It is not like a used motor-bike is expensive. He could have easily bought one. Or one of those darn e-bikes that go 40 km/h max.
I still don't get why he wouldn't use a bicycle or motor-bike
Other urls found in this thread:
Never had a father to teach him to ride a bicycle
Now he will get fat.
>20 miles to work every day
>still that fat
I use to, for no reason at all, three times a week walk 20 or more miles a day. Just because I was bored.
I moved somewhere where everything was closer AND I got a car. Now I'm fat.
>walking 20 miles to work
does he have literal thunder thighs?
this story from 2015, but the whole thing looks like some big money scheme
>A 19-year-old Detroit college student, Evan Leedy, who read that story started a GoFundMe page with the simple hope of raising enough money to get Robertson a car. The story went viral and the GoFundMe page has now raised more than $350,000 for Robertson, far exceeding the initial $25,000 goal.
curious to find out what happend!
He walked five hours to work I'm going to have to call bullshiet
if you can't afford to buy a car...
and someone buys you a car....
now you have to buy gas and insurance...
and maintenance....
and all the other shit...
why couldn't they just get the dude a better paying job?
>>walking 20 miles to work
>does he have literal thunder thighs?
I do long distance trekking on vacation. Typically 25-40km per day depending on the terrain. It is not a biggy to walk 10 miles to work and 10 miles back.
Now if only he knew how to drive...
>curious to find out what happend!
His gf sued him recently, because she said she deserves a share of the 350k.
Google it.
nigger cant into motorcycles.
Ive always wondered why...
cant put big rims on them, maybe?
No public transportation?
No workmates to travel with by car?
3 miles an hour, 20 miles so 6.6hours to get to work and another 6.6 to get back, so 13 and a bit hours traveling per day. How many hours does this guy actually work per shift? when does he sleep?
Wouldn't be surprised if our friend has just taken advantage of the fact that burgers cant count for shit.
20 mikles all togheter ro one way only `?
>tfw he has to report the gifted car as income, gets reamed by the IRS.
>5 hours to do 30km
American """"fitness"""" everyone.
I've walked 15km home from the train station more than once back when I was a teen and lived in the country. It takes 45 minutes tops.
30km = 1 and a half hour.
There's plenty of people with longer commutes than that.
You need a license for a motorcycle
Oh shit his landlady was also getting in on the action. Also I like this -
>The 56-year-old gained celebrity after the newspaper reported earlier this year that he began walking to a job at an auto parts factory when his car stopped working in 2005 and bus service was cut back.
it's like someone remembered "oh yea he HAD a car in 2005, but whatever" I just know there is some weird shit going on behind the scenes
>3 miles an hour
Are you fucking kidding me? I can keep a faster pace than that climbing a fucking mountain and I'm a fatass.
marathon is 2 hours 40 kilometers, idioto
>You need a license for a motorcycle
If you are allowed to drive a car, you are allowed to drive a motorbike. Isn't that the case in the US too?
>32 km
Damn nigga, that's impressive
If all niggas had half that dedication...
15km/0.75h = 20km/h ~= 12.5mph
Bullshit someone else. Here's your (((you))).
Are you kidding me? He didn't buy a bike because he lives in Detroit and it would have been immediately stolen.
You're a moron.
Fine, make it two hours.
A 15km/h pace is easily sustainable even without running.
>dude you're poor ? just bust buy stuff xD
you probably have no idea what its like to be shit poor, user. Sometimes you cant even provide for yourself.
lol italian
its detroit
it would be stolen by the next day he got it
no its seperate
but if the engine is under 50cc you dont need any license. if you see a guy on a moped here its 100% a drunk who lost his drivers licences
Can't tell if trolling or actually retarded. In case it's the latter, that speed is about the same of the winning male of a 5km marathon.
Average leisurely human walking speed is 5km/h. Even if you moved 50% faster than that, it still would have taken you 2 hours for that trip.
He died in a car accident the next day.
Like I said, make it an hour and let's call it a day. I may have remembered it shorter than it was. Point is it's easily doable and it doesn't take anywhere fucking near 5 hours.
