The Italian Supreme Court has declared that foreigners who live in a western country must adapt to its laws and values. A poor poo in loo who followed the sikh religion simply wanted to go around with a 20cm knife but the evil italians fined him 2000 euros.
Why can't we be more tolerant like Sweden and Germany? Is it because we are not really white?
Italy No!
He probably just wanted to protect himself from the muslims
He should move to Canada. That savage bullshit is allowed there.
>The Italian Supreme Court has declared that foreigners who live in a western country must adapt to its laws and values.
I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure that qualifies as racism.
European court for human rights will fix that.
I sincerely hope I'm still of fighting age when Europe burns, because I want to be there when it happens.
>That savage bullshit is allowed there.
Gee, I sure can't wait for us to become as civilized as burgers and legalize school shootings.
>The Italian Supreme Court has declared that foreigners who live in a western country must adapt to its laws and values.
This is no where near enough.
>Disarming sikhs while muslims invade
Like shooting yourself in the foot
Sikhs are literaly doesn't bothering anyone. I though mushits geting BTFO'D. Shit thread. Saged
Am italian.
Can confirm OP is a faggot and the court actually ruled the police wasn't acting in the inteterest of a multicultural society.
Hope OP won't fool too many people with Fake news memeing italy as a fascist shithole
>beta italians are jealous of Alpha Sikh carrying his weapon around
When did the Cassazione become this based?
Just last week they redefined marriage and made it 100 times harder to jew men out of their money in a divorce.
What's gotten into them?
Are they /ourguys/?
>harassing literal dindus
>fining muslim killers
Well done Shitaly.
Won't really do a thing, though.
The niggers invading through the mediterranean won't give a fuck.
>Sihks carry those at all times because anyone could be a Muslim.
>Religion is basically built from the ground up to destroy islam
>Somehow in the multicultural west there isn't brutal violence between them.
Wish I lived in Italy.
literally fucking this. i don't want to walk down the street and think i'm in india, but at the same time sikhism is a direct response to savage muslims and this is being celebrated as a victory. disarming a fucking sikh.
You will have your chance to go in the oven too nigger.
also for the last point, i don't think sikhs are in high enough numbers but there was a huge response from sikhs in the UK when sikh girls were targeted by muslim grooming gangs.
I think my point is Sihks don't do much. Like they always go for military positions in order to protect a country from islam and not much else.
It's like they're waiting until things collapse and western civilization dissolves to finally say "Ok time to remove kebab". They don't even protest or use their religious beliefs to weasel in anti-Islamic sentiment.
Your point about how Sikhism came about was spot on though. i don't know whether they're minding their business for the time being or they just don't care, but that religion has bred natural born kebab removers in history and hopefully will again.
What am I looking at?
You don't understand the ramifications. If you allow them to go against the law using religion as an excuse,automatically muslims too would be allowed to implement sharia law since is part of their belief. No foreigner can act as they please,they all have to follow italian laws, no differences.
>Sup Forums says the mediterranean isnt white
>the mediterranean also has the most nationalist, anti-semitic and racist countries
Is this what it means to be "non-white"? It really makes you think
Yeah,lately they are becoming more and more strict,let's hope the european court doesn't start overuling things
Italy NO!
>changing your entire legal system
>letting someone carry a ceremonial sword
Which do you pick?
It's because Sikhs are based Muslim-stabbers, OP. If this had been a mud carrying around a weapon, the court would have ruled that Italy had to tolerate his religion
Look at the so called whitest countries,Sweden and Germany,then come to your own conclusions. We prefer to be considered brown but at least protect our identity and not let anyone do as they fucking please
Let's make again the Roman/Byzantine empire
>We prefer to be considered brown
Neck yourself.
This OP. Don't you know that Sikhs are fucking baaaaaasssed? Just look at this based Sikh in a Trump hat! We need more!
Distance measurements made in non feet or yards are non-white. Go back achmed
No,you are all focusing on the Sikh thing wich is the less relevant part. The based thing is the motivation they used to condemn him, saying that people who come from outside western countries must adapt to our way of life and not use religion as an excuse to break the law. This now is going to constitute law, no Sharia law for us in the near future
fuck off. not the same as a religion centered around destroying islam.
Hm, it's as if the whitest group of people according to Sup Forums have accomplished nothing aside from years of pillaging, rape, and ransacking anything even slightly resembling civilization and then attempt to steal said civilization's history by claiming they were all said whitest people and the original people somehow vanished into thin air.
I don't know man, my joggin is certainly noggin. It could also explain why they're so fixated on menial things like hair/eye color while succumbing to third world hordes.
We allow Sikhs to carry their knives too.
Because we're not faggots and it's literally to protect themselves against Muslims, thus Sikhs are actually rather based.
don't bother buying property or setting down. you shitskins will be forced to flee the west within 20 years.
