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The swiss are the cuckees, switzerland is jew safehaven.
Why is indonesia below france?
Almost all of this is wrong
>56% white
>Inventors and spreaders of nu age feminism, black lives matter, AIPAC, ADL and general degeneracy
>Not cucked
>Removing kebab daily
>90% white
>Left the Jewuropean Union
>Against ficki ficki quotas
>Built a wall in Calais to fence them off
>You place it in the cucked area
Erm no sweetie, you need to change these things around my darling, thank you xoxox
Usa is far cucked , they are defenition of cucked
Why is the whole scale on the French flag?
Yeah, proud brit here
Switzerland is what happens when Aryans act like Jews...
>norway that far ahead
>austria that far ahead
>australia that far ahead
>USA that far ahead
Is this b8
There is a problem with Chile, this is how we are for real:
>split Chile in the midle
>pick North chile and put it in 100% cucked
>pick South chile and put it in 0% cucked
we are more cucked than that, mostly because of geography
>UK cucked
have fun in the EU
move US and UK both half a space to the left
Where is India?
the difference is that is not your fault, look at swedes, they are far as fuck but keep asking for more rapefugees
how come Indonesia is least cucked?
am I missing something?
oh and just in: PVV likely to get in coalition government = not cucked.
My trickery meter started to spike as soon as I seen the British flag. Once I seen you had a country that was being controlled by a literal (((feminist))) coterie up until a few months ago and basing all their decisions around Chinese astrology and literal (((Marxism))), my meter almost exploded. Then I seen the American flag and my coax counter exploded. Take this (you).
YOU'RE ALL cucks
I'd put Ireland in the middle. While were starting to get cucked, the fightback has been started early. That's why #weareirish was never allowed to take off.
Should be in center
Where the hell is Mexico?
america is ultra cucked, americans on here like to act like because trump won america isn't, but a cursory analysis of the state of affairs here should disprove that. really, there isn't a white country on earth that isn't cucked to some degree.
Why should Iceland be cucked? Do you not realize that it's the least nigger-hospitable place on earth? The only nigger-friendly feature that Facebook loads really fast.
All south american countries are cucked as Sweden. Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain less cucked than britain??
I guess nipps and Israel are less cucked than Poland.
Burgers, not cucked, they created all the SJW trash.
b-but muh trump!
Yeah. That is quite right
This, your country has sharialaw, and the rest doesn't which makes your country most cucked of all.
opposite is true. poland is he most cuckt nation. They are not in charge of there own boarders, ,america and russia are in charge, and they get get cuckt by Europe even harder for siding with america and destabilizing europe.
Poland is beyond fuckt for choosing the wrong side.
This graph is too one-dimensional, if you excuse the pun.
Take Poland for example. This country has always been behind. All that's happened is that progress is going in the wrong direction, so being behind is a good thing. However, we are economically much worse off than the west was before political corectness.
If you think being cucked by liberal opinions is bad, you have yet to see the cucking power of poverty.
The chart needs a personal freedom and economic freedom slider. Otherwise you come to the conclusion that illiterate savages have it better than american millionaires.
USA is only still un-cucked because we still have guns.
If our guns were gone, we would be European-tier
Mexico is too cucked to be on this picture
in the street
Are guns the equivalent of pacifiers for Amerisharts?
My flag should be at the very bottom considering the absolute buttfuck traitors of macri & the past government
In Portugal, I'm yet to find footage of the Police forcing the entry of foreigners into one's private property and forcing an elderly man to house people who he fears will destroy his business
Seriously Italy.
Japan is cucked hard
Italy is cucked hard
You are Africa-tier, tbqh.
Guns is literally the only thing you have and you dont even use them to shoot a nigger they are basically useless anyways
I know this is shitty bait but still.
Impossible to cuck a non-country
>europeans dont have guns
>americans education
Hahahah...huh! Of course a leaf.
The Day of the Rake is coming. Beware
I mean I expected to trigger some people, but wew
It's not Americans doing all this, it's Jews.
No. The US is too far to the right.
Argentina should be on par with Germany and Sweden
>The Argentinean government and the European Union (EU) are negotiating an agreement in order for Argentina to receive around 3,000 Syrian refugees.
>The South American country will be the first in the world to help the EU solve the greatest refugee crisis since World War II.
>Syrian refugees have already arrived in Argentina by means of Program Syria, which was created under former president Cristina Kirchner’s government.
Pick one
we got less muslims than italy going by percentage
How is Spain as cucked as Iceland or Greece or more cucked than the USA, which is the nation behind all the SJW bullshit?