Assuming its 10 miles to work and 10 miles from work
It takes 15 minutes to walk a mile briskly. On an open road. That's 2.5 hours per trip at over 5 hours of your day spent walking.
How the hell would he have time for anything.
Are you serious? A marathon takes like 2 hours to run, walking 20 miles both ways would take 7 hours at least
>actually retarded
hes italian
>7.5km/h is a high speed
For fuck's sake people are known to keep a 6-7km/h pace through forests and shit.
Ask any cop what the speed of an escaping convict through brush is.
Yeah, I forgot you have to take a break and get assraped by Ahmed every 5km. We don't do that here.
>He could have easily bought one
white man be keeping me down yo
The people who gifted him the car wanted the publicity.
because it is all bullshit.
>An ABC crew came to Detroit Thursday and interviewed Robertson, along with 19-year-old Evan Leedy, the Wayne State University student who has raised $300,000-plus on his behalf after reading about Robertson in the Free Press; and banker Blake Pollock, the man who discovered Robertson while driving to work one day and then shared the commuter's story with the Free Press.
>"I think it's a great story. And I think it's kind of cool that someone else is telling it for me," said Pollock, an investment manager of UBS in Troy who spent months telling friends and colleagues about Robertson, but no one would believe him.
Now, Robertson's story is known worldwide.
>"I've never picked up a hitchhiker in my life," Pollock said. "I don't really think I did anything all that amazing. I was curious."
And his curiosity paid off.
>After Robertson's story about his 21-mile daily walk to and from work appeared in the Free Press on Sunday, a tsunami of support poured in.
>Leedy started a GoFundMe drive for Robertson that has raised $300,000-plus from more than 11,400 donors in four days.
>Never had a father to teach him to steal a bicycle
Check your facts, he didn't "walk" that entire distance, there were bus stops he used in bursts along the way. The way they hyped this story up is for filler, nothing more. "feels, not reals". Plus, how else could he be portrayed as a "hardworking victim" and recieve his complimentary gibsmedats.
Also, the money he got was waaay too much and covered the 1st YEAR of insurance, fyi. Check detroit wxyz channel 7 news archive for details. etc.etc.
>Never had a father to teach him to steal a bicycle
That's bollocks, I drive 45 miles to work everyday, when is someone gonna gift me a house closer to my office?
Hahahaha so you're telling us that you WALKED almost 10 miles a day in 45 minutes. I'm sure you walked faster than most high school track athletes run a single mile, 10 times over
Can you get a license after 3 counts of armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon?
motorbikes= motorcycles need to registered and have insurance in the usa i guess he was poor you idiot.
>Not working 8 hrs and sleeping two
Quit being raycis nigga
Italian education everyone
>get a license after 3 counts of armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon?
Satan trips checked
you forgot rape
>Marathon pace is sustainable without running.
You're fucking drunk luigi.
Damn. The man deserves it. Meanwhile, NEETs on this board will call him a freeloading nigger. Edgelord conservatism was a mistake.
Convicts don't maintain that pace for 10 miles.
20 miles a day is a hell of a work out.
the fuck is mph and kilometers?
fuck off back to t_d with your shitty fantasy words and made up LARPing
fuck i hate dumb cunts
I'm not doing anything this site says. What does that pic do?
>escaping convict through brush
They'd be running, wouldn't they? Anyway, you have no grasp or sense of physics, and I won't bother explaining to you since I think you're genuinely stupid.
I'll just mention that the men's world record for race-walking 15 000m is just over 57min.
You need to be over 18 to post on this site, which means you're expected to have finished high school.
As someone who lives in Michigan this doesn't sound true. Even if he's referring to 10 miles each way and not 20 miles (20 miles from Detroit would take him to farm land) that would be nearing the outer edges of real civilization here. There is no reason he would go out of his way to get a job that far from his home, most work is closer to where he lives anyway.
You cannot move 10 miles an hour without running you lying faggot. It has nothing to do with you using the metric system, you're either drunk, a liar, or stupid.
once you reach a level it becomes easy for you its called a plateau and his has on a coat.
