New bread. MGTOW is social suicide.
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy fucking shit, this is the apex of cringeness
>They break rules 1 and 2 on a regular basis
No. A Lifetime Alimony judgement is the social suicide. There is no coming back from that.
Get rekt TradCons.
They are fighting muh SJWs and proving them that there are more than 2 genders. How based!
Those rules don't matter since everyone already knows of this shithole. I still follow them though.
The original rules only applied to Sup Forums, except perhaps
> Lurk moar
Glorious warriors!
I like kekistani but I don't like MGTOW.
>MGTOW is social suicide.
its 100% understandable, not to mention tha in USA you are cucked by divorce way more than in Europe.
>Get rekt TradCons.
Im a tradCon. I look at MGTOW as a stepping stone.
You're sat behind a screen laughing at people you don't know while they're out for a good cause and to keep other trump supporters safe. Tell me, would you still laugh if you were face to face?
>white men control the entire planet and can completely enslave it or genocide it. nobody else can touch them or even fight back
>tradcuck sissy like you gave women the right to vote cause you're "equal" subhumans
>present day white men are discriminated against in their own countries and facing "white genocide"
you're the most pathetic bitch in human history. your ancestors would've wished they never had you.
your solution to women inviting 5+ billion shitskins into your country to genocide you is to tell other men to have babies? you're a disgrace. anti-mgtow men are the lowest slime on earth. tradcucks can't ever touch this argument
>Being this autistic
this. men who have adopted mgtow could give a fuck about what others think about them, which is why they are so blackpilled
They are using young Sup Forumsacks sense of tribal ethnocentrism to game them into signing fraudulent marriage contracts.
It was the same "white handkerchief" tactic used to send young Western European men to their deaths in the shitty trenches of WW1.
It doesn't get more sinister than that.
I always found it odd when people think that calling someone "cringy" or "edgy" will automatically make them correct.
You're an overweight fuck with no friends talking shit in the safety and privacy of your own home. These other fat fucks are actually outside and having a good time.
>Ireland has lower divorce rates than Algeria
What the fuck, I love cute potato-baker redhead gals now!
I hate to see men go this route. You probably hurt a lot of feelings with your "pump and dumps," too.
I understand giving up. I understand not looking for commitment. But I see a lot in MGTOW that is as cancerous as what new-wave feminism spews out.
I was NOT looking for a relationship. Met an amazing guy who was also NOT looking for a relationship. We are now in a relationship. :P If he had subscribed to this MGTOW cancer he would have viewed me as little more than a potential notch on his bedpost, and walked when none of the tips his degenerate friends online gave him to get me into bed worked.
I really mean it when I say I think you guys are potentially costing yourselves meaningful, happy relationships, and are probably hurting a lot of feelings in the process.
Oh, and here's an ayyy for ya.
this is extremely underrated and needs to be spread around nu/pol/
why are you assuming they want women to have the vote?
I hate that stupid fucking subreddit with a passion.
Instead of swallowing the red pill and doing something about it, they swallow the red pill and just sit there crying.
It's not fucking hard to get girls. Either work and make lots of money or go work out at the gym and get swole in 2 months with a proper diet. You are bound to find at least an 8/10 chick interested in you.
>they are after m-m-muh money
>they don't c-c-care about me
Nah it's because you fuckers are interesting in the least bit. Vidya isn't a hobby.
Kill yourself cunt
this is a shitredditsays raid thread
>screenshot is anti-Sup Forums reddit crap that antifa uses
>+1 post
>TFW Your face is on Sup Forums
TradCon may mean different things in Croatia where I assume the law still supports a traditional man's patriarchal ambitions.
Here in the US it just means you are LARP'ing without a clue to the underlying divorce laws that can clean you out in a New York minute.
When I was "looking for a relationship" I couldn't find anyone. The second I stopped looking and focused on myself, I not only started to succeed but immediately went into a relationship.
Men need to have something interesting about them. It's what attracts women. Imagine a relationship where you are with someone but having nothing to talk about or do because she's submissive and doesn't know how to lead and you have no personality. Seriously.
You need hobbies. You need to be passionate about something. You need to be actively trying. These people just clock out and brag about it.
You make a compelling and original argument there, but after much thought, I've decided not to kill myself. You really had me thinking for a second there, though.
>You probably hurt a lot of feelings with your "pump and dumps," too.
Stopped right there. It's not about pump and dump you fucking skag.
Those are MGTOW, or at least they present themselves as such.
