That feel when to smart to believe in god...

That feel when to smart to believe in god. Why do you refuse to join the enlightened master race and rule the galaxy with us?

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isaac newton


Christians lack in the field of argumentation and logic since they do not believe facts as much as their ideology. Atheists tend to be more open to dialogue and willing to change their views, so it benefits their development.

> *too

...keep trying, you'll get it someday.

Religion is a delusion for ninnys. Still i like the culture and morals and it's great to oppress women.


name a single atheist scientist

>inb4 bill nye the science guy

Yet you must be strictly opinionated about something you don't truly understand. Agnosticism is the real way.

Thank God (whoops) a scientist decided to do all that hard thinking and studying for me. How else would I have known what to think. God bless (shit) you, "a scientist"!

>That feel when to

Stopped reading there.


Proof of Old Testament stories

Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed

Noah’s Ark

Moses parting the Red Sea

Mount Sinai and surrounding areas

>Live in eternal squalor
>Live in eternal hell
∆options for athiests
>Live in eternal paradise
∆option for Christians and those that flow hermetic and Asian faiths

sounds pretty biased to me. Not a very good scientist.

Alexander von Humboldt

You gotta be pretty stupid to believe that the deluge actually happened when the Bible gives you everything you need to infer that it's a symbolic tale. You are one of those dumb christians that don't read the bible but will defend everything christian because lack critical thinking.

>Not believing in the Jewish fairy tales makes you smarter

Wew lads, who would've thought?

Almost none of those people are post 1950.

>tfw too smart for god
>tfw brain to large to fit a fedora

Atheists are the most closed-minded people because their entire ideology is based on rebellion against their parents and religion.

jesus was a jew plant in the roman empire though

Scientists are smarter than most people - period, not atheists. Atheists love consensus and circle-jerking and feeling superior to others. Christianity demands truth before self and before any earthly authority. But what do I know... I'm just a stupid christian who doesn't even do science, like 99% of edgy atheists.

>tfw too smart to be an athiest

Yeah but not at all

If aetheists were open to diologue they wouldn't be aetheists, they'd be agnostics

It took him 62 studies to find one he could cherry pick?

I don't see how they are not the same thing.
One says there is no God and the other says there is probably no God. It's in the same area of ideology.

> A scientist looked through 63 studies to conclude Europeans and Asians are more intelligent than south Americans, Africans, and middle eastern people.


>to smart


Most likely this.

"A scientist"

Clearly not smart enough because you don't know the difference between to and too.

Want to be consistent in your logic? If there is no proof of god it does not exist. If you agree that something can exist without evidence then you must accept that EVERYTHING that can be imagined exists. Unicorns, pink elephants etc. If you cherrypick some things that can exist with no evidence than your logic is shit and you can't be called a rational being. Rationality means consistency with your own axioms and logic built on them. You either need evidence or you don't. If you think that evidence is not a requirement then you don't believe in scientific method ergo you are an idiot.

more (((intelligent))) not intelligent.
(((intelligent))) like remotecontrolled puppet hawking, shill nye the shared a pizza with podesta guy and based black science man

>that feel when to smart to check studies so based sciencegod checks for you and tells you what is right
Retarded religionfags will never know this feel

Evidence is a requirement, but I think agnostics show openness to the factor of POSSIBILITY.
1. God does not exist if there is no proof of him
2. The proof is not available right now.
3. If proof of God will be found then God exists.
At least it's how I interpret it. Agnostics take subjectivity and the limitation of the human knowledge, so they do not dismiss concepts completely, because they know they are not omnipotent.

Sorry, gonna need an independent investigator or it's obstruction of justice.

Life is short. Allowing the possibility of unproven things a) takes up your brain space and your precious time b) stops you from discovering the truth. If everything is possible than you can't tell retards to dhut the fuck up and waste your time, not to mention thdy slow down the progress of humanity by wasting peoples time with unproven things. As long as you can't prove something it does not exist. It's that easy. Only deal with things that can potentially be proven.

