According to scientists, this is how swedish
ancestors looked like
According to scientists, this is how swedish
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That's a good, important use of science. That's where we should be spending our money!
As a 100% sweed I doubt it exteremely.
There isn't a melanin cell in me.
By a nigger and a female flip?
It must be true because that is what they looks like today.
>All joking aside, imagine being a Swede a hundred years from now and all you see around you are brown people and your (((history books))) tell you that this is what Swedes always looked like and you will believe it.
And it is beautiful.
Would bang that swiddesh nigger ass
that's one bjork looking nigger on the right
There's already people who believe Egyptians were Kangz
If that's the case, this is what Africans looked like.
it's a joke, right?
These sorts of invasions used to be have official names as this, that, or the other "war." What's going on absolutely boggles the mind.
Why the fuck would you be black up here? There's a reason for black skin
Good that we are correcting things back to normal... then...
pic related.
Oh? They look very similar to our replacement :)
According to scientists, this is
what Swedes'
ancestors looked like
>groce non-jew penis
"This is our own interpretation of the scientists results"
I'm not even surprised.
State media at it again with the "Swedes don't exist, we are all immigrants"
The article goes on to say:
""Their skin was dark", believes Mattias Jakobsson who is professor in genetics at Uppsala university"
>Their skin was dark", believes Mattias Jakobsson
"They were genetically similar to the people who at that time lived in today's Luxembourg, Spain and Germany."
>at the beginning every humans were black
you don't say
If early humans were all black, wouldn't that imply that blacks aren't very evolved?
Don't some proponents of the Out-Of-Africa theory claim that all humans were Negroes originally and that other races evolved (by adapting to the local climate) after humans migrated to other areas? ? I wonder if that's what this picture is trying to say.
Evolution doesn't work like that. You don't need to evolve your skin color when you live in Africa because you don't need it. It's like Americans will never evolve their brain capacity because they don't need it.
And they will probably get away with this bullshit science.
Earlier, I would laugh at shit like this. Now I can't do anything but think how dangerous and powerful the Swedish kikes have become.
Swedes probably believe those were their ancestors now.
They have the ability to erase white Swedes completely before going for Finland, Norway and Denmark.
ur a rudey pooty tbqh lad
They had those facial features, but they didn't have dark skin or hair.
ASIP - Depigmentation, light skin, eyes and hair
GPR143 - Nystagmus, ocular albinism,
EDAR - Flowing hair,
MC1R - Red hair, reddish skin,
SLC24A5 - Depigmentation, light skin, eyes and hair
SLC6A3 - DAT-, psychosis
Whites and Asians came from Sundaland-Sahul-Polynesia. We can find the alleles that cause light pigmentation in this region;
>Congenital nystagmus among the Red-skins of the Highlands of Papua New Guinea
>supporting a scenario in which the 370A allele was driven to high frequency in East Asians and Native Americans by positive selection (Figure 1). Two Central/South Asia populations, the Uygur and the Hazara, have intermediate frequencies of 370A (0.44 and 0.5, respectively), in agreement with their close genetic relationship to East Asians [30], [31]. The 370A allele is also found at low frequency in Melanesia (0.12
ASIP-(T allele) = Pale skin;
>Table 1: Allele Frequencies by Population
>ASIP - Island Melanesian - 0.52
SLC24A5-(A allele) = Pale skin;
>rs1426654 A is overwelmingly predominant among Turks and Hazara, and exists among Australian aboriginees, Fijians, Han, Japanese, Micronesians, Kyrgys and Uyghurs
>pp8 - Khomani San - R1b1b2a1a: 10% (2)
>white people's ancestors were black
Okay the one on the right looks sort of possible, especially given how little we know about the Alvastrans, but someone with the skin tone of the guy on the left literally could not survive in Sweden without western medicine due to vitamin D.
They were a mixture of the swarthy indigenous hunter-gatherer race of South Western Europe, and tribes in the Northern Arctic who developed genes to produce enough Vitamin D to not need light features- basically Inuits and such.
It's really not that complicated. Light skin didn't reappear in Europe until 9-7,000 years ago.
The funny thing is that East Asian populations get their light skin from the same gene that is responsible for blue eyes.
