I can't imagine western civilization going further down this path . what will the the purifying light that turns the tides?
Everyday we move further from Christ
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I don't know but I bet the Goyim will make us their kings for it.
Just as planned
you're correct op.
this fall follows the path of all other secular democracies in history. Monarchies were good to us under God.
Is that supposed to be who I think it is?
Buck Angel
honestly her pussy is surprisingly nice
Maybe us Christians should start being more zealous and actually stir up actual backlash when we see degeneracy. At the very least unapologetic calling-out of this bullshit in favor of traditional values if not violence. After all, muslims would not tolerate this kind of garbage in their culture, and the same types of people who think this sculpture is a positive thing would rush to their defense even when muslims attack the ideas embodied in this sculpture. Why are Christians only ones expected to tolerate this?
So if that's Buck Angel who's the tranny on the right?
If you look at history, you'll see that the people who tried to stop progress in all its forms from happening, ended up on the wrong side of it.
Generations to come will look back on you conservative reactionary idiots and laugh at your naivety.
I believe trap is Allanah Starr, they did movie together
What you think pol?
I thought (((it))) kinda looked like Tom Hardy.
christ is a jew. I'm trying to move as far as possible. thanks.
Also, this image is fake.
What a great way to ruin an otherwise nice looking sculpture, THICC
>Monarchies were good to us under God.
so weak.
find another way.
>Everyday we move further from Christ
This. It pains me so much to see. Mudslimes everywhere, and we know who's responsible. One day we shall have the final "whole burning".
rope yourself bibi
>tranny statues and muh sex junk
if you hadn't posted that image i would've believed you
Those are some nice titties tho
Yes, Hitler
what the fuck
>People dont have to obey the """moral codes""" jews applied to Europe with the sole purpose of controlling the West
Good goyim
Can someone at least explain to me what OP's statue is supposed to symbolize?
>"it's just statues of two naked people, there's nothing new about-"
>when I saw it
Traps arent gay
Decadence and opulence collapse societies. They collapsed Rome. The collapsed Weimar, and they'll collapse you too. Sexual degeneracy is nothing but a symptom of a deep, underlying societal ill: complacency. Your hermaphrodites and lickspittle will not stop your society from rotting.
This is our reality now.
>Generations to come will look back on you conservative reactionary idiots and laugh at your naivety.
do homoerotic sex creates life nowdays?
is that straight porn then?? I m confused..
NatSoc, Fascism, WN, and going back to our Christian Faith.
>Inb4 paganfags
HOLY SHIT, is that James Yeager?!
>Decadence and opulence collapse societies
>Sexual degeneracy is nothing but a symptom of a deep, underlying societal ill: complacency.
I fucking hate all of you so called puritans.
is this gay tho?
Only for the viewers.
3 scoops of ice cream
which and when exactly?
> no reaction
though so
i came
But do people even read history I swear the average westerner only knows history from 1939 on wards. if you ask why rome or greece collapsed all you get is blank stares some even say small event when the truth is simple, "they abandoned the principles that made them great"
He was a Judean gentleman. Not one of those disgusting Khazar fucks.
Pick one
this shit has to stop. the more i see of this shit the more i agree hitler was fucking right. never once would i though i would ever think a crazy wack job like hitler actually had valid points.
>If you look at history, you'll see that the people who tried to stop progress in all its forms from happening, ended up on the wrong side of it
You mean people like you?
Hitler was maybe right but he was a socialist moron
There aree other much better figures than him to follow
Why are you so excited about a deity with middle eastern origins?
I just do not get it
>what will the the purifying light that turns the tides?
Dang it, I'm trying to cut back. Now I have to watch it because it's too damn unusual to not do so. Like a tard fight.
ww3 won't happen all world governments work together even Iran russia and NK .dont forget that it was France that housed the islamic leader of iran and AIRFRANCE delivered him back after the revolution
Pretty sure Christ has left us in this life. However, when we die, we will see him.
You might be right.
>jew moral codes
>the talmud has 27 volumes of them trying to find ways not to follow the laws of the old testament
ancient jews were assryian, ashkenazi kikes are gypsy mongrels
yes enjoy your coke
Wubba lubba dud dub
>but he was a socialist moron
Jesus, this meme again. Yeah, he surely was not a (((laissez-faire))) capitalist - and that's a good thing.
Complete delision and mental illness. Evolution will erase these people. It always has and it always will
Progress towards what? Progress forwards or backwards? Liberals hide behind words and shame people for not understanding their constant changing vocabulary.
Hitler and Stalin was friends
I have the weirdest boner right now.
Pretty sure it is straight.
Modern art is literal CIA psyops but these skinny jeans-wearing hipster faggots still lavish over it like it's anything of substance. God I hate people sometimes.
It is as really as it is long surviving (that is to say not at all).
"Sin" and the "devil" are simply euphemisms for things that do not allow our human race to survive.
Manly men and feminine women are evolution's norm. Faggots with mental issues are an ever dying/fleeting circus show that must be quelled with prejudice.
By the forces of nature itself faggots cannot survive. 3% of the worlds population is gay. By definition being gay is not normal
I don't understand.
