As Christians in Europe are losing their grip we have to make sure that Europe has ''new'' strong anti foreign idiology that will not be reformed form of judeism and will be actual european relligon.
On paganism in general
How Paganism Got "Skewed":
What is paganism:
Forms of paganism(Chose the one that was practiced by your ancestors)
Baltic paganism (Remuva)
Remuva Folk:
Germanic Paganism (Norse)
Norse pagan folk:
Slavic paganism
Slavic pagan folk
Roman mythology
Greek mithology:
Paganism general
May thou be cursed with a pox of no gains.
Delete this picture
She has embraced roots of her ancestors now.
anyone got pics of christ chan blacked?
The one true path is the path of Nataliya the Divine
No but i have one where she is PAGANISED
Come talk after you have read Fighting for the Essence, faggots.
Now post the voting habits of Christians vs fedoras /LARPagans. I'll wait.
What is that book about?
Being pagan=Being white
And that means being with people of your own and glorifying of your ancestors.
Any where she is forcibly stripped of all clothing but there is no sex? The perpetrator just looks at her body while she stands there embarrassed that her "sacred hole" is being exposed to the gaze of a stranger?
If so, please post it. It's one of my fetishes and I figured Christ-Chan's perfect for it.
Christcucks in a mean while.
The advantages of Paganism vs Christianity. It actually bothers with arguments, unlike you Vargposting LARPagans.
Sucking dick and living in straw huts like a nigger means that I'm white? Awesome!
brb gonna dry hump my great grand daddys grave :DDDDDDDDD
I recommend this book for people who don't quite get it yet.
No i don't
Not an argument. Do you not have any?
Meant for .
Did you draw this?
>Being pagan=Being white
Being anti-Christian=being Leftist
Ah, dang it. And I'm too shit at drawing to make one myself.
So romans and greeks lived in huts?
You fucking idiot you have no idea what you are talking about go sack constantinopel and go kill more whites just becouse they don't whant to beleave in your retarded god!
Perkouns sent upon Rome a disaster for becoming heretage christians and they fell from hand of pagan and then he sent black death where was your god then huh?
if people actually went to these neo-pagan gatherings they would stop being pagan in a few minutes
Zeus = Father
Dionysus = Son
Eagle of Zeus = Holy Spirit
Isis = Mary
Thracian horseman = Saint George / Demetrius
Eros = Saint Valentine
etc etc
Wake up sheeple
>Being anti christianity=Being leftist
Tell that to Himler who wanted to reform europe into germanic paganism.
Also posts shitskins not whites
Also pic related you fuckers whant to take africans in europe only becouse they are christians fucking retard.
Bro, even the Catholics I know despise the pope. If that's your "hurr all Christians are like this" argument, then it's fairly weak.
>be German. Mostly atheist.
>tfw 3rd country in 20 years
>be Swedish. Vast majority is atheist
>tfw having to take care of wife's son because Swedish women are "not our women"
>be American
>mostly atheist now
>tfw every top university has #BLM everywhere and tons of meme-tier tumblr chicks
>May thou be cursed with a pox of no gains.
filthy perverted christkikes are evil wicked kikes
You are an idiot, my country has pagan celebrations from pre-teutonic era and they are one of biggest things in year, so suck it, you have no idea what you are talking about, i will rather be with my family and frends drinking beer eating cheese and fucking my gf while you will sit on wooden bench in smelly building, full with pensionares.
you pagan fags are insufferable. your communities are sparse and irrelevant, made up of deracinated and ineffective individuals. your traditions are made up. there isn't even any unity between you people. you don't even offer anything culturally. you are a negative identity, only existing to oppose christianity. you can't even tell when you're being jewed. leave the politics to the adults.
Locusts for this thread
Who told you that paganism=Atheism?
Woke as fuck Orthodox brother.
LARPagans and fedoras are the dumbest people that exist on the planet.
so you're saying whenever I go out and get drunk and eat cheese i'm actually worshipping Trebaruna?
well, protestants are not much better.
>Christian Albania
>in Germany
What a faggot. I think Albanian diaspora has the worst misplaced pride. You're like American muh heritage level.
Hitler is a deranged leftie socialist cult leadrr
Student, not diaspora.
Oh god this whole post........................
Where do i eaven start?
>your traditions are made up.