>people discussing math
what does any of this have to with larping or r/the_d*nald?
stupid shitposting aussie retard
releases nerve gas
>works for 20 years
>Can't afford a car
what the fuck does a person with an actual problem need to do to get some attention for these morons with money?
Obviously you're going to fuck your wrist up real bad.
also he looks like that nigger actor's doppleganger
5 kids to 5 different women
Any ya'll crackanons gotany o dat cocaine?
>I still don't get why he wouldn't use a bicycle or motor-bike
>thinking of uses for wheels
pick one
The real question is why do you care ? It's not like he asked for this car.
That thing is gunna get stolen in like 5 fucking minutes
>he can afford the upkeep of the car in pic related
>He can afford the huge amount of fuel this car requires
>he is from a neighbourhood where this car would be stolen and sold straight away
>he knows how to drive
yeah nice one Capitalism
6 hours each way?
sounds like a fucking moron
>That thing is gunna get stolen in like 5 fucking minutes
car-jacked and murder
Black people wear baggy clothes tho
only in fucking detroit would you see this shit
I just did this and now my wrist hurts kek
>only in fucking detroit would you see this shit
probably chicongo as well
I love walking. When I used to have free time I would put on my head phones and go walks. Usually came home covered in sweat lol. Its really relaxing, calming and gives you time to think or go on mental fantasies
>Too poor to own a car, have to walk to work each day.
>Virtue signalling white people give you a free car and pat themselves on the back collectively.
>As someone takes your picture, with your hand resting on the car, you wonder how the fuck you're supposed to afford paying gas and maintenance for this monstrosity.
>It probably takes premium and with how good it looks, someone's going to try steal it.
makes mustard gas
I have never understood how people travel long distances on foot. Like, sure I might be able to bike 40-100K in a day or something, but if we are talking over 5K even going slow you arrive smelling.
I used to bike like 10K to my friends house, It took an hour plus, and really the amount of sweating when I even kept it below noticeable strain was ridiculous. Sure, if I still lived in town I would love to bike everywhere, but who wants to go change when you get to campus or someones house? Who wants to have two changes of cloths in your knapsack and get naked in restrooms and peoples houses?
>I have never understood how people travel long distances on foot
niggers never invented the wheel
Nothing you are quoiting seem to me to imply or prove it was a lie...
Orgasm wildly all over the place
You will not survive the coming apocalypse.
You just permanently damaged your wrist.
Average human walking speed is 3 mph. You're telling me he walked for 7 hours, 5 minimum if he was walking really briskly the whole way, worked 8 hours, then did the whole walk home again, every working day for years. Even at the minimum times, he would have spent 18 hours a day doing this. That means he has six hours a day to do everything else - eat, sleep, bathe. He must have smelled fucking terrible.
Nonono, hans, you need to read better, this is why your government gets to keep bringing in your replacements. TO work. TOWARDS work, not to AND from work. That's 40 miles a day this man has worked but hasn't been able to get a job closer to home or the money to buy a bike in almost a decade.
I call total bullshit on his 20 miles a day to work tall tale
Kek, underrated
Detroitfag here. one simple answer for you op....cause it gets stolen and ends up in the hallway of a drug dealers apartment baried with trash. not joking
Now he'll get gunned down for his property
>Don't forget to whoop and clap like the autist that thought this would helpful
he already looks fat
scientists are baffled but the McBurger DNA in every american enables them to be obese up to 120 miles per day walking and 60 miles running
It just comes off as really manufactured. Insane amounts of media attention. This guy got a new car & a new apartment in Troy.
>Leedy, who attends school in Robertson’s Detroit neighborhood and works near the factory, said he drives about 70 miles each day. “I’ve complained about an hour’s ride home, but to see this guy, who walks eight hours a day, 21 miles a day, that’s incredible. He walks almost a marathon every single day.”
>“I would love to see it turn into way more than a car. We could help this guy move into his own house or move closer to his work,” Leedy added.
this guy walks 8 hours a day? come on
>40 miles a day
Either the guy is walking with cinder blocks or the amount he puts in new shoes every months could have bought him a car already