individual was nothing but a prey.
he meant europeans are the only ones who contributed positively to the world without creating a hivemind serf/slave system like ancient china, india or egypt. he traces a line back directly to the ancient greeks, and wants to revive paganism, or a form of it, to ensure that we don't crucify ourselves like jesus did.
he saw the only role of christianity in society, to enslave white man. so it should be naturally overthrown, ridiculed, rejected, and destroyed. only through this abandonment of that religion, could europe ever recover out of the downward descent into martyrdom.
Reading Nietzsche shit on Christianity is a vital redpill
nihilism, ressentiment, bad-conscience, slave morality
being lonely is a vital part of the ubermensch, Nietzsche praises asceticism - not the judeo-christian kind - because it teaches you the importance of self-reliance and other shit.
There has to be a new prophet or religion, a sort of enlightened egotism or a mission to live outside earth-- nothing of that new age wishy washy or transhumanism shit. Something tangible. Something even an ordinary person could relate to.
Its really difficult because a lot of people nowadays think too highly of themselves to follow and organized mass group, or participate in religious gatherings but it is an essential part of our psyche to be part of something bigger than ourselves.
Most of those people who could have led something like this have been enamored by material wealth and position. Something Nietzsche despised-- the philosophy of utility
Can somebody red pill me on Nietzsche? from what I've read he's a socialist anti-traditionalist maybe I'm reading it wrong?
Stop reading wikipedia.
If everyone were to practice nietzschean philosophy, there would be anarchism or something similar. He wrote for the strong individual.s not the masses
he despises socialism. he doesn't identify with any political ideology, but some people consider him an aristocrat - but it's disputable.
it is definitely essential for us to feel like we're a part of something bigger, but thats why theres religion and political groups. what about convincing the individual to become stronger through self motivation and betterment. would that be the true solution?
>leveling of the European man
one sense he intended was literally:
>dozens of separate European peoples emerge from varying genetic origins, and settle within the same geographic areas for long timespans
>their adaptation is particular to their environment
>not just that, but the specific types of people that existed within one of those societies evolved in order to inhabit a social structure where there were indeed "leaders" and agreeable followers/workers
>that these were not illusory and arbitrary class distinctions, but rather that they were built up over time by the accrual and intensification of specific social traits and tendencies
so when distinct classes start mingling with each other, there's a confused, muddled "average" type of person, containing opposing innate impulses. he's at war within himself.
he described the exact same thing in relation to people from different European countries mingling this way, "averaging out" the qualities that made them capable of greatness for a wishy-washy average type.
it's basic "regression of the mean" theorizing, based on an understanding of evolution, which led him to the above intuitions about just how specific the qualities adaptation to an environment - including the social environment - naturally causes a caste system to emerge in more archaic societies.
but he saw that European thought was tending them towards ideas of future utopianism, and a blending together of all civilizations and peoples into a single great mass. and he intuited a great danger in that idea, because it ignores whether the rootlessness and manifold identities of these "new Europeans" might not be nearly as great as the individual, particular types of people that knew EXACTLY who and what they were, and what their role was
I'm sure I've gotten a lot of this badly garbled, but that's the gist I'm capable of right now. it came from one of the last sections of "Beyond Good and Evil"
we need another culling
I'd say thats a pretty damn good analysis there leaf
Can you expand further on why being lonely is vital part of the übermensch?
In some way I'm waiting for the arrival of the prophet you describes, a man who would teach others the way of the overman. I'd gladly be myself that man, only if I can get strong enough to become one. Either way, I believe there will be someone that will banish the nihilism.
Nietzsche was not really that political. He did dislike socialists though. And he despises the slave-morality of Christianity that dominated Europe all the way to our current times, he was more of a man of the traditional heroic master morality. I don't think he ever said though straight away that absolute master morality is the only correct way.
>>dozens of separate European peoples emerge from varying genetic origins, and settle within the same geographic areas for long timespans
waht are you talking about?
id disagree-- i believe he didnt say any direct opinion on government and how people should be organized. anarchism while romantic would be a huge step back in the progress of humanity. he only hated the masses for what they represented-- mediocrity
pretty much this but he also said in as a caveat in BGE that those mixed peoples if they were to hone their different identities into something better then maybe it's not such a bad thing
yeah well, problem is people are generally lazy anyway if we as a majority had better programming than abrahamic traditions that would be promising
thanks - I recently finished Beyond Good and Evil, so it's still pretty fresh in my mind.
I read the "Genealogy of Morals" a few years back, but it treads fairly similar ground. he wrote it just after "Beyond Good and Evil"
I'd recommend reading up on his distinction between "good/bad" aristocratic morality and "good/evil" slave morality. the later part of BGaE and the first part of the Genealogy covers that material in much greater depth
cool graphic man, im saving this
well yeah problem is there's really this very thin line between being that prophet or an autist, i mean look at nietzche-- it's only now we're really understanding what he actually meant because he was too punk rock and just sperged out a lot of shit without following academe philosophical thought. no one really took him seriously back in his day
im currently reading Genealogy of morals and trying to figure some things out about Nietzche since this is my first time actually reading his work
Eradicating all sexual freedoms. Libido dominandi is a good read.