>The SLC24A5 gene's derived threonine or Ala111Thr allele (rs1426654[5]) has been shown to be a major factor in the light skin tone of Europeans compared to Africans, and is believed to represent as much as 25–40% of the average skin tone difference between Europeans and West Africans.[3][6] It has been the subject of recent selection in Europe, and is fixed in European populations.[7][8][9]
Also, mummies all over the planet have red hair, and blue eyes exist all over the planet. There was an ancient race of red heads that was genocided by brown people;
>According to the Paiutes, the Si-Te-Cah were a red-haired band of cannibalistic giants
>The Si-Te-Cah and the Paiutes were at war, and after a long struggle a coalition of tribes trapped the remaining Si-Te-Cah in Lovelock Cave. When they refused to come out, the Indians piled brush before the cave mouth and set it aflame
I do not believe genetic scientists. They take samples form one person, and then extrapolate. You know that the Neanderthal DNA taken was from someone in France? And that in France you cannot declare race, so there is no way of knowing whether it's 'pure' or not?
>Vanaheimur - Home of the Vanes
Have a song about them in stead, in our history books they are called Vanir.The Vanes lived up here and down to Romania, when their ruler Njörður(which my flag is named after along with many of his sons named the counties) had seat all the way in Romania, he met Óðinn and the æsir.
Æsir(pl., ¬Ás single} is derived from asia, one parted asia by the river Don then. Anyways Óðinn came with the Æsir, they fought and made up, and we became a mixture of those two people.
Vanic is your typical blue eyed and blond fella or grill, while the æsir one can have dark hair, red etc. You find them in the genemaps in part south east Tronderlag and south. I do not got map, but there you have proto-indos.
The Vanic language is dead, it was not indo euro, and we've been here a long time before that. Sami ball has only been here 3,5k years, which also adds up with our older texts which goes into myth with historical facts in them, sagn
>model white european features
>color his skin black
See samis....
I was reading about pheomelanin (responsible for red hair) and I haven't found a specific source yet but on Wikipedia it says that it's most commonly found among Northern Europeans, East Asians, and Native Americans.
That's also really interesting that there are low frequencies of some of these "Aryan" genes among Melanesians. I wonder if there could be any Denisovan connection.
So. No change then.
The Aeta people and the Ainu are both haplogroup D, but the Aeta are dark and the Ainu are light. The Aeta, like the San, display steatopygia or 'dat ass.' Some modern Europeans and West Asians are haplogroups I, G, H or IJK - some or all of these haplogroups are associated with the people who made the Venus figurines. One of them - the Venus of Dolni Vostonice - is actually ceramic, and dates to 26,000BC.
There was a race of qt3.14 redheads with dat ass who dominated the planet.
I have yet to see a (non Greenlandic) skræling with red hair. lol. It's funny how these shitskins can get that too, red beard and shit
I'm not totally solid on all of the genetics behind this, but I'm very convinced that there were roughly two races outside of Africa, broken up within those groups into more specific branches each with their own unique contributions from various archaic humans and tribes and stuff. I think the indigenous mother goddess, venus making culture were the swarthy tribes all over, they were the Vanir I guess, and then the Aesir were the "Aryan" people from Eurasia/Asia, who spread everywhere bringing social hierarchy, agriculture, technology, etc.
I think the indigenous tribes must have originally been fair Neanderthal, but they were turned into swarthier people by various human migrations, especially homo sapiens out of Africa 40,000 years ago.
>wonder if there could be any Denisovan connection
The Denisovans could explain a lot - why red hair is uncommon but widespread, the natural, non-bound elongated skulls in Peru, and why there's little remaining genetic evidence. But also;
>According to new genetic modelling, the species is unlikely to be Neanderthal or Denisovan
Out-of-Africa BTFO.
Well there are definitely all of the trademarks of the Aryan people there. The name even meant Barbarian, I think, and you know... Barb-aryan.
That must have been before the sons of Odin settled in Gothia. (The ones who later became known as the Goths). Also Scandinavia consisted of many small kingdoms, with different peoples therefore this study is absurd and invalid.
Ok so better question since apparently every native people even in europe were non-white....where the fuck did white people come from?? We didnt just pop out of some evolutionary spurt...evolution on that scale takes millions of years.
Seriously though...what are we refugees from mars counter bred with neanderthals for their immunity to earth borne illnesses?