Oh god ehat an idiot, paganism exited for THOUSANDS of years before Christjudeism eaven came to europe.
>there isn't even any unity between you people.
HAHAHAHAHAAHA tell that to me and my family and other Latvians when Jāņi and līgo comes and when we all come togeather as family and whole country is celebrating and being nice to each other.
>you don't even offer anything culturally.
w....what the fuck aren you talking about?Are you mentaly retarded?
>you are a negative identity, only existing to oppose christianity.
No it's to be for roots of my ancestors ACTUAL European relligions
>you can't even tell when you're being jewed.
Tell me please who is the jew mr christfaggot
>LARPagans and fedoras are the dumbest people that exist on the planet.
I mean, not all of you are stupid, but your rednecks start with 'muh Jesus' and 'muh bible has all the ansers' even when people discuss mechanical physics. Leave Jesus and the Bible be for a bit, ok?
No one cares what Hitler said.
Only economicaly
>No one cares what Hitler said.
Agreeing with him on one isue dosen't mean that you have to agree with him on all of he's ideas.
This is why I hate these threads. I am genuinely curious about paganism and right-wing pagans (fuck wiccans), but some protestant redneck gets triggered and starts LARPaganposting, pagans get triggered and start calling Christians Christcucks, then it degenerates into muh Hitler and muh Himmler and nothing substantial is ever discussed. Get your shit together, you morons.
>Agreeing with him on one isue dosen't mean that you have to agree with him on all of he's ideas.
How do I go about praying to my real Gods? any guide with rituals etc? I'd guess the Romans would have the most surviving info on that?
I didn't go to christian thread they came to ours
>another thread derailed by amerilards
Quantum Mechanics
> I am genuinely curious about paganism and right-wing pagans
You are an idiot and should stop posting.
Heil Perkūns
You don't pray like in christianity it dosen't work that way, and there is no ritual for becoming pagan you just have to be one, and celebrate the celebrations of pagans. (The one of your ancestors) there are many paganism relligions yuu have to know who your ancestors where.
>where was your God then huh?
yyyyeahhhhh.. About that.. If your gods are so stronk and seek to preserve "muh wyte rayse", why did the Romans, Vikings (Scandinavians in general), Ottomans, and so forth eventually get utterly BTFO for millennia? Your rage is a testament to the strength of my God, and it's pretty sad to witness that you are in such a place of anger.
As for the bubonic plague and other illnesses, the bible clearly states that the wages of sin is death. Living in a world of sin means living in a world of death. During the Middle Ages,there was a tremendous amount of idolatry, despite the strong presence of the church (in some places). It sounds more like you are angry at God for some reason, which is evident in your angry tone as you type and your "fuck you dad, I'll go do THIS instead!" Approach to religion. True or not, it appears that way and makes you, and the entirety of the alt-right, look tremendously pitiful. Not that I'm any better. I'm just a sperg in my late teens shitposting on a Mongolian cheese making forum.
>why did the Romans, Vikings (Scandinavians in general)
You do realise that all of those who you just called out where pagans themselves right?
Except for otomons.
>posts altered christ-chan image
>i dindu nuffin
Just fuck off back to your dead board on cripplechan and take your huehue monkey with you. There's like 5 active LARPagan threads right now between the both of you. It's obvious shilling.
if you're interested about pagans/paganism read a book or go to /hist/
neo-pagans of Sup Forums are just disassociated manbabies. they'd turn christian if everyone was pagan in a heartbeat.
it's like asking about Japan and Japanese culture to a weeb.
why does your anime man have the morthal symbol on his shirt
Sup Forums isn't probably the place for getting real information about religion. Read here, because this guy has his shit together. I also recommend that book.
Stephen McNallen is a good man to listen to as well. His video about race should be of interest to everyone on this board.
Tacitus' "Germania", "Der Nibelungenlied", and "The Merseburg Incantations" are specifically German primary sources I know of, but most of the Germanic paganism is locally Norse, although it was basically the same religion with different names as far as we can tell.
Go back to licking nigger feet and turning the other cheek.
>these pagan celebratio- I mean, drinking beer, eating cheese and fucking my gf- MEAN that I'm preserving whitr culture!
Mate, that might be you and your family, but the rest of those around you may very well be debauched and take pleasure in other degenerate behavior.
Christianity is just another Jew-invented liberal ideology for manipulating the goy. It's functionally identical to atheistic communism and modern liberalism. Let's look at what all three have in common.