>Life is short. Allowing the possibility of unproven things [...] b) stops you from discovering the truth.
if something stops you from uncovering the truth it is disregarding everything without proof and looking in the other way.
"its totally impossible for humans to ever fly, we are made to live on the ground. so better not even try to create a plane"
if you want to find actuall truth you consider all possibillities and create a bigger picture out of the stuff you can proof and occasionally fill in the gaps with stuff you assume until you find another thing disproving or proving the assumption. if you just say from the beginning "that cant be because i didnt see any proof for it" you may never find the truth since you didnt bother to look for the proof of it in the first place or just failed at finding it


kek, dropped

academics are little children sucking the government teat. grown men, real thinkers, leave school


Video Games require multiple divisions / multiple sets of people.

Voice Acting , Programming , Graphics , Networking etc...

God in any form is just an Administrator that controls the rules for which we live everyday.

Science is trying to understand why the rules are rules and how to bend them.
This is where religious hatred comes from as we are undoing gods work.

What people need to realize, is that we human beings are just analyzing the code for bugs from within the game itself. We are here to learn and evolve , God cares not as long as Reality 2.0 continues to exist.

Humans may die, but Gods game will continue to exist long after we are gone.

tldr; God and his minions created a game. We are trying to figure out the rules / bend them. Stop be assholes to each-other

Let fucking losers deal with wasting time on searching for the impossible. I only deal with discoveries that can be logically derived from existing evidence. Thank to that I will help push science further with minimal wasted time in retarded theories.

Or maybe we are located in Gods cream cheese and our universe is the bagel for which we are spread across. . .

or you may overlook a fundamental principle of the workings of nature which would have gotten us even further ahead. the greatest discoveries are those defying the current state of our knowledge and models, not those enforcing them

>IQ doesn't exist, everyone is cut identically from the same cloth, only evil hitlets think people are different
>*finds IQ "study" saying good think group has higher IQ*

>EVERYTHING that can be imagined exists
What kind of moron thinks that they can actually imagine God with this shitty temporal limited brain of ours?

Not going to waste my life chasing shadows. There is much work to be done in current science. I like having a life. For one fag discovering something new and great there are thousands who wasted thrir lives and died forgotten.

Atheists have below replacement TFR. Literally removing themselves from the gene pool.

Evolutionary failures. Nothing to brag about.

You know what I noticed, Atheists are boring as fuck.

I think the argument is more that IQ is better tied to socioeconomic status than anything else, which would therefore suggest that dumb people tend to gravitate toward religion

Not like anyone needs "studies" to realize that bible thumpers are the dregs of society. One can just look at the american bible belt to see what rampant fundamentalism can do to communities.

"god" is an empty term. It means nothing. If by definition it is everything than it contains zero informational value. You can't say anything about something that is supposed to be everything. That's why god doesn't exist. Word "god" means jack shit. It literally has no meaning.

saying "no" doesnt mean you dont believe. also sauce me

Because they value submission to authority more than they do reason or logic.

>open to dialogue and willing to change their views
>not agnostic

Hardcore atheists are some of the most annoying people on this planet
I really don't give two shits about religion, but I don't try to push my beliefs on other people

>As long as you can't prove something it does not exist.
But that is just factually incorrect. There was a time when we couldn't prove there were microscopic germs and viruses in our bodies. They still existed. There was a time when we could prove there were other planets outside of our galaxy. They still existed.

I can understand why people chose certain morals in their lives but if they can't get on that meta level and believe in fairytailes then I treat them like garbage. They take their religion literally. It's a sign of an idiot. That's why I can talk with smart priests for example. They know that religion is a tool to keep plebs happy and obeying the law.

>ITT: proof that Sup Forums has turned into Sup Forumsv2.0/

They did not exist back then before proven to exist.

Wha... who said that?

Most of them.


