
>white men control the entire planet and can completely enslave it or genocide it. nobody else can touch them or even fight back
>tradcuck sissy like you gave women the right to vote cause you're "equal" subhumans
>present day white men are discriminated against in their own countries and facing "white genocide"
you're the most pathetic bitch in human history. your ancestors would've wished they never had you.

your solution to women inviting 5+ billion shitskins into your country to genocide you is to tell other men to have babies? you're a disgrace. anti-mgtow men are the lowest slime on earth.

Other urls found in this thread:

Both feminism and mgtow are products of kikery and tools made for destruction of the west.

I thought MGTOW were virg loosers and you didnt give a fuck about us.
What changed in the last five years?

Men didn't 'give' women the right to vote
Men withheld the vote from 50% of the population


Continued from last thread:

Please, indulge me with a proper argument instead of just calling me a roastie, retarded or whatever else you can make up.

Relationships improve our health
We spread our genes though it
We protect the family unit
When we chose a good mate our offspring fairs better than in a broken family
We are the backbone of any true national movement as we are the breeders of your futures
We will not go or own way as staying in the game is the ONLY way to win it.

Your argument is literately to focus on the small picture issues, call fellow anons retarded and get emotional.

I hate to use your own argument against you, but if I didn't know better your are a false flagging sjw. Who else would debate this so poorly.

You never earned the right vote.
You just did what ever women has done through out history:
>Bitched until you got what you wanted

And look what happened.
As always, women bitched, pissed, and moaned until they got what they wanted.
Then they fucked it up.
if you didn't have a cunt, there'd be a bounty on your head.

>Relationships improve our health
wrong and lies.

there's no happy bachelor compared to happy marriage men. there's only divorced men and degenerate freaks vs married men. bachelor are more happy than married men so you're a fucking idiot.

>We spread our genes though it
artificial womb or surrogate mother

the rest of your shit is too stupid. you're a roastie so there's no use wasting valuable thought arguing with you. you're a tradcuck retard deluded by your pitiful sense of this world. you're a bluepilled retard who drank the social scientist koolaid about how men and family should be.

monogamy is only good since it lets young horny men get a woman and then make them debt slaves who work for a family.


that all social science which came afterwards to prove the kike, tradcuck, and feminist narrative. polygamy is more natural and women are fucking maids not good mothers

The kike is butthurt, because he needs white males to make shekels for him, because white males are pretty much the only demographic that does.
He needs white males to get hooked up to vaginal jew, so that the vaginal jew can spend all the money that white male makes during his 280+ hours per months shift.
His shitskin pets do not work, take loans, pay income taxes.
He also needs you to have more white babies, to make more slaves, because whites won't ever have birthrates of shitskins, but someone has to work to make gibs.

>if you didn't have a cunt, there'd be a bounty on your head.

Hehehehe, oh my god, I am stealing that quote.

I am done white knighting. Me and the master manipulator roastie I am marrying are going out for ice creams and a walk.

But I will just leave some of the sources from earlier.

Nice caps. You look really cool when you debate fellow anons who disagree. I especially like the emotional outbursts and paranoid thinking.

Also, sources: Enjoy!

nobody cares if an anonymous disagrees with somebody. your shitty statistics about white women voting in america don't matter cause they're wrong. they oversampled democrats and it's obvious as fuck too.

no way did white women out vote white men for trump

Got proofs?

>Relationships improve our health

The guy who slept on the work bench in my workplace, putting 320+ hours to pay for alimonies to a whore he thought loved him, didn't seem very healthy to me

>We protect the family unit

You don't have to protect the family if there is no family to begin with.jpg

>When we chose a good mate

Divorce statistics tell us that a 'good mate' is as rare as working communist

>We are the backbone of any true national movement

What national movement? Please point to any relevant, who has even a tiniest bit of political power.

>We will not go or own way as staying in the game is the ONLY way to win it.

Game is based on stealing your shit no matter what you do. Somehow playing the Monopoly where every step is bankruptcy is a way to win.

mgtow is literally white genocide

its amusing how retarded you are

what's literally white genocide is white women inviting 5 billion shitskins to come outvote you, then make being a white male illegal, and then they'll kill you once you're a majority. that's white genocide you fucking retard.

you don't out baby invaders. you kick them the fuck out of your country.

if your wife invites a bunch of niggers into your house you don't beg her to make children so you outnumber the niggers she invited. you kick them the fuck out you cuckold

MGTOW are just men who believe Feminist grabage - they're too dumb to be *allowed* to breed!
Here are some facts
>Less than 32% of ALL women call themselves 'feminist* and the younger the woman the LESS likely she is to be a feminist
>Rates of divorce for *first* marriages have been dropping for 40+ years
>The percentage of moms who are stay at home mothers has been increasing for almost 20 years
>The average age at which women lose their virginity has been increasing and total number of sexual partners decreasing for an entire generation
>GenZ is going to be the most socially conservative generation since before the Korean War
Know why the Libtards are FREAKING OUT over Trump?
Because the Liberals lost to the SoCons 50 years ago! Liberals stopped having kids and told their kids 'think whatever' while SoCons had kids and homeschooled them to be SoCons.
The yelling, screaming, etc. is because THEY LOST.
But morons like MGTOW think Anita 'i never did a fucking thing with my life' Sarkeesian and Laci 'look at my tits!' Green are a Big Deal and stuff because instead of being in the Real World working and raising kids MGTOW are on the internet fapping to MLP.
2100 will be more religious and more conservative than 1900 - and everyone with half a brain knows that.

