How do we solve the Kekistan problem?


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Is this the anonymous hacker known as "Sup Forums"?

>You either die an user
>or you live long enough to see yourself become the meme


no jeff, you are the normies
and then, jeff was a normie

Tell me about Jeff, why does he wear the mask?

>green Pepe the Frog mask
>it's just a regular frog mask
We did it reddit

>there are people here who say richard spencer, identity europa, american vanguard, TRS and Trad Workers party presented badly the other day with their torch walk
>yet they think acting like a fucking freak with channer memes and milsurp is respectable

>name is kekistan


All of them

I hate these faggots born 1997+ that swarmed Sup Forums with PRAISE KEK PRAISE KEK PRAISE KEK

Free the people of kekistan punch fat antifa commies.
Pic related fat antifa commie

Thia is the beginning
Kekistan flags,frog mask step 1.

Step 2 moon man mask and nazi and confederate flags

i say we should kill all frogs. if you think about it, frogs have always been racist and we just let them live. why? why should we have to put up with this? its time to kill all frogs. i heard some of them can even be poisonous and could hurt children.

4 chan declared war on antifa in january.
Jeff is a soldier of 4 chan demoralising antifa in public.

I wonder if they realize they are the new fedora atheist

I'm all in favor of a band of merry pranksters fucking shit up, but these Kekistan dipshits are going to damage this site just like Project Chanology did.

step 3????


The Kekistani problem will be solved once the redditors, tumblrinas, kikbookers, and other online cancers are eliminated.

>purity spiral thread 58

Think about when you grow older. You're still growing up. :) :)

what will the world be like then :)!

Step 3
Gas the kike's

I take it you're new on this site?

I fail to see how a gateway meme is a problem for anyone but the Jews.

I think there needs to be a bit of a cleanse of Sup Forums and wider Sup Forums terminology. The memes are getting stale anyway. And now that these memes and phrases are being appropriated by some of the worst people imaginable, it's time to cut ties.

Kekistan fags will stop once people start making some fedora tier memes using pics of them. Then they will realize how gay they are and stop

>Jew Goldberg is at his multimillion dollar lake house
>frogs start croaking at night
>starts having a panic attack
>withdraws all US military troops from their posts
>repositions them around his lake
>world peace achieved

Why would i be new been here since 2008
Alot of antifa leaders were given notice in january we declared war on antifa.
Antifa leaders hid the message from its members and laughed at 4 chan.
Well who is laughing now.

Well he sort of has a point.

Create kekistani organizations and groups so they're all controlled by Sup Forums, like the jews do with niggers

Antifa is terrified by the kekistan flag.

They don't realise. They think you're a shill though for pointing it out.

You mean to beat the jew, we must become the jew?

Just let them do their cringy memes and invent better new memes. This is how the life cycle of memes has always worked. I don't understand what your problem is.

if you're into alt-right/kekistan stuff and natsoc shit, and would be interested in joining our chat server of asinine discussions and image posting with a regular crowd, come check out my discord, Praise Kek.


is that an oldschool nokia phone from the '04?

Personally, I'm just happy that people are flying a facsimile of the Reichskriegsflagge (even though most of them are alt-lite morons that probably don't even realize it). It's desensitizing people for when we start flying the real thing :^)

Antifa needs to see 500 people holding kekistan flags in berkeley.

>Doesn't understand the difference between nazi larping and IRL shitposting

I have the kek flag proudly in my battlestation room. I don't give a fuck what the normies do

we make sure they are on board with pic related

I have that same fan....

Its a nigger participating in african culture


I don't know if id call it shitposting when they are buying shirts and flags and posting praise kek on their Facebook pages

So the faggot went out with his wood flag again? Did he wear a skirt this time too?

This is not a problem but a great opportunity.
We just have to do it the old good Sup Forums way.
Make this kekistan bullshit popular online, and make it look like reddit created it. This way newfags will go back and any other retards thinking about coming here will have second thoughts.

Cleanse my board.


More importantly, what would happen if we took it off?

That is merely dedicated IRL shitposting.

>My name is Jeff
If he isn't a normie, then why do I only see normie memes?

But it's not a gateway into anything. These irl memesters don't stand for anything. The banners and shields they make are not a means to an end, they're the end. These are kids (and mentally ill adults) that like dressing up at the weekends and need an excuse to do so. So they appropriate imagery from 'le dark underbelly of the internet' because its edgy. It's inherently superficial. Guarantee all these people attend comic and anime conventions. This is just another form of that.