I don't give a shit about what religion they are, it's the fact that 99.9 percent of them are shitskins. Civic nationalist pls go and stay go.
I'd rather wait for the Queen to celebrate Ramadan soon,preper to fast Ahmed
>Supreme Court has declared that foreigners who live in a western country must adapt to its laws and values
why is this simple fucking concept so difficult for people to grasp? Plebbit and normies are so afraid of saying shit like this and if you mention it then they call you a bigot or a racist.
>2000 euro fine for a fucking knife
I really need to move to America
I'm not a civic nationalist but neither do I agree with disarming Sikhs nor anybody.
within reason.
First post is best post. The Sheikhs are the only brown motherfuckers that I like. The rest can get fuct.
so desperate for friends you import them and delude yourself that they respect you? you're a fucking joke. is there anybody in your life that doesn't consider you an embarrassment? you actually shill for non-whites for your country on the internet and yet consider yourself a man?
All they implied is that it's dumb to go after sikhs when there are muslims around who are far more numerous and far more savage.
Nobody said that we should bring in more sikhs.
>the mediterranean also has the most nationalist, anti-semitic and racist countries
Guess every muslim country is white now
Tfw when the mile measurement was invented by romans counting a thousand paces, even your retarded system comes from us Burger
so you would allow a muslim to own an AK47? Theres no way you'll have gun laws that allow whites to have certain rights that others don't.
That's the point. Example:
"I am a worshipper of the Great Gn-Huuut-SHSH
My benevolent deity asks me to always carry with me a full loaded rocket launcher as an evidence of my faith."
In which measure this is bullshit?
I disagree with disarming whites, but I'd be all for disarming others. They shouldn't even be in our countries to begin with, so I don't see why we need to give them the same privileges.
We allow Sikhs to carry their knives because everyone is allowed to open carry a knife of any size, retard.
I was exaggerating to make a point, but to yours: this court case isn't targeting sikhs, muslims, or any minority in particular.
actually living in the u.s.a could I carry a sword with me?
would the local police shoot me on sight for carrying a sheath around?
Sikhs=/= sheikhs
Sikhs are based Muslim haters.
Sheikhs are sandniggers
Tfw P2 doesn't run my gubbament
Based Cassazione
Those were the times my friend
Actually, there are locations in the US where a knife isn't normally allowed, while a Sikh can carry based on religious grounds- such as some schools.
Yes Sikhs carry knives as they are taught to always be ready to fight with mudslimes. A sensible policy we should all adopt. Maybe change it to guns to modernise it.
within reason I said in the post below.
>i don't want to walk down the street and think i'm in india
What part did you miss you incredible fucking faggot?
Accepting the very current reality of sikh communities existing in the west as opposed to what the west would look like if I was in charge are two very different things and you only have your own reading comprehension to blame for your hissy fit you mongrel.
Don't disarm sikhs.
> i can haz sword?
yes, in many jurisdictions you can shuffle around wearing a weeaboo penis replacement and tip your fedora to everyone you meet while they desperately attempt to contain their laughter.
in SOME jurisdictions (like the entire state of california) swords are prohibited even if carried in the open
curiously, claifornia also prohibits the possession of light sabers, lazer guns, death rays, phasers, disruptors (both romulan and klingon) and gundam suits
california has an actual law to prohibit imaginary weapons.
any other special treatment you want to give a non-white in a white country? going to suck him off too?
Exactly,that's the point we are trying to convey. We don't care if it's a sikh,a muslim or a buddhist,you just can't do whatever you did in your country,you are in Italy now and have to assimilate,that's why this sentence is so important and based.
>penis replacement
You had enough flouride for today, Steve
I think white British people should have the same right. If you want a practical reason look up the Derby child grooming ring. Whether or not they should or shouldn't be here (they shouldn't) is irrelevant to the fact there are Sikhs. If we were having this discussion in 10-15 years it might be more practical to send them all into exile.
But are you just going to continue to pick out things i say while completely abandoning your original point or will your next (You) be as bland?
I'll sum it up:
>Italy signs agreement with lybia to have their ships take care of migrants and bring em back
>Kraut civil ong ship almost rammed while trying to take over and board the immgirgrants itself cause "lybia is not safe, Germany is"
Scots can wear Dirks
>>Disarming sikhs while muslims invade
>Like shooting yourself in the foot
Are Sikhs even allowed to use their knife to defend themselves and others during a terrorist attack?
> all these pro indian posts
- 'murcan edu
Lol im a sikh and i dont hate muslims. Get fucked u goras, u be hitting us while thinking about muslims. Burnt our gurudwaras thinking that they were mosques at first i thought u were ignorant but now i get it u white nazis are just retarded piece of shit
That's the entire point of the knife, yes.
This is actually some bullshit. Infringing rights to carry arms for all expect some privileged group.