I hope you anti-MGTOW ladies realize that we didn't just casually browse the internet then see this MGTOW movement and decided to become a MGTOW because it "convinced" us.
We were like this far before the movement existed, and this "movement" is merely a common name that people tend to use to describe someone with our points of view. There is no jewish brainwashing here, just our opinions under a single word. It's not even a movement.

>Rates of divorce for *first* marriages have been dropping for 40+ years
Implying marriage has stayed the same. kek.
>>GenZ is going to be the most socially conservative generation since before the Korean War
I will believe it when I see it.

>2100 will be more religious and more conservative than 1900 - and everyone with half a brain knows that.

they don't identity as feminist since they don't need to. they got all the laws in their favor. what the fuck is the point of being of a feminist anymore? cause you want abortions for 2 year old babies or you want to kill all men? those are the only people calling themselves feminist

you're just using (((their))) studies. people aren't getting divorced because nobody is married so naturally it drops you fucking idiot. they're all have been married for 40 years and nobody new is marrying. the other stuff you're saying is just random bogus crap.

Hollande and before him were man. And look at what they have done to France.

>Implying marriage has stayed the same. kek.
WTF does this even mean?
>I will believe it when I see it.
See pic
Now you've seen it - start believing

>Implying marriage has stayed the same. kek.
>WTF does this even mean?
It means less people have been marrying for the last 50 years and its gonna be even less in another 50
>See pic
>Now you've seen it - start believing
Sure sure lets see how conservative they are after 10-20 years in the gears of public education.

Ahah look at this roastie panicking. Free meal tickets are wising up and finally see the rules of the game. And the game is rigged. So we stopped playing. Now we are creating a new game with animu sexbots and artificial wombs. And no girls allowed ;^) !!1!. You better start acting nice REAL fucking soon. Seems like you have stiff competition hun'

>people aren't getting divorced because nobody is married
translation: "I don't know how percentages work"
>"A HuffPo/YouGov poll found that almost 80% of women aged 16-26 rejected Feminism in general and Gender Feminism in particular. In comments and sub-questions ideas like 'patriarchy', 'intersectionality', and 'transexuality' were all rejected by the majority of women with less than 18% accepting them as valid" -Denise Cummins, PhD on the death of Feminism
Looks like you need to read a book

>It means less people have been marrying for the last 50 years and its gonna be even less in another 50
1) AT LEAST 70% of Millennial men will marry before they are 50 years old and are on track to marry at almost the same rate as GenX
2) Younger Millennial women are more interested in marriage than older ones and GenZ women list 'wife and mother' as an aspiration at levels as high as or higher than Boomers. Even the number of women under 24 years old 'saving virginity for marriage' has increased for the last generation and this is a leading indicator of increased rates of marriage and lowered rates of divorce.
>Sure sure lets see how conservative they are after 10-20 years in the gears of public education.
A) since a large portion of GenZ is out of HS *before* that survey was taken, this is a joke B) People are most Liberal at the ages of 16-26 (Where most of GenZ is now) and then get more Conservative as they age (where GenZ is going).
Sure, I get it.
You're ignorant as a fucking rock and when you said you'd 'believe it when you say w it' you were lying. But facts are still facts.

>what the fuck is the point of being of a feminist anymore? cause you want abortions for 2 year old babies or you want to kill all men?
>what the fuck is the point of being of a feminist anymore? cause you want abortions for 2 year old babies or you want to kill all men?
answer you fucking retard. they don't need to call themselves feminist. they simply will keep all the laws that ruin men in fact them not calling themselves feminist a GOOD THING for them. now they don't need to believe in equality anymore so they can keep all the laws that favor them and fuck men over since they aren't even feminist.

>people aren't getting divorced because nobody is married
the marriage rate has declined by like 70%
the divorce rate hitting a low means people aren't getting married that much anymore so there's not tons of divorce.

learn math you fucking retard. the amount of divorces will drop when marriage declines because all the people who stay together have been together for many years and all the newly weds which get divorces aren't even married to begin with

>1) AT LEAST 70% of Millennial men will marry before they are 50 years old and are on track to marry at almost the same rate as GenX
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA you're just making up stuff you fucking idiot

based on WHAT. NOTHING. men use to all get married when they're young. now they don't get married and suddenly you think they're going to marry when they're 50 for some magical reason

As far as Whites are concerned, feminists basically darwin awarded themselves.
Every now and then I see people get worried about all the "smart women" who aren't having kids because of feminism, but selection is selection.
The kinds of women who abort their kids, don't find men attractive, don't have the sentimental inclination towards procreation etc are less likely to establish a genetic legacy.

These bitter and miserable bitches are a fucking irrelevance.

