France is back !

France is back !

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France is black!


Much better with the right track. Faggots.

Millions more rapefugees incoming!!!

suce moi salope

toi, les bougnouls et les negres finiront au bout d'une corde (sans etre raciste)

si tes ancêtres te voient poster ça, j''espère pour toi qu'il n'y a pas d'afterlife, sinon tu vas en prendre plein la gueule

FPBP well deserved, bratan.




I hope we get back enough to be under the Nazi rule again soon

Holy shit, tips checked.
I don't think there is enough brutal english vocabulary to translate this post

Prepare your guest room Benoit Jean! Yamoussa "the anus melter" Hussein is coming, and your sister was recommended by Angela herself!

je suis pas un fan de marine, nigga tu te trompe de cible

enjoy ton nouveau président qui va te faire payer un loyer sur les biens que t'as fini de payer (m'enfin, je suis sur a 100% que ca doit pas te concerner)

j'espere aussi que sa politique pro-islam fera que tu perdra des membres de ta famille proche dans un attentat. histoire que tu profite a 100% de l'enrichissement que tu veux nous imposer

I translated this shit... Results are blurry but you cucks seem fucked. Damn.


Kill yourself my man


He will most probably convert. Just like 1937.

It's better without automated translation. It reminds you that the French play funny games with their own language just like we do.

Havnt you had like 4 terrorist attacks since the election?

These cucks play funny games with their lives. In 2002 I went to France. I will always remember these cucks, demonstrating hand in hand with the shitskins and mudslimes, burning our Flag, calling for the end of the war and the death of USA "the great satan". They chose their "friends" a loooooong time ago.

Jamal Abdul Al-Parisi


Bonjour! Je suis Marie-France! Je travaille a l'bibliotheque. J'aime mon chat, Snowball. J'ai dix huit ans. Tu es un cuck.