Skirts for boys at private Highgate School under plans for gender-neutral uniform
sounds pretty comfy desu
only if you don't use underwear
Should make that kilts instead.
>russia's cuck supporting cuck sweden
Keep on Shilling Jew.
Why can girls wear pants but boys can't wear skirts?
Each day we stray further away from God.
God fucking dammit Jaden.
2 RARE 2 me.
What do you think of that
Mr. Pajama-WearingBasket
-Uping-Blate-MawBleathering Gomeril JessieOaf
-LookingScooner Nyaff PlookieShanMilk
-Faced ShilpitMim
-Blaugh Vile
They want to reduce the number of girls getting raped by rapefugee invaders by making boys easier to rape?
so this was their plan all along
now I see
This pic makes my dick hard.
and the parents? don't have anything to say or protest or they already cuck themselves into accepting this?
>Adam Pettitt, headmaster at the school, told the Sunday Times: "This generation is really questioning [if we are] being binary in the way we look at things."
Education is full of loopy freaks like this. They should be nowhere near impressionable children.
Honestly, I would have worn a skirt. It's fucking hot in Florida.
Wear a kilt is pretty manly, and maybe fresh as well
redpill coming through
Special chairs as well that is more gender neutral
I went down to London town
To have a little fun in the underground
All the ladies turned their heads around, saying,
Scottish culture conquering England. Kinda have to feel sorry for the anglo at this stage tbqh :/
Hey! It's the Future!
life imitates comedy
>Zapp Brannigan
This genuinely makes me sad to be English. I thought we were better than this. At least my school doesn't let this fucking disgusting behavior.