Orban is just a pawn of the kikes.
Orban is just a pawn of the kikes.
This video is inot available in your country.
Fucking jewtube
Austriabro, change your country on YT, at the bottom of the page.
good, he has the wrong opinion
I will try honorary Arian
Horst Mahler Lied when?
Let's arrest people who have differing oppinions, go-, I mean fellow whites!
His last speech was very emotional and brilliant.
One of the men still standing as a true german.
what is Tor ösibro?
This guy is pretty interesting
Was originally a leftist and part of Baader-Meinhoff gang
When you know something about a topic, you really understand that Nytimes really is fake news. That spin is absolutely biased, the facts are wrong, the portrayal of him is wrong. Only the report of his arrest might be correct.
Not part of it. He was a lawyer for one of their members and he knew Ulrike Meinhof. He said in his interview to (((Michel Friedmann))) that if Ulrike had seen more clearly, surely she would have come to hold his views.
I dont want to download the new version Germanbro.
With my comment I just wanted to signal to other Anons that even such a harmless speech is flagged here.
how does one go from being a literal communist terrorist to a born again nazi?
He reads.
Critical theory only turns those people into commies who don't apply it to communism as well. Sup Forums has the wrong idea about critical theory, desu. It's the only thing that can redpill a normie.
horse shoe theory
By understanding (((who))) is behind global financial capitalism AND Bolshevism. The same could happen, and to some WILL happen, once they equate the 1%, the bankers, Wall Street and their illuminati theories to World Jewry. Most of them are just bourgeoise degenerates though. They eat Mc Donald's in their all-white, upperclass neighbourhoods, pretending to rebel against capitalism.
And it was not new. At least according to Joachim Fest. In Weimar Germany it was common place to switch from left to right to left to right, important was that you wanted radicalism.
Just look how many former SJWs and literal ex-antifa are here. One guy from Estonia here grew up stormfront tier, then became literal antifa, now he is here again.
National-Socialism could encompass both fringes. If thinks go south in Europe, I think we could have something like it again. Atm it is authoritarian leftism and neo-liberalism in Germanistan.
Hungarians are sliding the board hard right now.