So nothing wrong with that.
The more normies love kekistan the more normies will hate antifa and communism.

This is how the real Holocaust begins.

They are people equally valid forms of expressing autism and spilling spaghetti in public.

I can't wait until someone on the right pulls up with a rainbow flag and blows everyones mind when they ask him about it.

by solving reddit problem

I honestly don't mind this. If anything it makes the right wing look more likeable, as in the people the left call NAZIS are just normal degenerates like them. It may make people more open to alt lite politics anyway.

So who cares as long as they smash commies and antifa.


I bet the Jews are scared shitless!

There is literally nothing wrong with attending anime conventions.

Its a gateway to the real flag
Once 40,000 kekistan flags are sold we will actually have a real kekistan army.

digits confirm

How do we stop the divide and conquer faggots from Shareblue?

oh yeah we sage them and ignore their threads

>with a nazi flag rip off kek
>no one complains
>Spencer does nazi comments
>Sup Forums says he is not one of us

Please, explain.

I would like to speak to the Jews.

Jews fear the kekistan flag


We have jews on the board that try doing divide and conquer bullshit.
Anything that makes antifa look weak they complain about.
They are the cuckknights of the board.

Pls stop. No one with a "kekistan" flag actually believes in anything. It's always a group of American mongrels that stand holding them. You're not going to get some call to arms.

Flag checks out

>Sup Forums says he is not one of us
A minority of flustered man children that have never accomplished anything in their lives say that he is not one of us.

This. The mongrels can't identify with real nationalism so they will always gravitate towards cucky shit.

Are you a muslim shit skin?
Prove your not by telling me you support tommy robinson and britain first.

There was a dead Jew at that rally.

Ze Fashy Reich needs to invade ze Frogeaters.

Jeff is a literal faggot who only knows about peepee from reddit
Jeff is a fucking normie


>Please, explain.
One is an act that doesn't take nazis seriously. One is an act that idolizes nazis.

Sup Forums was never a stormfront outpost, while NatSocs have not been outright cast out like most of society does, they've been meme'd.
The flag being in a nazi style is a continuation of that; it's not idolizing nazis, its just a fun parody in the sense of
>Hitler did nothing wrong

I know there are some deluded faggots here who've probably stayed around a few years and took the memes seriously, thinking people here actually idolized nazis. But alas, no, memes are just memes.

The real battle is between the warriors of Kek and the servants of Set. Kekistan has undermined Moloch/Ba'al but they must now focus on dethroning Set. Don't forget that Moloch = Set and the Setians are the ones in high places of the government and military.

Look up Lt Col Michael Aquino and MindWar. This is way beyond the Scientologists or the Marxists.

Rise up oh frog warriors and see who will be victorious between Kek and Set! There can be only one....

hate to disappoint you bong but there's a giant pepe mural in belgrade with "kekeistan je srbija" on it

Believing in the support of God is a powerful psychological support force.

Antifa had literal faggots like anders pierce and amelia spinney at the free speech rally repersenting north shore antifa.
Pic related north shore antifa homosexuals.

Do you have a pic?

The psyops is working.

What happened?

Not an argument.
Jeff is still a faggot

Those Kek guys are the real deal.

sadly no, it's about 3m tall

>all these people revealing their power level

kekposting, get obsession and trump obsession are the easiest ways to spot newfags.
Fuck off.


Do you support tommy robinson?
Are you a shitskin muslim?

Are you a shitskin invader?

Praise kek #MAGA
Any opposition to antifa is welcomed in my homeland.

Are you a Nigger?

>The psyops is working.
What fucking psyops, mate?
Do you seriously think that even a fraction of the people who spew Nazi memes are actually NatSoc when you actually go down and inspect their politics?

I was here from 2007 and I think the numbers are speaking to me at this point
no power level tho, I just like Sup Forums because it's like Sup Forums used to be, it has some actual productive discussion between all the shilling

It's Chanology 2.0

I just realized probably 99% of Sup Forums is going to Google "Chanology" because they have no idea what it is.

You're right. We're just a bunch of silly anime goofs.

Ahhhh..... America..... Freedom of Speech is a great thing.... too bad its being taken from us in the form of fascism aka PC