The theme is just simply live life the way you want to, cut out external influences as much as possible. It's about making yourself a man of value to yourself and having a positive influence on those around you.
Thinking that it's about just getting sex and being "muh alpha" is generalizing men down to what we are always generalized as. Sex is cool and all, but it goes beyond that. We can achieve the same with hands and soon sexbots. That is replaceable. It's about learning to have meaningful relationship with others but overall ourselves.
You are just as bad as the men that say "women are only good as cock sleeves."
You are part of the reasons why men walk away, because women expect us to see you act and treat us this way and we are to what? Just be cool with it? Fuck you.
If your man is a man, he will see you're just as bad as your general stock of women and he'll drop you like the cancerous sack of fat you are.
>New bread. MGTOW is social suicide.
Except that you have absolutely no obligation to inform anyone in your social circle that you're a MGTOW.
This dumb nigga thanks MGTOW exists because they cant get laid, gtfo outta here.
I thought MGTOW meant you dont care about what society thinks about you
Tits or GTFO?
What a bunch of limp wristed betas.
It's the introvert equivalent of extroverted SJWs.
>I hate that stupid fucking subreddit with a passion.
>Instead of swallowing the red pill and doing something about it, they swallow the red pill and just sit there crying.
>It's not fucking hard to get girls
its not about "getting girls" you hedonistic kike, its about the inability to start a family in todays condition.
this thread is a shitredditsays /r/shitreditsfeminist raid on Sup Forums. they spam constant mgtow theads.
>anti-trump antifa screenshots
Agreed. Some of the most uninteresting, do-nothing men I have ever met were when I was "looking" and did a lot of online dating sites, Facebook groups, etc. Most of the single men were unemployed, and defined themselves by what their favorite movies and shows were. They had no hobbies. They had no opinions on politics that had not been borrowed from the Internet. They led sedentary lives (and had the bodies to prove it). They did NOTHING with their lives. They seemed to think that all women were superficial and unattainable, when the truth was these guys were not interesting at all. They were content to babble about favorite shows to "find common ground," and once they were done with that, they'd move on to test the waters and nerd rage over their hopelessly leftist gibmedat politics. In short, they were complete losers with absolutely nothing to talk about. They didn't travel. They didn't go to the gym. They didn't play sports. They didn't do anything that could spark interesting conversation.
A lot of single men I know who are not "looking" are active and are constantly improving their minds. They're busy out doing something with their lives.
That's /my boy/, lol!
Mental processes and thoughts are not an equation you autistic fuck.
Sort of, I mean either you care or you don't, I don't know that you can pick one way or another in any functional way.
You can however choose to make decisions based on the influence of other people such as white knights and women. Generally speaking their motivations are to sell you a bad deal which exclusively benefits them at your expense.
MGTOW is about dispensing with the social peer pressure and making those choices so they best serve you. It means that people calling you names like this guy don't actually hold any sway over you anymore.
MGTOW is just genetically fucked beta males trying to legitimise their inability to not be a boring piece of shit around women.
>women invite 5+ billion shitskins to come into your country
>they plan to vote against you and then murder you once you're the majority
your solution? whine about other men having babies instead of remove them. you guys are the most pathetic fucking retards around. your ancestors literally wish they just jerked off instead of making you
That's a good one
>what are furries
>what are bronies
>what are fedoras
Fucking hell Belgium nearly 3/4
Why so mad?
Its objectively cringe
Like just look at that shit. Why the fuck are you defending those autists?
The divorce rate in Belgium is absolutely terrifying.
> MGTOW is just genetically fucked beta males trying to legitimise their inability to not be a boring piece of shit around women.
Then why are you here on your PsyOps mission?
women are evil dude.
it is like taking a poison so that nobody will eat you.
MGTOW does not aim to fix anything, it simple gives men an excuse to 'drop out'. Which is the one thing millennial men want to hear, since they don't want marriage, only freedom and no bedtimes.
Traditionalism and ethno-nationalism seeks to actively counter the trends in society that caused this, and that can only be done by participating in a community through your family. Single men have little to no voice, if you've ever publicly argued for MGTOW principles you should know this.
MGTOW makes men non-entities for society, you have to actively promote your views, and take part in society to change them. Simply retreating from your responsibility is exactly what men did when they voted to allow women greater consideration under the law.
you roasties from shitredditsays won't win. no matter how much anti-mgtow spam you make you actually just advertise mgtow so more men learn.