He's talking about vampireism. Psychological vampireism.
He was also a massive Judeophile, he thought they were the master race and could control and wipe out Europe and Europeans if they so wished. Fast forward to the 21st century...
sorry, I'm not sure what your question is asking. maybe ask your question with a bit more detail?
reading his books takes a lot more work than most, but thankfully they're also a pleasure to read. he can be extremely funny, if very sharp-tongued.
He outright says that the Jews just needed to wait and Europe would be theirs eventually.
he wasn't wrong was he lol
Where is this from Pedro?
Nietzsche was incredibly red pill. He criticizes strongly the European long lasting christian morality, as well as Schopenhauer's new morality which is largely based on the christian one, which he correlates to judaism. In fact, he poses a dichotomy that took over Europe between the Roman morality (good means powerful, bad means weak) and the Jewish morality (good means benevolent, bad means evil). He points out that the great amount of slaves and plebs in Rome made the jewish morality win through christianity. That threw Europe into a long lasting reign of the priest-kind man (through the catholic church) instead of the king-kind man, forgetting the classical ideals from Greece and Rome. With the renascence, such ideals were rescued and Europe experienced great advances. He saw socialism as the ultimate judaism-sided ideology (I remember a paragraph where he clearly predicts WWII saying that this dichotomy would rise again in its most violent form, Gemany = Rome, Moscow = Judea).
He is not so propositional, politically, but the general message was that of being positive result seeking, Triumph of Will.
His views greatly inspired the 3rd Reich.
He said Moscow would be Judea despite the fact that he died in 1900, when the Tsar was very much still in power? Sauce, please...
Damn I wish I was Jewish, Anglo isn't bad though I guess...
I don't understand the last bit, why would he, being scornful of the idea of God, put that in? I know he doesn't believe it literally but still it just feels off...
No, that's me. He said the dichotomy would rise again in Europe through war.
He was unbelievably right though.
How could he predict that though, how did he realise back then?
Keep worshipping a Jew on a stick faggot
not a Jew.
post-Jew, counter-Jew, a rebel from being Jewy.
Read the text.
He's warning us against self-pity, and pity for our race, and dealing incorrectly with nihilistic dread. All this because of the dominance of the ascetic ideal and a culture of sickness
>seek out
The übermensch sees what comes his way, and knows how to DEAL with it. He doesn't seek out shit.
>I know Nietzsche was putting responsibility on the individual.
not really. he didn't even think people individuals can change. he put the blame on certain developments but didn't put responsibility on anybody.
>Nietzsche praises asceticism - not the judeo-christian kind - because it teaches you the importance of self-reliance and other shit.
He acknowledges the importance, advantage, even necessity of ascetism for a philosopher. But it's nevertheless a sickly and backward power move that consists that undermines life. I guess you're right he does support a certain degree of ascetism, so long as it remains life-affirming. ALL ascetism stems from a struggle to survive, the key is dealing in the right way. It's the difference between a healthy diet that strives for moderation, and a diet that would have you starve yourself or abstain from certain things.
No. Understanding him requires careful reading and honest personal reflection. And knowledge of the history of philosophy.
>If everyone were to practice nietzschean philosophy, there would be anarchism or something similar. He wrote for the strong individual.s not the masses
Stop memeing, you obviously know nothing about it, so why say something. If everyone were to practice "nietzschean philosophy", we would have a hell of a lot great critical thinkers who debunked major false digotomies and concepts, and who strived forward with honest and courageous perspectivism and honed a deep psychological insight. And who cared deeply for culture and the state of western civilisation.
Man there's not enough characters in a post to react to all of these posts.
He had Jew vengeance-based morality and was responsible for spreading this disgusting disease through Europe, ripping away its destiny of completely conquering the world.
Later, someone else thought of that too, but failed.
Making sure that jews wouldn't pass unharmed though.
>In some way I'm waiting for the arrival of the prophet you describes, a man who would teach others the way of the overman. I'd gladly be myself that man, only if I can get strong enough to become one. Either way, I believe there will be someone that will banish the nihilism.
You can't banish nihilism, the point is to deal with it in a healthy way.
Did he think Jews had ubermensch qualities in not drinking or committing suicide? If so how did Hitler draw his conclusions given how much he was inspired by Nietzsche?
Nietzche knew that most Europeans are massive cucks. He saw the decent beginning even before WW1.
Christianity makes societies less conflictious on the inside. That is a great benefit.
Good answers, but I do agree with to a certain extent. Nietzsche did propose a hierarchical society and that cannot be everyone's sleep time reading.
