How morally sound is Sup Forums?
remember: if you do nothing, 5 people die and it's not your doing. if you change tracks, you, personally, just murdered someone.
How morally sound is Sup Forums?
remember: if you do nothing, 5 people die and it's not your doing. if you change tracks, you, personally, just murdered someone.
c) untie the guy in the second track and move him to the first track.
Watch the train kill the five, then pull the lever out of it's base and use it to beat the one to death. Only fair solution.
Equality is the only moral good.
has the right of it.
Doing nothing is probably the correct answer.
oh look, 12yo redditors trying to be edgy on Sup Forums
> remember: if you do nothing, 5 people die and it's not your doing.
Bullshit. It IS my doing if I'm right in front of the lever and don't switch. This is the mentality that gives birth to cucked nations.
And given the lack of information in the premise I have to assume the 6 people are of equal value, and therefore 1 death is less bad than 5 deaths.
Only correct answer.
I took a sip of water at the wrong fucking moment. I need a towel to clean off my screen. well played user.
>Only correct answer.
Only if the people on the tracks are undesirables.
Glad someone posted this
Video of five people getting hit by a train is more likely to go viral.
who really cares, it's just a game in the guise of a question. just flip the switch and play it, it's not a game that can be beaten
>it's just a game in the guise of a question.
the question predates the game you fucking underaged cuck
>he doesn't know
how pathetic
Save the five of course. The train was already going to kill the single individual so you do NOT have any culpability in that. This thought experiment is overrated. It is amusing to see the smug faces of people after they question someone with this test. They really think they stump people.
Obviously the moral solution is to switch the tracks. Being responsible makes it more moral, not less.
how many people are on the train ??
>all 6 are white
Carry on my current route, no slowing down, no fucks given
>DEJA VU!!!!
I never understood how this is such a big thing. Are there actually people who aren't being edgy faggots who legitimately believe the right thing to do is to not switch tracks?
It depends entirely on who the people are. If the one is white and the five are niggers, it is the moral thing to do nothing.
Like your answer, user.
push the fat guy
Fuck those guys. I can just make more people with my dick
i mean, it's just a goddamn lever. not that hard to keep switching. i can flip it with one hand and dial 911 with the other
C) tie yourself up and become one of the 5 people
What am I? Some sort of engineer? I suddenly know how to switch tracks and shit?
Wtf. I do nothing because I have no idea what I'm doing.
Clearly the instructions were unclear.
Depends of the people.
Stay the course because switching makes you more likely to actually get the tunnel with people in it. Unless you actually want to hit the people in which case you would want to switch it
Depends on the racial breakdown of the people.
If it's five white guys vs one black guy easy choice.
If it's five black guys vs one white guy even easier choice.
If it's a mix of black guys then it depends on the majority.
Basically I'd choose the option that killed more niggers/saved more whites.
>Also substitute Kikes/Sandniggers for Niggers in this equation.
One life to save five sounds good to me
Doesn't matter. Regardless of if you pull the lever, whoever dies will be transported to a reality in which you did/did not pull the lever and save them.
Do nothing because I want the most amount of people to die.
This is a metaphor for welfare isn't it?
you're a faggot
Fpbp good lord
I would get each of them to fill out a questionnaire to find out how moral they were then decide from there.
This is not a moral question. It's morally neutral to do either.
If you hold a gun to someone's head and ask them to make a choice by definition this is no longer a "choice" since a gun is being used to threaten the person.
d) Switch the lever halfway. Derail the train, and let everyone die on the train.
What do you do!
WHats the race of the pEOpLe on the track?
oh jesus christ, i lost
looks like 5 people got ran over by a train while i was untying my friend
that gif is super unsettling what the fuck
How long have you been waiting for this thread?
>if you change tracks, you, personally, just murdered someone.
Maybe he deserved it.
Jump in front of the train and hope I'm fat enough to derail it when it hits me.
checckked and kekked
I knew this shit was Sup Forums posting when I saw it on Sup Forums
Is there a legit solution to this one?
correct answer is multi-track drifting ofc.
this is the best one
I just happened to have a folder full of trolley problems
Yeah there is, it's a logic problem but I was never able to figure it out on my own. I guess I'm a retard.
Switch half way and derail the train.
c) pull the lever halfway, derailing the train, killing everyone on the train and the people tied to both tracks.
c3 you brainlet
post more
Trains is hard job.
Can you develop the reasoning please? I was thinking more B4.
5 and 6 are out, that's ll I know for sure.
We can not justify murder, we must let life go on.
>In Soviet Russia ...
What ethnicities are we talking here?
I'm all out
save the one, it's a trick, the one is someone really good the five are scum