Sup Forums has a great anti-women culture which can't be spammed away by reddit using feminist
Yep. And at that point, you have to ask yourself, what makes a man a man (besides a dick or Y chromosome)? Is it dominance? Ambition? Persistence? Personality? What? Because many of those "M"GTOW don't have any of those.
>can't start a family
You can, it's just that many of those don't even try. You seriously can't sit here and try to argue that you'll find someone by sitting on your ass all day. Many of those dudes are afraid of going to the club or even striking up a convo with a girl let alone hold one. How are you going someone?
But please by all means, keep linking to that one example where a wife killed her husband. By that stupid logic, I shouldn't be driving a car. Or firing a gun. Or even walking outside onto the street.
>Sup Forums has a great anti-women culture
Literally nu/pol/ - the post.
Go back to sharing Sup Forums screenshots on your facebook page, retard.
That's better. :D
>Many of those dudes are afraid of going to the club or even striking up a convo with a girl let alone hold one. How are you going someone?
most of dudes in MGTOW are fucking divorced and destroyed with alymony for kids they dont see. you twat.
>Tell me, would you still laugh if you were face to face?
Oh dude, id laugh even more. Porobalby would die from it.
>You're an overweight fuck with no friends talking shit in the safety and privacy of your own home.
Just cause you're a fat fuck, doenst mean that I get to be one too
nu/pol/? ahhahaha you dumb fuck. this is since its creation. you're a ugly roastie bitch. your std ridden meat flops don't have value here. go fuck off to reddit if you want men to fight over you stupid bitch. while there's losers who are beta orbiters on Sup Forums they aren't the majority
This. These guys are risking life and limb spearding Sup Forums's message and some jew in a pole flag is laughing.
>You need hobbies. You need to be passionate about something.
No girl ever seemed to care for my passion for free software :(
>what makes a man a man (besides a dick or Y chromosome)? Is it dominance? Ambition? Persistence? Personality? What? Because many of those "M"GTOW don't have any of those.
I just realized I was responding to a shill.
Anons, we should to make a Sup Forums shield design.
>tradcons gave women the vote
You are legitimately retarded.
You've been here since the election, stop roleplaying. It's incredibly obvious by the way you post. Go to /r9k/ and cry about the girl that rejected you in high school more, you genetic freak.
Tits or GTFO
cause /r9k/ was created during the election you stupid bitch. you're trying way too hard and embarrassing yourself. women are always pieces of meat on Sup Forums which is why you get told tits or gtfo. so shut the fuck up and get out of here. your whole gender is going into the meatgrinder once we get artificial wombs you loose bitch
MGTOW is a dumb name and some of the people who adhere to it are cringey but the general concept is decent, as long as it doesn't mean completely dropping out of society and becoming a NEET.
This is where I sympathize with the movement, but I haven't seen any data. Is there any? I'm not trying to discredit. There are plenty of (((reasons))) why this information would not be published, or surveyed in the first place. I only go on what I read, and from what I've read, the rather LOUD portion of the MGTOW movement is a bunch of never marrieds who talk about the bad experiences of other men, and fancy themselves clever for avoiding marriage altogether.
You sound like a rabid SJW. There's two sides to every story. You choose to believe in one and ignore the other. Did you ever stop and think that maybe the dude was a deadbeat? No you didn't because 99% of these stories always start with "it wasn't not my fault" or "she literally walked out for no reason" or "i dindu nuffins." That may have been the problem right there - the dude didn't do shit but sit on his ass all day and the chick started to worry for her child's future so she did the only thing available to her - move on.
Sure there's evil bitches out there that only care about themselves but there's also a lot of deadbeat assholes as well. And this is something you don't realize because you cling to a "men are perfect, women are evil" fantasy while women cling to "women are perfect, men are evil" fantasy. Find a common ground.
Traditionalism led us down this road. That isn't to say traditionalism is bad and shouldn't be re-instated, but it is the cultural form that presided over the feminist takeover in the first place, make no mistake about it. Historically, feminism wrecked traditionalism in a one vs. one match-up. Marrying some horrible basic bitch or committing yourself to the wilderness of modern womanhood to go hunt for that special unicorn you tradcucks always tell us are out there waiting (in truth, you just have very low standards, so quartz seems like diamond to you) isn't a solution. It's actually just more of the same. It's inertia, despite your attempts to dress it up as action.
