Why do white nationalists hate gays so much when homosexuality has literally always been apart of white society?
Plus white men are naturally kind of effeminate so why hate it so much?
Why do white nationalists hate gays so much when homosexuality has literally always been apart of white society?
Plus white men are naturally kind of effeminate so why hate it so much?
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Pooinloo nationazi here... Im down with lesbos, But dickfags I just don't get.
>naturally kind of effeminate
no,this is the kike brainwashing
he's not wrong but all hedonism needs to be kept in check or it consumes society.
we dont need homosexuality plastered all over our media and other cultural institutons like it is now
>Plus white men are naturally kind of effeminate so why hate it so much?
no just the cucked men that have come about in the last half a century are
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>Poo in loo
Pick one.
white nationalist gay here, ask me anything about being single for life
Um no. It's always been like that.
>pic related
>being surprised a faggot said a pro-faggot thing
I'm against homosexuality and especially its promotion in society/culture. That said, the utter fixation on it by certain segments of the 'right' is really excessive (see: common filth). They're an extremely tiny portion of the population that would be even tinier if we stopped promoting their degeneracy in the media. Other than that, there's really not that much to be said about them, the ones that aren't directly engaged in illegal behavior aren't much of a problem. I think the utter fixation is probably a result of religious upbringing. Either way, it's not worth the attention it gets for how small of an actual problem it is. The energy could be better spent elsewhere seeing as it's one tiny aspect of the shitshow we find ourselves in.
They don't reproduce, and instead have been twisting other people into becoming more them. So great have their numbers become that it seems now fully half of whites will never reproduce, and more than half of white males, so that more and mire white women will be giving birth to only non-whites.
They are why we're going extinct.
I hope best korea nukes you, retard.
What a scathing rebuttal!
If Sperg Korea would be aiming at Antarctica, maybe they'd actually hit us.
is he a legit faggot, or is he just pushing degenerate jewry to speed up the inevitable social collapse?
>Sigmund Freud of Vienna believed human behavior was motivated by unconscious drives, primarily by the libido or "Sexual Energy". Freud proposed to study how these unconscious drives were repressed and found expression through other cultural outlets. He called this therapy "psychoanalysis".
>While Freud's ideas were sometimes ignored or provoked resistance within Viennese society, his ideas soon entered the discussions and working methods of anthropologists, artists and writers all over Europe, and from the 1920s in the United States. His conception of a primary sexual drive that would not be ultimately curbed by law, education or standards of decorum spelled a serious challenge to Victorian prudishness, and his theory of psychosexual development proposed a model for the development of sexual orientations and desires; children emerged from the Oedipus complex, a sexual desire towards their parent of the opposite sex. The idea of children having their parents as their early sexual targets was particularly shocking to Victorian and early 20th century society.
>According to Freud's theory, in the earliest stage of a child's psychosexual development, the oral stage, the mother's breast became the formative source of all later erotic sensation. This new philosophy was the new intellectual and cultural underpinning ideology of the new age of sexual frankness. Much of his research remains widely contested by professionals in the field, though it is has spurred critical developments in the humanities.
i dont care about gays at all
t. butthurt sodomite.
killing people for sport has been part of european society for a mallennia aswell. i still dont undertand whats wrong with it. fucking idiot, fuck this thread
I think they hate the normalization of homosexuality more than homosexuality itself.
It's like if someone suddenly started normalising foot fetishists. I'm sure they've always been around, but we don't need footjobs and footporn being inserted into everything.
They rape kids and spread disease. There's a good reason most religions warn against faggotry.
pretty much. yeah homosexually is pretty much inevitable in any human population. doesnt excuse the fact it is fundamentally aganst human nature. its okay if people do it but if everone did it we would all be fucked
naked wrestling and homosexuality are a world apart. only in todays degenerate culture even seeing genitals triggers thoughts of sex. its our own perversions
>appeal to nature
It's degenerate. But I met based gay guys. They just need to keep that shit to themselves and away from the public and don't raise children and they can do what they want behind closed doors and in gay bars.
They're fine, less competition, however they're severely loud faggotry has to be shut down routinely otherwise they get all entitled and think they're people.
>naked wrestling and homosexuality are a world apart.
No wonder Britfags are so cucked.
*Their* loudness is a big issue. Fuck me up.
"White men are naturally effeminate"
yeah same as any other degenerate thing, i have met based nice guy heroin addicts. it doesnt effect me or hurt me but i dont excuse their degeneracy
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>naked wrestling and homosexuality are a world apart
>.t fag
I really question the conclusions you're drawing here. They're bigger in number than they have been before but they're still not big enough to matter in the grand scheme.
The reason whites aren't reproducing is complicated and has a lot more to do with the way jews have influenced our society. Culture, exploitative economics, feminism. Homosexuality is in there, but it's a symptom, not the disease.
Seriously man, how fucked up are you? How does a sodomite become right wing?
its part of culture, turks still oil up and wrestle and whose guys get all the puss. again in modern society you see two naked guys together must mean bum fun, thats how you mind is socialized to think and that is the essence of true faggotry
This post is desperately underrated.
Exactly how I feel, and probably what Dick Spencer meant.
>Captcha: Villa Melania
You get it man
>t.urbanite skeleton
I don't mind gays. I just can't stand insufferable faggots.
so you couldnt watch 2 guys fighting naked withought constant mental pictures of gay sex???
that sounds like a you problem. same as classical sculptures. you gay for admiring 'david'?
They like cocks up their ass!!!! Black, white, IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! BIGGER THE BETTER!!!!
Who is behind then growing trend of trap doujins? Why are they trying to convert straight guys to their side?
As long as it's a BIG BASED COCK!
maybe its the climate that makes u medcucks gay, there aint no fags here in the north
well I guess Spencer is going to have to hang too, shame
its something about civilisation that makes u gay. at a certain point of advancement men just start fucking each other. there was never a culture of assfucking in the north or in africa, only in the "civilised" world. what about civilisation makes men want to fuck each other in the ass? perhaps if u dont have to worry about getting food or surviving in general, u start getting stupid ideas
Whites are not effeminate compared to other races.
Asians have the least amount of sexual dimorphism and blacks ritually suck dicks of elders and drink their "essence."
The reason WNs hate faggots is because more faggots means less kids.
Also, sage