>invented by jews
>hardcore cultural imperialists that place ideology over nation/race.
>multicultural globalists who believe all races can and will be assimilated by their dogma
>free from any true spirituality and steers their followers away from mysticism and the occult.
>considers pride in ones heritage to be blasphemous or unimportant
>glorifies meekness and poverty
>believe civlization is 6000 years old or younger
>paradoxically utopian and apocalyptic simultaneously (we have to stop global warming and then we can go to space! The anti-Christ will wreck the world but then we can be saved by the second coming of Christ! The bourgeoisie will bring the world to the brink of ruin but the glorious proletariat revolution will save it)
The Jews had to introduce Christianity to Europe to prepare our people to accept liberalism, which in turn prepared them to accept Marxism, which in turn prepares them to accept global Jewish government.
>nations don't exist
>t. larpagan king
>Sup Forums isn't probably the place for getting real information about religion. Read here, because this guy has his shit together.
>native european religion
fuck off eurokike
Fuck off christcuck being Pagan means being white becouse those where relligions of europeans and thus our ancestors before christianity the refomed form of judeism came we are for our people while any shitskin can be christian.
Only whites can be pagan!
Reminder that fedoras are this mentally damaged.
Fedoras and LARPagans are the best goyim.
Takin CHRISTIAN Africans is better than taking other people groups who are far more removed culturally. A Christian immigrant, which is a minority in Africa by the way, is much more likely to assimilate into European/Western culture than other people groups. The color of the skin may be different which is terrible for "muh Wyte Rays". However, in the discussion of assimilation and peaceful living, the do not pose a threat.
>Only whites can be pagan!
pagans aren't aryan
Bullshit. You pray the exact same way as you pray in Christianity. All rituals, without exception, are rituals of the Greco-Roman world rationalized for the trendy Christian faith of that time.
In fact, without exception, every single Christian practice is culturally a native Roman practice.
The only branch of Christianity that isn't directly linked to the Greco-Roman religion is Protestant Christianity, and especially Evangelicalism. That one is essentially a branch of Judaism, since its guidelines come mostly from the Torah.
In order to "convert to paganism", you simply need to be an Orthodox or Catholic Christian. That's step one.
Step two is to study Greek and Roman mythology and philosophy. New Testament and thereafter are also important. The Old Testament is fine, but not really as important as our native mythology.
It's kind of amusing how some tripfag is actually that mad at christians he made so many "funi merchant maymays xD" with Jesus
Yes, I saw you in other threads.
Who told you that Christianity = ruining of Europe?
Did you just type-stutter?
>It's kind of amusing how some tripfag is actually that mad at christians he made so many "funi merchant maymays xD" with Jesus
Yes, I saw you in other threads.
so what you filthy jew?
fuck off you dirty kike
What?Paganism was literaly a european thing m8 it was practiced by all of europe before christianity.
>Taking in low IQ shitskins only becouse they are christians
Yeah no GTFO christcuck
Good stuff, thank you.
>Did you just type-stutter?
like it makes a blind bit of difference what your filthy eurokike pagan laping is you dirty jewimposter
>What?Paganism was literaly a european thing m8 it was practiced by all of europe before christianity.
so what?
it's not nazi
you are antinazi
you are kikes
fuck off from the nazi board of pol
Christkikenity is just reformed Judaism.
And I know that the Traditional Judaists hate Reformed Judaists. Just look how not so long time Catholics and Protestants slaughtered each other.
Jesus was a kike. Early Christkikes were kikes. Fuck off to israel traitor of your blood.
It's funny how you hate christians that much that you spend your time creating or downloading anti-christian memes
>christian education
>using word nazi unironically
go back to plebbit
I was talking about baltic paganism not Roman mythology or greek.
But yeah becouse of the fact that ''paganism'' just means european relligions that existed before christianity makes a big confusion.
>It's funny how you hate christians that much that you spend your time creating or downloading anti-christian memes
you find me funny do you, you dirty jew?
Repent now, mongol.
You do realize that I mentioned them specifically because they got BTFO for millennia, right? Read my post again, man.
Wow, didn't even post any funny meme.
You dissapointed me.
>using word nazi unironically
>go back to plebbit
why are you antinazi? because you are a kike
>christian education
pagans aren't aryan you filthy hebrew