get in here lads

steve-o is woke

Other urls found in this thread:








This guy is bragging about hallucinating on nitrous.

I'm watching it 10 mins behind, bumping your sage

>a crate of it in 24 hours


Probably fun as fuck m8

how can you watch the live stream 10 minutes behind?

Steve-O was born in England. Never knew that

Had to go and make a cup of tea and take a piss

Steve-O's first words were in portuguese!

Holy shit

Tfw at work and cant watch

Yeah okay, I saw my old friends turn intro retarded zombies, dribbling spit like faucets. Fuck. That.

Gotta give Steve-O credit. He sorted himself out.



>announcing sage

not a better way to make me bump m8

Laughing at his fucking description of smoking in Australia

Listening to Rogan talk about weed is pure torture.

There's a difference between laughing at yourself and bragging.
If you've ever seen his more serious interviews you know how much he hates that part of his life.

Alright I'm up to the nitrous oxide part now

>Joe acting fascinated with sucking cock once again

It's really admirable how he can look back at what was a really dark time in his life and laugh so strongly at it.

>steve-o woke
>steve-o the biggest degenerate and immature human of my generation

Is that it's real voice? Sounds like a tranny with a laryngectomy.

thanks to writing that i got a reply. i'm selling my thread, not steve-o, faggot.

really makes you think

literally from stomach acid because he has thrown up so much

Vomit voice modding is so 1993. Dude probably still plays pogs too.

Really? He is going to get esophageal cancer

fucking love steve o
ive been watching him for years but still OP this is off topic
>its the age of the selfie

sorry about that man

top kek

>pause the stream

Bongs confirmed potatoes

Tyler was always a faggot.

To make a cup of tea, I have great internet.

west coast shiet
>one of these days joe will name the jew


Sorry this: Was meant for:

I fucking hate nu-Sup Forums


why would you call me a bong dumbass

also if you pause the stream when you unpause it it isn't 10 minutes behind

what a tragedy



It's basically fucking /b threads in /pol now. Fucking sad how this place can't afford moderators.

this is a good episode. Joe seems kinda like a dick

insecure faggot alert

cry more jamal

reddit faggot alert
You were never here when this place first started.

Never knew Al Madrigal was such a massive bitch.

but they do it for free

comments disabled


Gave it a chance. This guy is a huge degenerate faggot.

Here is a woke podcast. Sam Harris and Charles "Hurray into the oven" Murray talking about race and IQ

the JRE has always been this way
this isn't your show fuccboi

how is he 42?

sleigh queen!

I live in Bell Canyon California, which is an unincorporated community of Ventura County. My name is Joe Rogan. I'm 49 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet of freshly killed game, eggs from my backyard, and jalapenos. I perform a rigorous kettlebell and battlerope routine daily. In the morning if my pupils are not dilated I'll vape on some essential CBD oils while doing Turkish getups in my homemade octagon with my kettlebells shaped like monkey heads. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the CBD oils I eat a pot gummy. In the isolation tank I smoke some DMT, then slam my Alpha Brain before chugging a pot of Caveman coffee. Then I put on my Me Undies while I prepare food from Blue Apron. I always use a non-vegan meal as eating vegan doesn't provide you necessary proteins. Then I make sure to do my spinal decompression with some yoga. There is an idea of a Joe Rogan; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am so fucking high, bro.

He's been sober for years. Fuck off fag

he's a trust fund babby

Why do millennials watch Joe Rogan?

Because they are all faggots and want gay ol' Joe's gay ol' cock in their mouths.

lol try again fucktardo

because he gets good guests and is easy to feel smarter than

Well because not all millennials are pussified bitchboys and would love Joe Rogan as a friend.

It's a comfy episode

You forgot about the spending 1,000,000$ per year on stem cell injections.

Steve-o eats jizz for a living.

Mods WTF are you doing? More than half the replies in this thread are from the same person. Why aren't you doing your job for free and deleting this shit advertising thread?

how is that any worse than degrading your body for decades in a workplace?

fuck your sage little faggot


>East Vancouver
>Tech money

Nope, thats the chinks making the housing prices explode.

Have sex

how is that any different than wagecucking? like seriously

Fuck off jannylover, sensitive reddit trash cunt

It makes you a buttfucking queer, perfect material to host and appear on the JRE.

Are you comparing hard, honest work to eating jizz? I listened to this podcast for 5 minutes and Fag-o was talking in his tranny voice about getting a blow job from a hermaphrodite with a penis. This is absolutely degenerate


If you can't see the difference between repairing automobiles for your living and sucking cock then I...
Fuck it, Germany... whatever, faggot. Honestly, I'm not even surprised at this point you pieces of shit.

as a fucking leaf your whole existence is degenerate so sit the fuck down

you're coming off as such an insecure faggot it's phenomenal

Us Han Chinese are the least degenerate race

Yeah, insecure, right. There are people so unbelievably useless that the very idea of picking up a finger to do something in his life is the mental equivalent of getting pounded in the shitter that it makes me feel insecure about, what? What a waste of fucking space they are?

The leaf is surprisingly not a degenerate in this case, the entire reason they usually get hate here.
>uses the leaf meme as a comeback
Degenerate shitstain go eat a fresh hot worm-infested turd out of a hermaphrodite's hairy asshole.

>starts talking about fighting
>you obese Sup Forums virgins shut up


Somebody with site privileges didn't like what I had to say and deleted my post, so I'll write it again:

This guy is bragging about hallucinating on nitrous.

believe it or not, sage doesn't work against people who aren't OP. not sure what you're attempting to do faggo

hahaha I'm glad your anti-degeneracy comment got moderated and deleted. why are you so closeminded to pharmacological stimulation?

I never actually saged once. I live to trigger people like you.

This shit is for retards. They know just enough to spout basic opinions.

announcing sage is a rule violation dipshit

Is Steve 0 jewish?

So is posting off topic threads and attacking other users outside of /b, but you don't see those rules enforced around here do you?

This thread should have been moved to /bant when my post was deleted.

/bant/ is a psyop

Is that Saturn with a jew star hexagon on it?