>I don't like the "New Testament"—you will already have guessed as much. It almost disturbs me that I stand so alone in my taste with respect to this most highly regarded and overvalued written work (the taste of two thousand years is against me). How can I help that! "Here I stand. I can't do otherwise." I have the courage of my own bad taste. The Old Testament—now, that's something quite different. All honour to the Old Testament! In that I find great men, a heroic landscape and something of the rarest of all elements on earth, the incomparable naïveté of the strong heart. Even more—I find a people. In the New Testament, by contrast, I find nothing but small sectarian households, nothing but spiritual rococo, nothing but ornament, twisty little corners, oddities, nothing but conventional air, not to mention an occasional breeze of bucolic sweet sentimentality, which belongs to the age (and the Roman province)—something not so much Jewish as Hellenic. Humility and pomposity standing shoulder to shoulder; a chatting about feelings which are almost stupefying; vehement feelings but no passion, with awkward gestures. Here, it seems, there's a lack of a good upbringing.
Yeah, it's insane how accurate he was. Nietzsche would've been called a prophet if he was a Christian.
Yes, through making individuals weak, resentful, ascetic, contemplative. Domination, conquest, victory, happiness. That happens through will. And christianity kills that in people.
The quote is from On the Genealogy of Morality, by the way.
I think he supposed that with enough ubermenches a revolutionary and powerful society would organically emerge.
Though the slave morality won WW2 last time I checked.
Christianity tamed the naturally too violent Europeans.
Euros are now soft from capitalist consumption hedonism, so taming them/us even more gets to a non-optimal point.
>healthy way
problem is, most people don't really know they suffer from nihilism
"but they also know that at some future time Europe may fall into their hands like a ripe fruit if they would only just extend them."
Does that mean Europe would want to fall into their hands or that they were so powerful they could do whatever they wanted?
He sure loved sucking Jewish cock.
>being this misinformed about Nietzsche
It's always pleasing to see someone who has actually read Nietzche debating people.
It's always tiresome when it devolves
>Muh God is dead LMAO
>Muh Nihilism LMAO
He just saw the writing on the wall well before anyone else.
>"The whole problem of the Jews exists only in nation states, for here their energy and higher intelligence, their accumulated capital of spirit and will, gathered from generation to generation through a long schooling in suffering, must become so preponderant as to arouse mass envy and hatred. In almost all contemporary nations, therefore - in direct proportion to the degree to which they act up nationalistically - the literary obscenity of leading the Jews to slaughter as scapegoats of every conceivable public and internal misfortune is spreading."
Sup Forums BTFO
>He just saw the writing on the wall well before anyone else.
You might want to read the text one more time. He's clearly praising the Jews.
Thats why people should read Kierkegaard in tandem with Nietczhe.
Kierkegaard identifies the problem, but avoids really proposing a solution (he basically didn't want to be Nietzsche).
As he says, they were persecuted by the Europeans and came out stronger as a result. Surely at some point the persecutors realized they had created something powerful, even desirable, leading to the intermarriage with noble blood he mentions.
Doesn't mean we can't hate them for wanting to wipe us out...
Ridiculous. Worst civil war in Germany was the 30 years war. And not just civil war: worst war in German and European history. Reason: one kike on a stick worshipper thought his cult to be more superior to the other.
Christianity is an immigrant religion from the desert, just like Islam is.
It was a geopolitical war, religion was just a pretext.
He made Marxism cool, and a bunch of dumb goyim like you followed him.
Reminder that all LARPagans and fedoras are essentially Leftist in thought and action. Always socially liberal, mostly fiscally liberal.
Gas all Leftist anti-Christians.
maybe I was exaggerating when I said 'praises', but he considered it a necessity for any type of higher man.
are you denying the fact that a society filled iwth the higher man, that is the artist, the noble, and the sovereign, would be a functioning society? The slaves are necessary.
Yeah, yeah. That's what every Christcuck apologist says.
Ah right. here we go again, Christcuck
nationalism does not exist
t. varg
now you contradict yourself:
either it's bad that Christians fought bloody wars for their religion
Christians are cucks who won't fight wars and we must return to pagan relions, which were bloody.
Christcuck shills are like cockroaches. And they are also the worst liars on this board. Shows their Jewish roots
Let me guess, you're an East German?
yes, those liberal christians, christcucks.
As I said, they took it too far, they have no idea what ORDO CARITATIS is.
Yeah, for exhibiting a true will to power in spite of not having a nation and being hated.
>They have been able to create for themselves a sense of power and eternal vengeance from the very trades that were left to them.
>Europe may like a ripe fruit fall into their hands if they do not clutch at it too eagerly
He would likely have thought of the goals of Hitler & Nazi Germany in a similar way.
Nice spamming ad thread derailing
For Nietzsche working is bad. Fighting is good.
Weird things to say to a Trump supporting evangelical zionist: Yael Kushner renounced Christ to join the religion which only exist, because they rejected Jesus and got him killed.