Spain should be with Italy.
Hungary should be there as not cucked
>Removing kebab daily
>90% white
>Left the Jewuropean Union
I am envious
see pic
>sign a contract to house migrants in exchange for money
>later change your mind because you realize you won't get as much as you thought
You can have guns in almost every European nation. It´s just not that easy as in the USA so we do not have inbreed people shooting at schools.
Flanders is based though. So many waffen SS volunteers, one of the richest regions in the EU and a full rightwing government. Halal slaughtering is going to be verboten too. If we didn't have cuckwallonia we would've been based as fuck
>1 pic suddenly renders all statistics void
The USA population is literally the most cucked group of people in the whole world
That chart is super shit
No but your women are race mixing even if you dont have alot of mudslimes
>not cucked
Post pics of your AR-15s, AKs, FALs, FAMAS, CETMEs, Sigs, or whatever you happen to own several of and prove us wrong.
>be euro
>walking around capital city in white homeland and see ocean of brown and black faces
>but it's okay because we are 15% whiter than a 300-year-old colony across the ocean oh and fuck them for not having years upon years of cultural development
>Not cucked
>State literally seizes property to give to ((refugees))
Also Britain needs to go further up on the not cucked scale. Brexit showed that the majority of us are un-cucked.
Where is Latvia on this scale?
please do not exclude czechia, it feels like P:E class all over again, cunts
so one pic suddenly means all the women here are racemixers
>german "logic"
Yes, you can have a semi auto with 4 bullet mags after jumping more fire rings than a circus lion.
>Move UK up a spot or two
>Italy down two
>Move america down as well trump may be in office but that doesn't mean much untill he does something
Based Spainiard
>South Korea
>Not cucked
Porn is banned there, you can't get any more cucked
95% white.
Others are chinks.
>strong celtic heritage
>not cucked like Shart in marts
>have guns
What am i missing? How is ireland cucked?
Please get this straight once and for all. On a scale of cuckoldry where Sweden scores a cucktitude of 100, Norway is 90, Iceland is 110, Denmark is 30 and Finland is 20.
>not cucked
You fell for Sup Forums's memes, OP. NEVER fall for pol's memes.
Photo actually breaks my heart her children, and her children's children will look nothing like her or her ancestors :,(
Spam F plz
germany is the bull. Why would they be cucked?
As they bend over for niggers and refugees.
>not cucked
Lol literally their shit mortality rates due to their animus, and the Fukushima Pacific ocean disaster censorship
When will this Australian meme end?
Nobody has more immigrants than Australia, besides Saudi Arabia, but in Saudi Arabia they have Indian workers who don't even mix with other population, they are lower caste.
>m-m-muh Brexit
>"We are still here :^)"
>90% berber/paki/slav
>built a wall in someone else's country that you have to pay for
Perfidious albion at it again. Your shithole of a country is the reason that Europe is cucked and any form of nationalism is feared. Your retarded wars you started during the death throes of your """""""""""""""Empire""" are the reason why the white population has plunged to near extinction levels. Two Andrew Jacksons wasn't enough.
>not cucked
we're getting invaded by haitians and colombians as we speak, we're in the process of getting cucked and the jews are behind this
>not cucked
kys kike lover
>The only nigger-friendly feature that Facebook loads really fast.
Santiago is steadily getting more cucked by Colombians and Haitians. It's happening silently, I don't live there but it could become a problem in the long run.
not the point. Germany is the industrial powerhouse of europe and will be so for the next few decades.
If germany tells you to take in 1 million refugees you will do so.
greece is 98% ethnic greeks, athens is the only eu capitaul that doesnt have a mosque, a natsoc party is in the greek parliament but aparently we are cucked because we got fucked by the jewish international bankers
>south korea
>not cucked
Literally their suicide rates are the highest surpassing the Nordic countries, and are among the most superficial and consumerist society ever
Your Far Left PM
based romania missing op, you have some explainin to do
>muh guns
So how does that help you?
I get it that you really need guns since your country is only 56% white, but that's not based.
eww fucking nasty
The Austrians voted for someone who tried to rig the election previously and also have hate speech laws. I'd say they're pretty cucked.
Alternate version
> the reason that Europe is cucked and any form of nationalism is feared
Ermmm, no sweetiekins. That would be Germany.
I don't get why the other Scandinavian countries including Finland gets a free pass, they are pretty close to the cuckoldry as us, we are just the storefront of cuckadoodledoos