Come home, Aryan man.
Come to where even the eternal Anglo can't destroy us.
Come home, Aryan man.
Come to where even the eternal Anglo can't destroy us.
for how long? :(
>meanwhile in the real world not even niggers want to live here because there is no money and only ruins
Don't temp them
yes this is what East Germany really looks like.
Come just a little bit more to the east, bros. It actually looks pretty nice over here.
perfect place to raise kids then, when I was a kid I loved climbing the buildings that got bombed, it was also fun smoking weed on roofs of them when I was a teenager, they rebuilt almost all and closed the rest down so you can't go in, today's kids will never know such joy...
This so much.
Stop posting in this thread we might summon the Eternal Anglo.
What about Berlin?
Friend lives in dresden, its no good mate, old statistics as you can see yourself.
ruins are a great place for kids, health and safety regulations are behind everything bad that is happening.
>Aryan Man
The Anglo BLOOD REFINERIES beg to differ, you subhuman trash. Mark our words: Aryan children, big or small, bomber harris will BONEFIELD them all.
He is here
The Mosleyplidocus was the chief tank of the FARANGLODEATHSQUADS during the war
I wish for this ever day my brother.
How can we stop him.
>And how can we stop him
"My friends by an act of will, an act of the pure anglo will"
I rather live in my comfy, Bavarian middle-sized City
i am pure aryan blood
do i have to learn german first :/
this isnt east Germany
this is middle germany
Dresden Looks like shit but that is becaus of the Inselaffen
and Leipzig aka. Little Kabul is a a nice City but there are to many shitskins