One of the greatest strikes Nationalist Whites can unleash is to live well and have healthy families.
MGTOW is a dead end ideology like feminism, but it is particularly good at articulating some of the problems with women and feminism. Being prepared to go your own way, as a mate seeking and success strategy, has its merits, but fully burning your bridges isn't really of interest to many of us.
Better to just accept that power relationships are typically between men, that you ought to learn the value of yourself and stick to your guns, view women as trophies to be won and don't get too silly about romantic love.
For courting research pickup artistry. There are guys out there who have this shit down to a science.
For maintaining a relationship, you need only stay strong and not take shit. Women want protector/providers primarily, and it makes sense for them to want this. Do the right thing and they will love you for it. If they don't discard them asap.
Embrace the responsibility of fatherhood. Bestow the knowledge and skills upon your children that will give them the best chance at survival and success in life.

MGTOW has something to bring to the table at least.
Feminism has absolutely nothing to bring to the table.

Most of the betas will get married around age 26-29. That the age when most women jump of the cock carousel to catch a thirsty onlooker. Easy money. Stupid fuck gets tricked into raising another man's kid and/or divorce. Fun times ahead lads

>Artificial Womb

Are you a boong mate? It doesn't look like you speak English as a first language.

>answer you fucking retard.
I did, fuckwit.
80% of women under the age of 27 reject ideas like 'patriarchy', 'intersectionalism', 'transgenderism', etc.
A higher percentage of women under 35 years old oppose abortion. Under 30 is higher. Under 25 is higher still.
Generation Z is going to be an anti-abortion generation.
>all the laws that ruin men
A majority of states HAVE or ARE modifying divorce laws and custody laws to remove things like perpetual alimony, long-term child support, no visitation, etc. Those laws have been changing for a generation, you just can't read a fucking book.
>the marriage rate has declined by like 70%
Translation: "I make shit up"
The marriage rate for Boomer men by age 50 was 88%
For GenX is was 83%
For early Millennials it was 79%
For young Millennials it is on-track to be no less than 70%, but probably around 85%
>Read the fuckign Census data, you moron)
So, no - marriage rates are NOT down "70%", dolt, they WERE down 11% *and are recovering*.
And the rate of divorce for first marriage is down from its peak in 1972 of 42% to about 28% - and as marriage rates are going up, divorce rates keep going down.
BTW, moron, divorces are calculated in cohorts, meaning 'all the people married between 1970-1975. 1976-1980,' etc. so you can TRACK TRENDS. That's how you can track how many Millennials are married or divorced.
You are doing nothing but proving you have *no idea* what you are talking about!

The guys who suggest trying outbreed shitskins in our own countries are oblivious to how beta that is. We shouldn't have to fucking do that. And all that does is postpone a well needed collapse. Meanwhile everything that's happening right now goes on for longer and gets worse the more we try to keep our numbers up. These ungrateful cunts will continue to stab us in the back and twist it like they've been doing for generations. Not worth subjecting more white men to that.

>based on WHAT.
Census data.
You know.
Also the Pew Research analysis of data (they predict a minimum of 75% of men in the Millennial cohort will marry, BTW) released in 2012.
This shit is all over the internet, you know

The "artificial womb" point is weak because it is not natural reproduction, which puts you on the extreme end of ideology. You have to realize that just because something is viable does not mean it is normal and appealing to the majority. I would argue that everyone should be spreading their genes with as many women of good genetics as possible. You can't be a piece of shit about it though and leave them to take care of the child without some financial support. So you are either stuck with paying alimony payments, or having multiple wives, which is illegal for some odd reason *Cough* Christians *Cough* which Americans have somehow been cucked into. The country once used to be free, but somehow down the path we lost our way.


>80% of women under the age of 27 reject ideas like 'patriarchy', 'intersectionalism', 'transgenderism', etc
THey can reject away, doesnt change the laws that r beneficial to them over men.

Based on teh fact that the laws had to be changed to equate "Cohabitation" with "Marriage".

You're not wrong, and the white men of today are even unimaginably weaker than those white men who gave women their suffrage carte blanche

But the weak men have created bad times. When the fire rises, only strong men will be left.

>socialists fought for women's suffrage
>then stomped a mudhole in Europe's ass
>weak men

Epic rebuttal. Have fun raising cats

The decadence of bygone epochs is weakness, and Stalinists and other lefties ushered in an era of unprecedented weakness and further decadence. A regime can be at once decadent and militarily capable.

However, modern leftists are weak and decadent in every sense of the word. They are effete and rot away densely packed in their cities, sequestered from self-reliance and surrounded by wealth.

The original workers movements were filled with men, the vast majority of whom would test authoritarian and "right-wing" on any political test today, it was only their economic milieu and refusal to become atomized worker bees under a capitalist system that led to what we conceive of as "strong leftists" today. Not only were they authoritarian all along, they were led by decadent ideologues.

It's the same with liberalism too. If you asked the average man on one of those boats before they hit the beaches of Normandy their opinions, they would be excoriated as racist monsters today. None of those men wanted whites to become a minority, nor did they see diversity as some sort of virtue. It's always the decadent elites at the helm of sinking civilizations.