I already read the entire Old Testament and am on 1 Corinthians now


>not smart enough to differentiate homonyms

What does intelligent mean in this article? Also there are 10× more religious people than atheists so is that a fair comparison. Also do you include indigenous religions or retarded ones like Islam?

Maximum kek. Literally "too" stupid to even spell.

at this point i just believe you are falseflagging as atheist to make them look bad and make christianity or other religions look better

Seen an article that say atheist are going extinct because they dont have sex
Unlike Christians

The fact you think atheism or Christianity is hereditary says something about the IQ of believers.

I didn't grow up religious but I come from a catholic background and I've recently adopted it ironically to piss off atheists/libs, it's been great.

God blesses you anons :)

Religicucks BTFO

>b-but mah science is only true when it agrees with muh Bible or muh values

You gotta be a real retard or a troll to be on Sup Forums and believe in religion

It's very likely that there was a great flood back in time when most of humanity was concentrated around Middle East

It's argued that there used to be a huge ass lake there before ontop of a hill that broke/overflew and flooded an entire area

A huge flood could be like the flooding of the entire earth to them.

It's also a likely explanation as to why there are thousands of cultures that has a story of a great flood that wiped out most of humanity

So Noah might have existed. Maybe his name wasn't Noah, and maybe his Ark was as big as it's described in the Bible.

But it's not a far fetched thought that a stoneage man managed to make a boat big enough for his entire family and alot of domesticated and wild animals that could survive a massive flood

unicorns are mentioned in that great work of history... the bible.

Are you gonna respond with this argument that's been done a million times
>w-well they werent really Christian they were forced

Conclusive sample size

Ha I found it
What a load of bullshit all the religious people use condoms

But they did exist. Our lack of knowledge of something does not negate its existence. It reminds me of this stupid saying...
>if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to listen, does it make a sound?
Of course it does you narcissistic cunt.

No, seriously. If something did not exist in human minds back then than it was not a thing. You should not judge the world post factum. What we know right here and right now is our world. Untill the next paradigm shift shows up our truths are true. There is nothing more. The truths and facts change over time but it doesn't mean that you should shit on the current state of knowledge. Remember that all that you know you learn throughout your short life. You don't know the true history and you don't know the future. You can only use logic and currently available tools to develop current theories that seem to describe some aspects of reality.

>Dolph Lundgren

even this guy is a fucking scientist, more than next 10 generations of your family ever be

It's very likely that Jews wrote the book and stole ideas from other religions existing back then. You don't need gods to copy tales about moral lessons from other tribes.

Maybe if religious fags pray really hard the tests get solved by themselves.

All I wonder is why there are little historical evidence of it being Isralites that lead the Exodus.

I have mostly seen videos indicating that it's only historically proven that Canaanites were slaves of Egyptians

What do you think is the real case? Historic revisionism? Israelites probably being Canaanites before?

Yup. It's over 37.

That's some nice source you have there. Screenshot of a blogpost. You're bringing down the average IQ of atheists.

>But they did exist.
How do you know? Everyone who lived back then is dead now.

Does math exist? Lmaoing at brainlets

Meta-analysis of shit studies still leads to shit non-sequiturs.

Atheism and religious people aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.


Do you feel like you're living in an environment that is selecting for intelligence, goy?

At least the god crowd can do a fucking pull up. You athiests are 1/10000 ratio healthy male to doughy, spaghetti armed faggot.

>many scientists are atheists
>many scientists say that atheists are smarter

I believe in scientific method and Evolution. God is energy.



Scientists confirming their own studies to prove people they hate are "wrong about everything".
I'm not stating religion is correct op but your really gullible if you believe those "studies".

Could anyone blame Hawking I mean look at him.

>Ironically believing in God
Fucking end your existence, worse than fedora tier atheists

yup, you are boring as fuck

Is he the smartest man alive, Sup Forums?

Most of them killed by germs and microbes.

Scientists originally denied the big bang theory because it lined up very closely to genesis

Are you retarded?

wouldn't the scientist be biased?