Big civilizational collapse and misery for millions of people. Christians will be the last people on Earth to have retained any sense of morality and discipline
I agree. They ruined it by making her fat.
You mean you are moving further away from Communism. Christians raped all kinds of nations and established brothels. Mother Mary was a slut.
>Poland was one of the first countries to avoid punishing homosexuality in early modern era. This was formally codified in 1932, and Poland introduced an equal age of consent for homosexuals and heterosexuals, which was set at 15.[1][2] Poland is one of few countries where sexually active gay and bisexual men are not legally restricted from donating blood.
>In 1933, the Soviet government, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, recriminalised homosexual activity with punishments of up to five years' hard labor.
>When the People's Republic of China was established in 1949, the Communist Party declared homosexuality a sign of bourgeois decadence.
>When the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was formed, it adopted Yugoslav Criminal Code of 1929, a previous law of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia banned "lewdness against the order of nature" (anal intercourse) between human beings.
I'm so glad that we're moving further away from Christ.
Hopefully no one will remember him in the future.
Poland must just be for faggots then because Christianity historically does not support LGBT agenda. Only in recently in history has Christianity been subverted and infiltrated by pussies and faggots looking to poz everything up. Communism is still shit.
I just purchased the Baltimore Catechism set. I'm going to study them this summer. I'm starting RCIA this fall.
I've been way happier since coming to the realization that God is real and the gospel is real. I have Our Lady of Fatima to thank for that!
Whites dying out is the only way. Just as the israel was replaced by whites once jews betrayed god we must pay the price as well.
Mtf's are literally Baphomet promoters, cuz Baphomet has tits and penis
James Yeager
When legs are shut, the vagina shouldn't look like it's pooping out roast beef. They need to replace his feminist whore vagina with a cleaner one.
Im twelve and what is this?
Some woman on a talk show was shilling the "guy" a few months ago, saying he was an "amazing person". Even though he is a degenerate pornographer and mentally ill sicko.
>During the Ottoman Empire, homosexuality was decriminalized in 1858 as part of wider reforms during the Tanzimat
>1327 – The deposed King Edward II of England is killed. The popular story that the king was assassinated by having a red-hot poker thrust into his anus has no basis in accounts recorded by Edward's contemporaries
>1533 – King Henry VIII passes the Buggery Act 1533 making all male-male sexual activity punishable by death.
>1547 – King Edward VI's first Parliament repealed all felonies created in the last reign of King Henry VIII.
>1606 – King James I of England began a relationship with Robert Carr, 1st Earl of Somerset.
>1724 – Margaret Clap better known as Mother Clap, ran a coffee house from 1724 to 1726 in Holborn, London. The coffee house served as a Molly House for the underground gay community.
>1810 – The nineteenth century began with a wave of prosecutions against homosexual men.
>1861 – The death penalty for buggery was abolished.
>1897 – George Cecil Ives organizes the first homosexual rights group in England
United Kingdom was mostly gay from 12th century, with occasional prosecutions which were extreme death penalties, but then again bestiality was allowed if you fucked dog in the ass and not pussy.
>sodomy and bestiality:
>anal intercourse or oral intercourse by a man with a man or woman
>vaginal intercourse by either a man or a woman with an animal
>anal sex with an animal would not constitute buggery
NO, anal sex with animal isn't sodomy or bestiality
>In the 1817 case of Rex v. Jacobs, the Crown Court ruled that oral intercourse, even with an underage and/or non-consenting animal, did not constitute buggery or sodomy
If you rape an animal in the ass or force blowjob, that's not bestiality or sodomy or pedophilia, but vaginal is.
0/10 poor shilling even for idf.
The woman on the right is THICC
Is there a real life version of her?
goddamit, this degeneracy have gone so far it did a full circle, they are now back at straight porn (with some mental issues).
You kikes used to ruffle jimmies once upon a time. What happened Joshua Goldberg?
>Nuyuhjhhhhhhhhh MUH CROWNED STICK JEW
Honestly Marengo if you need a dead new to tell you how to live, you are the problem
almost had me, jk never did
shut the fuck up
Funny because the degeneration of our society has been overblown intentionally and is not as real a process as you think. The actual progress is the existing culture flipping into overdrive and irradicating the degeneration :) In 10 years the liberals will be playing defense
You're really sperging out here, I can't tell what point you are exactly trying to make here. Maybe I'm just a dumb-fuck and cannot hope to comprehend the level of intelligence and organization of the thoughts that compelled you to type these words to the keyboard. I apologize.
Don't say "we", you mean the Catholic church. If anything they are moving away, I would say they are one of the TOP 5 responsible for the degeneracy and downfall of Christianity, with their openness to gender bender issues and moving their pedo priests around, that stain will never go away.
If you are Catholic, you should be ashamed as to what has happened to your religion, really, and im not saying all catholics are bad, like the Italians, I know they really take their religion seriously, but the vast majority of them, all of central and south america are fucking pieces of shits.
If Christianity is ever to save anything, you best believe it won't be Catholics, the Orthodox maybe, or even the muslims, but Catholics? hahaha wew lad.
based Allanah Starr