Well the populations today with the highest amount of Denisovan DNA, those islanders, clearly look nothing like the actual Denisovans from 40,000 years ago. The only bones we do find are abnormally large, they lived in the mountains, and they passed on genes that made them able to live in high altitudes to people in the Himalayas, these traits don't fit with the people down there- but they randomly get Aryan hair down there? It seems to me they're just the last area where a significant amount of Denisovan genes survived. Have you noticed how down in Papau New Guinea, the pacific island tribes that came in from the ocean in the past couple millennia and populated that region say that when they arrived they encountered very small blond and red haired fair people? Maybe they were leftover Denisovan/Aryans who had been left low in numbers on islands where they developed that island dwarfism thing pygmy elephants get.
Anyways, of course the people there still have genes from all sorts of other archaic races like Aboriginals and stuff.
Well it seems like the "white" haplogroups, like R and I, originate in Asia. Eventually those people grew into many different people including the Eurasian Aryan steppe nomad people who eventually came into Europe and drew out the "Aryan" features buried in the genes of the indigenous Europeans.
>NIGGER mongols
That asian lady I can understand since the samis are mongolians and they are the natives here.
But the nigger, what the fuck?
We know that the first inhabitants of Sweden had been in Europe for 30,000 years, yet curiously enough, despite their blue eyes they were still as dark as the average sub-saharan African. Today, these supposed European blacks are all but extinct. This totally sounds plausible.
Bjork always looked like a zipperhead. I don't know if she's Swedish but close enough from my vantage point in the good ol US of A
muh dik
The Sami didn't arrive in Sweden from the South, they arrived from the North. At the time, there was ice and water separating southern Scandinavia from Norrland, northern Norway and Finland which were populated by the Finns/Sami from the East. Finland became ice-free long before northern Sweden.
The immigration wave from the east they're talking about came from Poland/Ukraine/Baltic area and became part of what is now the Swedish population.
She's Icelandic. People don't really look like her in Sweden except perhaps the Sami. It's not very plausible that she has any significant Sami ancestry though. The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that her mother is the result of some kind of infidelity affair with an Asian-American soldier during the occupation.
Is that why they are all cucks?
>The Vikaaaangs of the future?
Burn it all down
>dark as the average sub-saharan African
>dark as modern skimos
>Sweden ruined vikings
Well time to denounce my family history and distance myself that cuck hole.
Did you even watch the show? Indo Europeans came later.
>blue eyed niggers and nigger nosed chinks created nordics
they're just reclaiming what's theirs obviously
afromongol pride worldwide
And the (((scientist))) Mattias Jakobsson who said this is a fucking Chink
>tfw red hair and sky blue eyes
>mfw no white girl wants me due to having a chance of red head kids
Minority women love me though, I've shagged at least 16 different minority women in freshman college.
Wow that's realistic! Black man with blue eyes? Yeah... Sure... What happened to the theory that we started in a certain section of the world and those who had the white mutation in their genes moved north to protect their skin? Wasn't that a well accepted theory?
This is... a... how you call it? A bullshit.
>All of europe was niggers
whites are an artificial race created by the true kangz of earf
N master race reporting in
Do they have this chart for mitochondrial DNA?
2009 called, they want their meme back
You should know that it's been many many decades since Swedish news media has had to actually care about their role in society.
Today we're all so comfy that no one cares about the news so all they print is clickbait.
I've (anonymously) made front page news in our capital for some stupid YouTube video.
There is literally nothing going on so we just make shit up daily to make Swedish people care about Swedish media and not just American TV.
What was the video about?
I disapprove of your use of greentext
and where are they
if you tell me evolution, then this does involve a high amount of selection and death.
And this is what Swedish hockey games looked like 1,000 years ago, and every year since.
top kek
Why don't we let these people in again?
Ironically they are here now
Bolibompa, weed and a crude joke.
Google "låt haschet flöda".
As a blond young swedish man with blue eyes, I am very excited to know that I am an african. I cant wait to see my long lost relatives from Somalia. Maybe I even got royal blood in me? Maybe my ancestors was kings of Egypt?
It's a lie. They always claim that whites became white very recently, yet ignore the other races and how/when they got their lighter skin in areas that have always received far more UV radiation than Europe. Like the San people in Africa, if the default skin tone for humanity was ever black, how the fuck did they get so light when they're out in the savanna constantly? Neanderthals supposedly weren't dark and our ancestors interbred with them long ago, so you'd expect that to contribute to lighter skin as well. I think the ancestors of Europeans hadn't been dark since well before migrating to Europe, if ever.
Who gives a shit?
Niggers are African stock they were never once in Europe ever, these brown people are not niggers they are an extinct type of human that also isnt even the ancestor of Nordics because Nords being white means they came from the Caucasus region.