Truth be told, a lot of natsocs are just fully blue pilled on the women issue in general. You can see it in these threads everyday, where the blue pills get stomped on by the mgtow posters over the course of the thread, and are left with no options but white knighting womanhood and adopting feminist shame tactics, unable to contend with the data and the more fully formed arguments mgtow present.
this society needs to die
I'm not even female you prema virgin. NO women care that you're going to stop stalking them, why do you spend every waking minute spiking your blood pressure over them? I thought you didn't care about them?
no we didn't stop to think it's the mans fault. cause we're finished thinking it's men's fault fucking retard. we're not talking about bad boys who fuck women over cause we don't care.
the stats aren't equal
90+ divorce started by women
85%+ custody goes to women
98% of alimony goes to women
and women can destroy men easily with the legal system. they get affirmative action and they're trying to make it a crime to be a white male.
nobody cares how badly roasties get btfo. we want more of you to be hurting in fact. more roasties getting btfo and suffering the better
>Single men have little to no voice, if you've ever publicly argued for MGTOW principles you should know this.
The genius thing about being a MGTOW is that you don't need to argue your points, you don't need to convince your friends or women, or other groups of people. You have no obligations to anyone except to yourself, to accept the responsibility of the decisions you make.
>MGTOW makes men non-entities for society
MGTOWs are "entities" for society to the degree they wish to make themselves, to the degree that it benefits them. If society has nothing to offer back, or only has unappealing deals, then MGTOW simply opt out.
We can promote our views through the internet anonymously and have been doing for some time, and as more people are connected online this ability to disseminate and spread information will only increase.
Responsibility is something you have to choose to accept voluntarily, it's not something we can hoist upon one another randomly. MGTOW choose to accept only the responsibilities which net them some kind of benefit, which is what a rational mind does.
So as a MGTOW I want the responsibility of a job because the work provides me with a good quality of life. But I reject the responsibility of a marriage because marriage brings me an entitled cunt who the state hands a loaded gun to, and puts my entire lifes work at risk.
>Literally nu/pol/ - the post.
>Go back to sharing Sup Forums screenshots on your facebook page, retard.
>Go to /r9k/ and cry about the girl that rejected you in high school more, you genetic freak.
no pollack posts this way.
>rather LOUD portion of the MGTOW movement is a bunch of never marrieds who talk about the bad experiences of other men, and fancy themselves clever for avoiding marriage altogether.
but there is a ratioanl expectation of that experience becoming your experince unless smth changes in the system. My problem with MGTOW is that dont realize that it runs both ways, its morality problem, not a women problem.
>Did you ever stop and think that maybe the dude was a deadbeat?
die of prozac overdose roastie.
>"men are perfect, women are evil" fantasy while women cling to "women are perfect, men are evil" fantasy
I never subscribed to that position. We have a morality problem, not a women problem...but we do ALSO have a women problem.
thanks for the concern you stupid bitch. i'm sure you care about my blood pressure. i'm sure you care about why "i care about them"
roastie, go away. the future isn't women. women's future is getting put into a meatgrinder. the future is artificial wombs and sexbots to replace you
>Its not jews, its all the women
>don't breed goyim
This picture is shameless.
Agreed no fuck given
not an argument
Women are the Jews. You won't swallow that redpill because you have a hole addiction that inhibits your rationality. It's a common deficit.
I absolutly LOVE that picture. This is my 2nd most favorite.
>Its not our fault, hate your women instead
Is that a woman on the far right??
It's not a movement.
There is no hard data on it because most MGTOW want to remain anonymous to some high degree. However if you want you can easily gather some relatively compelling anecodtal evidence by simply visiting a MGTOW forum.
One of the best places to check out is introduction forums where people post their story about how they came to become MGTOWs. Some private forums have this as an entry requirement.
What you find is that MGTOW is about as diverse as men you'd meet day to day. There's fathers and husbands who have been fucked. There's sons who have seen it happen to their father. There's men who have seen it happen to their close friends, there's men who have experienced bad relationships, false rape allegations, there's poor men who are blue collar and well off men who tell a tale of gold diggers.
Informal surveys in these spaces as well also show there's way more diversity than not, that we come from all different walks of life and have vastly differing political views.
Bad thing because I feel that other Baltbros would confirm that our high divorce rate is due emigration and it spits the families
>Women are the Jews.
True, but we made them that way. It runs both ways. Plenty of bad men also that get a pass by our team.
Like I said, no arguments, just feminist tactics, repurposed as natsoc rhetoric to justify a real addiction. When confronted with data and actual arguments, tradcucks default to roastie tier logical fallacies.
>Traditionalism led us down this road
>it is the cultural form that presided over the feminist takeover
You're thinking of liberalism, the idea that everyone gets a vote, even kikes. If there had been a strong sense of traditionalism, men would have protested against not only letting women vote, but also then going even further to subsidize the break-up of marriages and rewarding women with money and custody.
>that special unicorn you tradcucks always tell us
They're not unicorns, consider them more like project cars. As a hobby enthusiast, you're going to have an easier time with a newer car than an old wreck. You have to shepherd them and create a better life for you both than the lure of modernism and progressive hedonism. Plenty of marriages succeed, and you already know about the pitfalls so you have a leg up. If you really need additional safety, bury a stash of silver like doompaul told you to, and never let your family live above its means.
MGTOW encourages men to quit instead of fighting for what they want, that is largely because what most millennials want is NOT family, they want the easy life free of responsibility. The truth is that modern men are as fickle and whiny as their female counter-parts. So instead of creating a family, and fighting for their survival, they are seduced by the option to say "this is out of my hands, a greater power has already ensured my failure!". Meanwhile a bunch of hairy dykes have gotten the state to fine and jail people for misgendering them.
You have to actively fight against the tide of progressivist bullshit, and only men with families, engaged in their community, will be heard. There is no voice for islands.
Hmmm. I guess I've been reading a lot of out-in-the-open noise. I've noticed little diversity. I haven't been to any private forums, and I ain't gonna' lie my way in, either. :P
Thank you for clearing things up for me. I appreciate it. Most who discuss MGTOW here with me speak of it as though it is an actual movement, and do little more than smash their caps lock and call me a LARPing faggot. :P
You'd have to provide an argument for me to have something to argue against. You do nothing but talk about how women are, ignoring how they got this way. Who were the ones leading feminist movements? Jews. Who are the ones that constantly promote infidelity and promiscuity in media? Jews.
You advocate the death of our people with your nihilistic misplaced hate.
>women want to destroy men because they have the power and for the lulz
Did you stop and think how stupid that sounds? Women destroy men, society crumbles, and their lifestyle is gone. Women are dumb but they aren't that dumb. Next, only 25% of women self identify as a feminist. It's those women that want to "destroy men." And while we are on the subject, they don't want to destroy men, they want to destroy weak men.
Lastly, the pussy melts when Chad shows up. Yall constantly joke around about that. "How come Chad can get away with rape?" "How come Chad is a deadbeat and still gets laid?" Because he's an alpha male and you aren't. You care too much about what women think so you literally eliminate yourself from the competition. You know how childish that sounds?
There's tons of mindfuck games men can play on women that you don't know about. That's why the chick ends up walking all over you. She knows you won't do shit about it except complain.
Undoubtedly. A sound argument can be made that men did this to other men. Women, by themselves, don't have the power to do much at all without the assistance of men. All the same, when you look at the actual making of public policy, it is women who support the leftward creep and women's suffrage can be tracked with the growth of modern leftist government.
What the fuck is Ireland doing
Is it the alcohol?
>implying OPs pic related are not bronies, furries and fedoras
Women were always this way. Society just had structure that kept them in their respective sphere of life. Feminism is not new, just the word is. Feminism was found toward the tail end of Rome, and in other great empires. Women as a biological group have immutable traits. Hypergamy sustains these traits, and that's inborn. White knighting womanhood by deflecting responsibility achieves nothing. The truth is, that while you're taken the race realism redpill, you are too timid to take the gender realism redpill. Gender is based in biology. These traits are immutable and persist across ages and cultures.
>The genius thing about being a MGTOW is that you don't need to argue your points, you don't need to convince your friends or women, or other groups of people. You have no obligations to anyone except to yourself, to accept the responsibility of the decisions you make.
Congratulations, you made the post with the highest concentration of millennial spirit ever seen on this board. But at least you're honest.
Men voluntarily chose the situation we have today, by action OR by inaction. If you do not actively champion a return to traditionalist ideas, they won't come back. If you are simply happy being alone, then what is the point of MGTOW on the politics board? You might as well make a club for Men Not Bothering To Get Driving Licenses, telling everyone how taking the tube/bus is easier and cheaper than the upkeep and use of a car because the city has become too shit and expensive for drivers. When what you should have been advocating for is better conditions, you instead start advocating for accepting defeat.
That is unless you have no horse in the race at all, and just wanted an ideology to excuse your unwillingness to be a traditional man, and desire to live a life free of consequence and purpose beyond the masturbatory bachelor life you and your compatriots so often advocate.